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Everything posted by theBalthazar

  1. Glass cannons = C.C. for me. And the fastest way to finish a battle. (purpose of the game). Paladin 154 k. hum... All depends the way to play. There is a problem if paladin = druid. You use a lot a spells ?
  2. 3 guiles. And Rogue are globally extremely poor balanced about guile cost. 3 guiles for withering strike (lol) atm Mule kick is a reference of the cost for 2 guiles. +25 % damage + 10 accuracy + Disoriented 8s + interruption for 1,5s. Flame of devotion a reference of the cost for 1 guile. +30 % damage +20 accuracy. Whithering strike ? Same than mule kick with a less good effect and for 3 guiles. (VS 2 disciplines) 2 power source is already extremely expensive... Barbaric blow I hesitate frankly. If there is no critical = almost no effect. So for me, 1 rage. But 3 guile for withering strike is far too much... Or give him a +40 % damage. Expensive but extremely powerful... I did not particularly like the rogue in the 1, its cost in Deadfire makes me take the same path...
  3. Atm Disciplined strike is not nerfed. I think it is a choice by Obsidian. Fighter was the worse class of the first game. His superiority in melee against one ennemy is totally normal. Same for FoD. Nerf of 20 % was risky, because of single class. In fact, I think the "decision point" of FoD nerf was for multiclass, I am pretty sure of that. But a single Paladin need his superiority with an active ability. He have nothing else. (retribution is little feature, sworn ennemy is nerf, no boost of speed, no boost of penetration, no hit to crit, no AoE damage, no crit bonus. Honnestly : FoD is his only trump card.) And it is same for Fighter. Without disciplined strike, a non devoted fighter stay with what ? A suppressed +5 of accuracy ? A good mule kick yes but at the cost of 2 abilities points (and two discipline points). And an "ok" boost in speed or damage (via Style) but not crazy compared to few others classes.
  4. Too much abuse of your exaggeration... : p Gwent is a card game. No direct link with Witchers. And I was not say put a complete 'without link' mini-game oriented. But I talked more of differents type of approach. Action - Tactical RPG (square like Fire emblem) - Hazard (Poker Dice) - Hazard + Cards (Pazaak) collection + strategy + cards (Gwent) ETC ETC. I talked more about kind of mini-game witch is relatively unimportant if there is fun. Obviously the background must be consistent with the main game. So we are agree. If I can't avoid battleship, this mini-game is yet more important than gwent in TW3. So, It must extremely fun and interresting !^^....
  5. The only important thing with battleship is fun. Ship manager sim style, gwent style or anything else [...] The only question is : Is the current system is fun ? - No. Why ? - The feeling of only move on textual description before the 0 m of distance (with a true fight after that, but it is classical part of pillars). How change, how improve current system ? - Add passives ability to each crew members. To participate better than simple functions checked (if I understand right the system) - Add active ability to each crew members once per encounter. - Add special and stronger active ability for leader of the ship (Watcher for us) - If I use less cannons (unchecked), my accuracy is increased for remaining cannon(s). With that, you INCREASE the pleasure of a tactical battle. And you not only rush 100 m by 100 m. Frankly, If it was anecdotal in the game, I would have less "forced", I will have "shouted" less, but it looks pretty important. So it seems necessary to warn Obsidian that these phases do not look thrilling. Maybe they have not shown everything, in this case I take back what I said, But if that's all there is going to be, it may be... light.
  6. Happy to see that. For me, in my mind, sworn ennemy was perfect for single class. It was just a problem with multiclass. Easily solved by power level : Single class 14 accuracy (4 base + 10 by PL at level 20) +20 % damage Multiclass 8 accuracy (4 base + 4 by PL at level 20) +20 % damage A good solution to avoid deep tear between single and multi : avoid a decision of nerf punishing too much the single class.
  7. Lol... We have play on same game ? Fighter/Paladins are the slowest killer of a dragon. Try a Druid (Main) + Druid + Priest + Wizard + Chanter + Barbarian. (My fav compo glass canon) Wizard or Barbarian replaced by a ranger at my leisure according to the situation. Impossible ible to say Fighter or Paladin are better than that during all the game. One of the most effective. Perhaps the best team. I have try others configurations (including paladins and fighters), nothing arrive to that level of synergy. Obviously. but you put Paladin where ? Apart last ? First of the list ? : p Indeed ! If I noted function to level 9+, chanter is easy high tier. Problem, he is really bad level 1-8. So he down a little. So I agree with you. Rogue suffer of the problem of bottleneck effect, except with a fast melee weapon. But in this case, he is extremely fragile. It is a choice, he is not bad, but not crazy. EDIT : And an old assertion : You can have +100 accuracy, nothing replace an AoE attack of wizard, barbarian, priest and Druid. Debuff of wizard/druid, AoE immnuities, fast attack of a cat spiritshifting, +25 % fire damage of chanter+dragon thrashed, and even stormcaller + a pet with a ranger. Yes you crit and you have +50 % fire damage, but one target and very slowly... So yes my tiers list is totally glass cannon oriented. I dislike tank and co. but globally the purpose of the game is to beat foes. Not turn arround : p + I have no problem to hit dragons. Devotion of the faithul + Debuff of Wizard/Priest/Druid. (very wide choice...)
