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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. No - those are simply higher-quality versions of the regular audio and cutscreens.
  2. I think you could simply switch some of the files, I'll upload the English ones in a bit and you can try that.
  3. Blasphemy! It is a timeless classic that must be revered! Well, Bloodlines uses a beta version of the Source engine, so you cannot expect it to look as good as a game that used the final version (although it would have been nice if the had used the regular version). What is your skill level? They can be extremely hard if you haven't invested in the necessary requirements - and, if you have, they are not that hard. Anyways, Culpa Innata, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., and Bloodlines.
  4. I once had a problem like this and it turned out the BIOs chip had blown-up.
  5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - grenades are wonderful things...
  6. Culpa Innata and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  7. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
  8. Basically, yes. I mean, I have installed and re-installed some of my older games at least thirty-fifty times - would I be able to do that with Mass Effect? Probably not. You've gone through 30-50 different pcs over the last 10 years? I used to reformat my gaming PCs at least once every three months. Add a couple of changes of machines and harddrive crashes and it comes out about right.
  9. Basically, yes. I mean, I have installed and re-installed some of my older games at least thirty-fifty times - would I be able to do that with Mass Effect? Probably not.
  10. The question is, have they given up enough? For you, maybe they have - but the three installation limit is going to weigh heavily against them when it come to buying the game in the minds of some people, myself included.
  11. While it was not the worst book I've ever read is was not that great either, and, yeah, the novel was nothing compared to the the movie.
  12. Humm... The new plan is slightly better, but I am not sure if it is good enough. The fact that you only have three installations is the main issue that I have - I already have two PCs that I would install it on and a third will, hopefully, be built/bought within the year, that's all of the activations gone within the first year not counting re-formats and other things like that. :'(
  13. Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, when are you going to stop pumping your own money into a dieing campaign and realize that you cannot win this?
  14. The Hunger - The Divine Madness
  15. I think he was saying that he hoped to see that it was in development someday, not that is was currently in production.
  16. Culpa Innata - too bad it does not let you set higher resolutions.
  17. Asking you once is reasonable, if sometimes annoying, but pestering you every few minutes will get old very fast. Add the restrictions on the number of PCs you can install the software on, and yo have yourself an extremely uninviting game.
  18. I was in Gamestop looking for another copy of NWN Diamond or Platinum so a friend and I could LAN -sadly, they did not have one- and saw it on sale for $10.00, a fairly good price. The most I, personally, would pay would be around $20.00, but you should not have trouble finding it for less. So far it's been a good game.
  19. Once you get into more complicated battles with higher-level capital ships, they will be more interesting. Also, there is an expansion coming out later this year, or early next year, that will add a single-player, plot-driven campaign and some more, at this time unannounced, items.
  20. WTF? Bad tags, it should have been this: Kotor 3 in development
  21. I'm playing Culpa Innata, not exactly what I had expected but fun nonetheless - although I am glad I did not buy for more than I did.
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