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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. We're still around, we just have moved to the other parts of the forum.
  2. A minor one. The blood effects were accidentally disabled and so the update simply fixes that. Could you please a link on where to get it? I can't seem to abled to find it via google. Here you go! http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/news/678.html
  3. You forgot the lack of mods and moddding tools...
  4. A minor one. The blood effects were accidentally disabled and so the update simply fixes that.
  5. Your URL turned into "Manhattan (****tail)."
  6. My comment still applies, you big drama queen. Then what, prey tell, was NOT a disaster about that game? I really cannot think of very many redeeming qualities about the vanilla release - and that's coming from someone who wasted quite a bit of time with that game (albeit a modded version).
  7. I have 14,466 veiws... Scary part is that I've got an earlier join date than you. On this account, yes...
  8. It looks semi-similar, but so do plenty of other games...
  9. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 via LAN. Fun.
  10. I have 14,466 veiws...
  11. Haha! Remember who went all doom and gloom at Fallout 3? Remember how that turned out? As a decent, but deeply flawed, game that did not live up to the originals? Remember Oblivion?
  12. Occatinaly... That's mostly by accident though...
  13. I was actually talking about the up-coming sequel to that, 28 Months Later if I remember correctly. But, yeah, 28 Weeks had a very different feel - although it was a good film.
  14. I agree, it sounds like it's a DRM error.
  15. DRM kills PC copies of Gears of War.
  16. I hope my unemployment doesn't last long. I have an application in with a company that I'd love to get a shot with. Does it start with an "O" and end with an "ian?"
  17. Only because they had just released the "wonderful" Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and had no money to ad-spam.
  18. Maybe it works like Wubi.
  19. Who were these people? Are you sure you didn't imagine their existance?
  20. Mass Effect - The accursed DVD-retail version with limited activations (it was a gift), although I have figured out how to avoid that step.
  21. Well I've just gotten a back-up drive, so I think that I'll make a partition for Ubuntu.
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