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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. A minor one. The blood effects were accidentally disabled and so the update simply fixes that.
  2. Your URL turned into "Manhattan (****tail)."
  3. My comment still applies, you big drama queen. Then what, prey tell, was NOT a disaster about that game? I really cannot think of very many redeeming qualities about the vanilla release - and that's coming from someone who wasted quite a bit of time with that game (albeit a modded version).
  4. I have 14,466 veiws... Scary part is that I've got an earlier join date than you. On this account, yes...
  5. It looks semi-similar, but so do plenty of other games...
  6. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 via LAN. Fun.
  7. I have 14,466 veiws...
  8. Haha! Remember who went all doom and gloom at Fallout 3? Remember how that turned out? As a decent, but deeply flawed, game that did not live up to the originals? Remember Oblivion?
  9. Occatinaly... That's mostly by accident though...
  10. I was actually talking about the up-coming sequel to that, 28 Months Later if I remember correctly. But, yeah, 28 Weeks had a very different feel - although it was a good film.
  11. I agree, it sounds like it's a DRM error.
  12. DRM kills PC copies of Gears of War.
  13. I hope my unemployment doesn't last long. I have an application in with a company that I'd love to get a shot with. Does it start with an "O" and end with an "ian?"
  14. Only because they had just released the "wonderful" Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and had no money to ad-spam.
  15. Maybe it works like Wubi.
  16. Who were these people? Are you sure you didn't imagine their existance?
  17. Mass Effect - The accursed DVD-retail version with limited activations (it was a gift), although I have figured out how to avoid that step.
  18. Well I've just gotten a back-up drive, so I think that I'll make a partition for Ubuntu.
  19. 28 Days Later - Still as great of a film as when I first watched it. They really did a good job with this one and I hope they re-create the feeling in the next installment.
  20. You don't need DLC to for that...
  21. Is the DLC only available via windows Live Marketplace? If so I'm not getting it - I do not like Windows Live and will not use it.
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