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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. God has a plan for us all - Angtoria
  2. a - 1 b - 2
  3. I would not equate the sending of hostile messages to the presenting of a deadly weapon unless they were actually encouraging the girl to kill herself - to do otherwise is like the conviction of a former girlfriend because the individual's suicide was caused by a bad love life.
  4. It sounds like your IP address might be changing, that could cause the issues you mentioned.
  5. Yeah, it could be compared to that without too much difficulty. And you're a bank robber. What? I do not understand your comment, although that might be because it is 1:01 a.m. at the moment.
  6. What sort of "cheat" are we talking about, a modification?
  7. I believe the newest releases of Oblivion, id est the "Game of the Year Edition" and the expansion packs, has slightly more security - although I believe that they still do not ask for a CD-key or an on-line activation when you install. However, both of those games do require the DVD/CD to be within the drive when you are playing - something that I sometimes find annoying, but not enough to not buy a product that uses it*. As for Internet verification, I believe the only games that I have bought that require a one-time, on-line activation are Valve products -no, that's not quite correct, I also have two Sam and Max games that I got either as a free sample from Steam or as a gift- and I only bothered to buy them, or, rather, re-buy them, after a free version (thanks again Pop) proved that Steam was no big deal. However, it is true that Steam will allow you to re-install the games on any computer, making it very different from the system proposed for Mass Effect. Also, the fact that Valve spawned Steam tends to make potential customers more stoic about the activation - if only because they know that there will also be some benefits gained from the action. On the other hand, Mass Effect's data rights management system will do nothing but cause problems for the legal players - something that does not make one want to go out and buy the game. *But it is nice when companies, id est Bioware with the original Neverwinter Nights' 1.68 patch, remove the requirement after a few years.
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7403957.stm
  9. Yeah, it could be compared to that without too much difficulty.
  10. There is a topic with a fix for the Intel graphics, but I do not know where it is off the top of my head - although the patch also helped.
  11. What are your system specifications?
  12. BG2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., and NWN.
  13. The Divine Conspiracy (CD and song) - Epica
  14. I would not say that Jango is to blame, nor would I say the majority of the clones are responsible. Only the first batch of elite soldiers had the ability to disobey orders, and, according to the Extended Universe, several groups did just that when they were told to fire on their commanders. Of course, the entire war, and the creation of the clone army, was engineered to bring Palps to a position of supreme power - a status that he used to cement his authority after the war was over. You must hand it to the guy, he really had almost all of the bases covered. The only thing that could have significantly disrupted his plans wold have been the defection of Vader, as Mace Windu would have killed him in his office - or at least that is what I gather would have happened after reviewing the book and movie.
  15. Yes, we were a bit overpowered - but it was still fun.
  16. Wait, another upgrade so soon after the last one?
  17. Ok... I think the Mandalorian wants to get to know your exile a little more intimately. >_<

  18. Firstly, the fact that the KSE is not making the changes permanent could stem from two issues - the first being that you did not apply your changes to the save, and the second being that you still have a modification that is undoing your work with the KSE. If you really know what you are doing you could try messing around with the Kot0R Editor, although I would not recommend it in this case. The best thing you could do would be to manually uninstall kotor II and then reinstall in a different directory - this should eliminate the problem if a file is to blame.
  19. Well, before I even get into the latter parts of your posting, I must say that there are not THREE women fighting over the male Exile
  20. Yes. Specifically PC games that do not use draconian management tactics.
  21. Exactly. I would rather save my money for a product that does not assume I am a criminal because I bought a legitimate copy of the game.
  22. Nice, I'll get that the moment it comes out. But it only mentions the PS3 and 360 - if there is no PC version I'm out of luck.
  23. I'll probably get the game when it come out on the PC, it looks good enough - although I will have to wait and see what data rights management scam scheme they are using.
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