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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Melt it down and make a life-size statue of yourself?
  2. Everyone in the world could agree that X is evil and Y is good and I would still say that they are not universally evil or universally good. Good and evil are just labels that people put on things, or people, they like or dislike - nothing more and nothing less. I would agree that some things are more evil than others, just as some people are more evil than others, but, for the most part, even the most abhorrent things are not purely evil - just as the most laudable things are, for the most part, not wholly good. There are few things, if any, that are not, in fact, a mix of the two - albeit possibly mixed so inconsistently that the deed or person is prominently one and only slightly, minutely the other.
  3. No there's not. Good and evil are just semi-useful labels - nothing more and nothing less.
  4. The Sabotuer. Yeah... I know it's a buggy mess but I found a copy for cheap, evidently someone had an ATI card and could not return the game, so I bought it.
  5. Heh. No. They might be good -I wouldn't know as I haven't played them- but I'm sure they're not that good.
  6. I would say that atheism is the dis-belief in a god, not the belief that there is no god. It's 1 or 0 issue, you're either a 1 and believe or a 0 and do not believe. There is no middle ground, no happy in between. Now if you were talking about gnostic atheists I would say that, yes, they are dogmatic and as flawed as any theist - but than that is a positive belief that there is no god and not simple atheism. So it depends on what sort you are talking about.
  7. True, and I am not trying to say that Religion has never done anything positive. What can be contested is the harm-to-good ratio - not that I'm saying anything about that. I would disagree with that. What humans want is answers and Religion fills in unknowns. The factuality of those answers can be debated -or, in some cases, disproved- but the fact is that humans abhor not knowing and want answers. I'm not sure what you mean as atheism is simply a dis-belief in a deity or deities, other than that, a lack of belief, there is no dogma or tenets.
  8. Thanks for the ad hominem attack, but, since it's rather overused and stale, I'd rather you actually say something that addresses the issues. Anyways, I'm not insecure, if I were I wouldn't have openly distanced myself from the "mainstream," but I am annoyed when one religious person gets up and labels one group as a "loony religious cult" when their own beliefs are as laughable. That's just hypocritical and, frankly, deeply ironic. This entire line of questioning was stated by a similar double-standard - mainly that many Christians, at least in the United States, view Islam as a harmful, violent entity while ignoring their bloody past.
  9. Wow... That is a very ironic thing to say...
  10. Yeah, the Christian fundamentalists are killing children in other ways instead.
  11. Oh great... One of the worst gaming webcomics out there...
  12. Although fan-made fixes and patches have done wonders and, in fact, with those enabled the PC version is as good as the gamecube one.
  13. Sure, I'd agree with that. I'd also agree with that. Still it's funny how many Christians view Islam as this vile, violent entity while ignoring their own past. That is does and that they do (excluding Pastafarianism of course as that's just awesome).
  14. Yeah, because there's never been any Christians who did similar things... It's all Islam's fault - that nasty, nasty religion that's so violent and nasty... Yeah, because a minority should always been viewed as the majority - even if that's not correct.
  15. So, according to you, a right-wing nut is relevant but a left-wing nut is not even worth listening to?
  16. I'd recommend you it on DVD.
  17. The free DLC. If you bought a new copy you should have the key to unlock him.
  18. One who thinks he will/can be elected again.
  19. Left4Dead2 and Super Mario Bros Wii
  20. And how would you know that?
  21. I just opened Dragon Age and I did not see one so I'm not sure why that popped up - maybe it has to do with the social site. Anyways, if you have the Steam version it will, of course, be updated. If you do not, then, no, you should still be at 1.00, 1.01a, or 1.01b.
  22. What file type are they? If they are a .dazip file you'll need to use the Dragon Age Updater (daupdater) to install them. That can be found in the "bin_ship" folder of your main "Dragon Age" folder. Otherwise you can simply place most items in the override directory that can be found at either "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" or "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\BioWare\DragonAge\packages\core\override". Hope this helps!
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