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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. There is a full frontal nude scene in 28 Days later, I'm re-watching it now and it's at the very beginning when he has just woken up.
  2. ...---... is not 01110011 01101111 01110011.
  3. What's wrong with it?
  4. Here is how to play Left 4 Dead in a LAN with one or more Steam Accounts: 1) Download and install Left 4 Dead, either from Steam or a DVD, on all of the PCs you are going to use. 2) Download the Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server on one of the PCs. 3) Run the Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server and enter your settings (I would run it in LAN mode but it works either way). 4) Switch every Steam account to its "offline" status, providing you are going to re-use it/them. 5) Run Left 4 Dead on all of the PCs. 6) Go into the game menu and then the keyboard configuration - enable the console. 7) Go back to the main menu and press the Tilde ("~") key to open the console. Type "openserverbrowser" to open the "classic" server browser. 9) Select the "LAN" tab. 10) Click "Connect." 11) Enjoy the game!
  5. Well, I have a friend who is a God Of War fanatic (she bought a PS3 so she could play the upcoming installment -and the old ones, she bought early so hers can play PS2 discs- even though she uses the PC for everything else) so I'll have a review as soon as it's available.
  6. I'm going to play some L4D with my dad via LAN, if he likes the game I'm going to buy him a copy (he's using one of my friend's Steam account, although she might drop into the game later if it's not going well).
  7. I watched it before I read about it and you don't... You really don't...
  8. Nice... Very nice... Is she going with you tomorrow or are you going to pick someone up there?
  9. And yet it was almost rated M.
  10. By you and only you...
  11. Because the kiddies "don't" read or watch TV, they play games!
  12. And I would have rated it M. And the bobbies are now all gone - or at least that what I've heard... Incorrect. I think you are underestimating PC gamers...
  13. Your point is? Are you saying that the kiddies seeing loads of violence and gore is better than a bit of sex or a few titties?
  14. Still, those kiddies might get traumatized by it! Nope, it's far better that they watch softcore-porn on the TV than see romantic options in a game!
  15. It's because games are for the kiddies and thus buckets of blood is good and bobbies and breeding are bad. Yes, those will scar them for life...
  16. I wouldn't pay for something that small. I'll wait until I find it for free. If you "look" you shall "find."
  17. Yeah. In fact, I'm thinking about getting a couple of extra copies to give away as gifts...
  18. What game is that?
  19. I'm installing Neverwinter Nights on both Windows and Linux.
  20. Whaaa.... Whaaa... Whaaa... Please, stop your whining about the project. Yes, you don't like it. We get that. You do not have to shove that knowledge up our ear-canals with every post you make.
  21. Pythedersen Cool. I'll send you a friend invite next time I'm in-game (most likely tonight).
  22. Yeah. In fact they're integrated graphics chips, not true "graphics cards." Good CPUs, bad GPUs.
  23. The new Left 4 Dead stuff will be free!
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