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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. There are modifications that remove the headgear from your character - but I do not know about keeping your entire outfit the same.
  2. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - I'm only about half-way trough, but it's been good so far.
  3. Well, Kotor 2 does not like multi-core systems, nor will it run well, in most cases, on Vista without tweaks - but I do not think any of the common symptoms are displayed in your case. What anti-virus are you using and where are you trying to install the game?
  4. What are your system specs? I found this list but I want to make sure that it is correct. AMD Phenom X4 9600 / 2.3 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE 3 GB - 4 GB DVD
  5. And almost all of the stuff it contains can be found, or created, in smaller, better packages without the other stuff - although I must admit that it is great for people who do not enjoy tweaking mods to work with each other. However, it has been awhile since I have tried that particular overhaul, and I might give it another try on my laptop since that has yet to get my thirty-gigabyte-plus custom modification package. And, no, not all of those mods are run at the same time. I liked it and am currently on my second play-through, although you should know that the majority of the voice acting is, at best, barely tolerable. Not that this would be a problem in some games, but since you really have to listen -some things are not subtitled- this will be a minor turn-off for some people.
  6. I don't think I would actually want to play pool with something worth that much.
  7. Need help finding mods? No, I need help installing the DLC I paid for but which won't install under Vista because Bethesda can't be bothered to update its stuff. Yes, I am still bitter. And yes, I do realise it's not your fault (sorry). I would bet that you could try to install them on a non-Vista machine and then manually move them over to the actual install. I'm pretty sure that Bethesda doesn't update files with their DLCs and as such this aproach should work. That should work. I don't use, or particularly like, some of the modifications included in that package, although I guess it might be worth trying again. Did you finish it yet? If so, what ending did you get? Although, I should probably make another topic for this discussion in the spoilers section.
  8. Great video - thanks for posting the link.
  9. No. The comics are based on Knights of the Old Republic and were made after both of the games came out.
  10. You might also want to get the free video recorder called "WeGame."
  11. Need help finding mods?
  12. I am now playing Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines; it is a timeless classic.
  13. Ok, the first thing you should try is what mkg recommended and make sure you have the correct version of SecuROM - I believe that their technical support has been very good about helping gamers in your situation.
  14. But the question is, what should the course of action be?
  15. They are easy to glitch if you do not know what you are doing, but they are not themselves "broken." You're on the x-box right? I do not know about that system, but I simply see a shimmer when they uncloak - no lag.
  16. When did I ever say anything about being politically correct, or did you somehow misconstrue my previous posting? Not only are there doubts about her guilt, but it is unreasonable to claim that the messages where the items that caused her suicide without providing evidence. To do so would be both unreasonable and vulgar, in my opinion - and thus I would caution all parties involved in the case to tread carefully. I would also hope that the prosecutor actually has the aforementioned, solid evidence if they intend to proceed, as it seems to me that the case is still unclear and opaque.
  17. Did you disable the traps that would alarm the guards? Of course. Hummm... I don't know why they attacked you - I've never had that problem when my thieves go through the house.
  18. Ha ha, very funny - look at the title of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and tell me if it does not appear as I wrote it. But, getting back on topic, I am currently playing with video editing software.
  19. Did you disable the traps that would alarm the guards?
  20. While I will have to learn more about exactly what they are attempting, my first, gut reaction is that they should proceed with great caution and make sure to watch out for radical assassins.
  21. Was it bigger than the Roman and Mongol empires? I don't know the exact sizes of all three, but it seems at a glance that they were at least close.
  22. Do we definitively know that the messages encouraged suicide? No we do not - or at least I have neither heard nor seen anything supporting that assertion. Also, there seems to still be some major doubts as to exactly who created the false profile, for earlier news reports -especially those posted towards the end of the original discussion- indicated that the dead girl's parents believed it was the mother, while the investigators were more inclined to cast suspicion to an eighteen-year-old who was also in the household at regular intervals (I cannot remember exactly what she was doing there, but I believe she was their babysitter).
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