  8. Yes with empower. But with empower, I finish the engwinthan titan in 5s too with a melee... Faster. And Empower is a general feature, not wizard feature. In 5 seconds, Devotion of the faithful, fireball are indeed... not even here... I must do shining beacon to do a 3s spell, to participate (Priest mercenary)... Or all declination of missiles for wizard. In short, what will happen before the end of the fight... Not even optimal considering that it takes all its meaning overtime. but it's better than nothing. Delay of casters do they are in trash tiers. 2/3 of spells are trash because of 5-9 seconds of casting time. Ironically, Obsidian removes 1s of cast, to add 1s of recovery. Which is a big troll in itself. In short no change, except first spell goes out slightly faster. End of the game.
  9. 30 % is always nice. Cipher have base damage bonus, it is the worse class of the game. Rogue is also not totally crazy atm. Anyway, tenacious arrive at level 10, and it allows him to be at the level of others.
  10. Monk + Paladin ? Extremely powerful. But lack of penetration at level 9. Also not the best accuracy anymore. Now there is only FoD. There was also Sworn ennemy, no more the case now. But if one day he gain constant 1.3 bonus damage from penetration (levels 10-20 ?). = One of the best build of the game, by far. Speed + Accuracy + Best increased damages. Personnaly actually, my best combo is Devoted + Bleak walker. Accuracy + Penetration + correct speed + Hit to crit.
  11. One thing could be interresting : There are 3 cannons. Actually the option of select each cannons is already possible. (Check / Uncheck) If this doesn't already exist : perhaps increase accuracy for each cannon not used. Like : 45 % Check 45 % Check 45 % Check VS 75 % Check / % Uncheck (Give 15 % of stability) / % Uncheck (Give 15 % of stability)
  12. Justin bell must steal that. : p
  13. I remember a thing, in POE1 (^^ ...) Why I have never take officially a paladin in my teams. I have test it obviously, but there was three reasons of the problem for me : 1) Multiclass talents. +4 accuracy (against 6 for paladin) Pick +4 was so much more flexible. (only a loss of 2...) + 2) Don't stack with majority of others propositions (like priest spell level 1, +x accuracy and +10 % damage). + 3) the short reach of the aura In the same time, 6 priests could accumulate the same stack (Holy radiance +10 accuracy...) So yes, Obsidian don't want bad build and OP build, but if players don't pick a class for theses reasons, it is even more serious... Bad stacking rules can kill a class in the head of hardcore gamers (casual will not see anything and will be naive and will not try to optimize).
  14. Totally agree. On the papers there is a rule, but there much exception (non sense) Sworn ennemy is an active ability for the game (left side), but stack. So if said that, it is more to answer that : Far from me to defend the actual system of stacking... Not so "simple" to understand and not so logical.
  15. - Obviously turns based mini game. If the sailor comes forward for the group, it is only to do a special action for 1 round. The rest of the time he is still there, with his passives. If you think it's not RP, you're wrong : Watcher : Roberto de Nirow! hoist the mainsail ! (Here he asks to ONE Sailor to do it, not everyone ! = RP) Sailors have a general ranking. You can recruit it, gain it with quests. If he increase the hull number, it is because it would be an engineer who improves his integrity by his knowledge. First, they brings their skill by reinforcing the ship in a passive way. With for example (I say anything) two passives. Which add to you general ship statistics. In addition, they have an active ability that they can use once per fight. Conditional if you want a minimal realism. Like : Wind Adaptation - This sailor allows the ship to be better windward for 3 turns (RP reason : better use of the sail?). This results in an inflection of 20% of the penetration of the air. (Wind -20% = more speed facing the wind) Why not too, an active ability (stronger) for the watcher. With that, we already have a lot more stuff, and it is more fun is the ennemy can use special abilities him too. To beat him makes it possible to obtain its special capacity of "pirate leader". (Like the ability of our leader, the watcher) To me, actual visual is enough. It remains only to then integrate the list of abilities in the text. [...] - Jibe! - Report! - [use ability] - [use Watcher ability] In the submenu, "use ability" : - Wind adaptation : Description. etc etc ^^ With a good synergy, all of theses : Ressource management + Game of position + Tactical abilities. Logical and not impossible. Far from that. It is not card. Look at the "repport!" screen. We can consider there are real characters on a... tactical board. Not necessarly "cards". Totally stay in the spirit of battleship, if your abilities are RP and logical. Stay turnbased, and to me, much more interresting.
