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Everything posted by Dark_Raven

  1. How amusing. Owl pictures and the internet term of o rly. <_<
  2. The speech of wookiees, what a dreadful sound they make.
  3. I think we can finally lay this one to rest. Death by large dosages of spam. R.I.P. Memento Mori.
  4. I find it deplorable that people of the homosexual orientation, or any other
  5. A shame that darksiders get good offensive powers while lightsiders do not. But darksiders suffer a penalty for using healing powers though a "lightside" power.
  6. The dancer outfit is a fanyboys dream come true. *Wonders how many males played female because of that?*
  7. Freedon Nadd left a lot of his blasters laying around just like Carth did. "
  8. Nice picture Role-Player but it seems others had to derail this. Memento Mori.
  9. Shakespeare's poetry is very good. I like his sonnets.
  10. All you need to know you should now start boycotting Swedish products, burn Swedish flags and put $1 million rewards on Kaftan's head <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  11. Did they kill laughter in the country where you come from Mistarh Raven? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No but they should. Humor is so illogical.
  12. I personally do not understand universal fascination with Spanish language. Asian languages recently became more "natural" sounding to my ears. Polish is damn annoying. It sounds exactly like Russian and when I hear it, some familiar patterns are instantly triggerred in my brain, but I can't comprehend a word of what is said. Australian accent was horrifying for the first 3 months of my exposure to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep nasal Australian is vile. Kiwis sound like they should be in sheltered accommodation. I used to think the Scottish burr was a really nice anguage, but as soon as I heard it more often, it became revolting. Don't mind Irish, though. Brummie sounds worse than Kiwi, if that is possible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would assume you are English?
  13. If they need to do a <insert race who has been "victimized"> month it should be for the Indians of the Americas who had their land basically stolen from them.
  14. *daydreams* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <_< That would be quite the game would it not?
  15. Actually, oddly enough, my first KOTOR game as a LS female I landed Atton as my romance character! It is a possibility, as long as you gain influence from him from the very beginning. I'm replaying it to see what I can get from Disciple, who I always thought was sweet (but really wished he'd say more than the republic this and that). Atton, is a man intimidated by a T3 droid . I think I can do without him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess I did not influence good enough. I would prefer him over Disciple even if he has an inferiority complex with a droid. :ph34r:
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