  16. ACTIVE abilities is not one usable abilities. Active abilities are the abilities to the left of screen of level up. (So Paladin Aura is considered like an active ability for exemple) So the rule is simple yes, but totally illogical. Since Osidian pushes the player to accumulate passives, less risk of conflict. He creates dead abilities. Why I take focus (paladin aura) ? Anybody answer this question, I give him 1 million dollars. Zealous aura is push out by devotion of the faitful. Warrior stance and others. Absolutely not useful to take that. You say, yes but, Balthazar, Focus can serve at the start of the battle, during the 5 seconds of casting time ? Yes, but no. Because it stay a bad invest. If I am paladin / Fighter, I don't want invest two abilities points, which 1 is suppressed immediately, and the second in 5s -20 % of dexterity. I prefer invest in another domain. And sincerely it limits the game to "who has the biggest". (Value) Personnal 5 (WS-Focus) VS All 20 (DotF). Choice is already done... So perhaps Obsidian want decorative abilities, but not me.
  17. Don't stuck on card games. Or on Gwent. Gwent is an exemple, open your mind. You can use "Items of play", like I said before. When you have no direct 3D representation, it is not necessarly a card ... It is more a function of each elements with numerical values/specials fonctions to use. And yes I prefer that, more that a infinite turn-turn-turn. +100m -100m turn, +50m, turn. = not fun. With my system you have a crew where all the members add a value : - Against wind. Or - Cannons damage. Or - Speed of navigation. Or - Integrity of the hull ETC ETC. (So much ideas to implements to dynamize...) Plus, a special fonction per encounter for each member, for dynamize the confrontation. Nothing of "based for no reason". All is logical. AND THAT brings a lot to the general tactics. If you don't do that, finally you have what ? A sentences showing +100meters... This is all... The pageantry of a simple description is not a gameplay, dear doctor. You cannot say this is less interresting than actual system... No I can't accept that : p
  18. I think too.
  19. We can speak of cards. But "items to play" (Peoples, functions, actions) is sufficient. Exemple : ----------- Roberto de Nirow Deckhand Main passive : Cannons damage + 4 Secondary passive : Hull integrity +2 Special effect if played (Once per encounter) : Counter the wind by 20 % during 3 rounds ---------- ETC. ETC. It is not a card, but... there is something more interresting to play ? No ?^^
  20. I never tell that. I said. IF you havn't much dollars, card game is a cheap and interresting way TO REPRESENT and dress a confrontation. Card or a sign or simply an item with characteristics if you prefer. Like passive abilities if you prefer. No 3D model, no animation etc. Just a well organized technical game. Obviously. But I speak of ideal solution. If we are less than that. OK. I can't do anything. I just give my opinion. If everybody love this mini-game, I'm happy. But for me it lacks complexity, finishing. No. You put a table, some inserts, even if it's less finished/detailled than the gwent of the witcher 3, there's way to make it more interesting than the mini-game of the actual beta. Easy. No need of extrems means. The current visual is sufficient for exemple !... It's the dynamics of the thing that is wrong, no means or dollars. I view POTENTIAL in members of the crew for exemple. The idea is there, just use it. With numbers. With more effects (+4 blabla, +1 one turn Suppress bad effect etc) ... There is potential ...
  21. Sadly, what makes gwent's salt is not graphics, far from it. It is his awsome concept. it's within the reach of Obsidian. You create 'concept cards' interractions betweens them, each turn. Hype +100. No need to spend 1 million dollars to this. Only a good feeling of mini-game. Almost surface skin without 3D models... If you cannot create an assassin creed 4 with beautiful 3d models, card game is a cheap and interresting approach when you aren't triple A. It does not need much more for it to be a little more complex (in the good sense of the word). If not, you will create this.... : p Textual action + no decision. Zero interrest. Zero.
  22. Never give the impression your mini-game isn't sufficient in himself. To see it as little as possible is not a sign of success... I prefer a good mini-game that I am going to look for myself, because he is good. Deadfire archipelago. Sea. Ships. Central to the game sadly : p
  23. OK. Time to be honnest. Frankly, there is few elements interresting. 'Repport!' section give me the impression to have a.... potential. All the maneuvers, if they are better brought in, too. The main problem for me is the lack of dynamism. Lack of interrection between eventual STATS of crew, diversity of action each turn. The tension. The first time will be amusing, but quickly will be boring. What is missing is... a fun chalenge with a real strategy. A card system like gwent would be cool. Each member of the crew = stats + Special ability. You play one card each turn. Etc. You gain card via rewards of few quest etc. Create an empathic bond with your ship. RPG = Evolution. Customize your approach with more strategies (for exemple start deck etc.)
  24. I used slow mode in POE1. I have no problem with this speed. But it is totally personnal. My main problem is Casters. It is better, but I think there is yet 1s too high.
  25. Majora's Mask / NWN 2 Mask of the betrayer. AKA loss of something, overtime. Pressure system have a charm, but often, more on the second playthrough. The first you are totally pressurized. Strong emotion, but risk of to scar a part of public. Honestly, Pillars is already a niche game. So, perhaps avoid that, indeed : p
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