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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Take as much time as they need as long as it's of great quality and content!
  2. I basically would buy any expansion they throw at me. But not micro-transactions and those kind of shiaatt
  3. That's another good reason not to have them. If everybody has their version of spells, then how are actual real spellcasters different from anybody else? The whole point of having classes in the first place is that they play differently, and have different strengths and weaknesses. Edit: although in (A)D&D which has lots of enemies with specific immunities, elemental ammo plays a different role. Fire arrows make sense when you need fire to finish off a troll. I whole-heartedly agree with you. But then.. most often casters > melee/range. So for melee/range they should be equivalent and effective as casters or magic users. But of course even in many high fantasy, magic > physical.
  4. I believe it should have a shorter dev time seeing as they already experienced with the engine and they can solely focus on game mechanics and content. But of course, i could be wrong.
  5. All i can say is it makes every sense for it to have an expansion even there's no stretch goals for it. Who doesn't love money? There's probably no cut content but they could save some features or content that can be made available for expansions. It could also be a good thing in the sense that, as a business they progressively have incoming revenue for future genre and sequels.
  6. You still can with a 6 party limit. There's no one in stopping you for doing so. That's the opposite if you want to try a 6 party character which is the normal number of characters in all old school IE games even PoE. This game design decision doesn't make sense. It's probably not a game design issue.. it's just that they dont want to be frank about it IMO. It's exactly as they dont want to explain why 3 of your returning companions are returning to level 1 too for no lore reason.
  7. I actually miss Ice Arrow, Fire Arrows, Arrow of Detonation.. it's more or less the "spell" version for archer.
  8. That kinda suxs.. i was hoping they have more interesting goals. I take this as a good sign - they've already started work on the game and have all the good stuff planned anyway (we've seen they've got things like dynamic weather, interactive environments (to a point), etc) For me those are not really important? If weather can play a role in combat ala Divinity Original Sins, then it's not going to help combat.. it's something "random". For example rain during the combat. Or the direction of the wind (maybe increase the spread of fire and damage?). Then one can argue about these mechanics can be incorporated to the spells/skills which is true.. but then you don't need dynamic weather. In DOS you can cast a rain spell and also a whirlwind/tornado that interacts with the environment. Also i'm one who actually against day/night cycle. Some are were handcrafted to have the feel of brightness/darkness and with day/night cycle it could actually ruin it IMO. That's why i think many prefer 2D handcrafted background as opposed to 3D.. which they actually have a point.
  9. I voted 6. TBH we don't even need this poll to begin with. Just allow for 6 party characters. Devs can recommend that 5 is the best recommended party. No need handcuffing and shackles. Or make it an option in menus to allow 6. I don't see any problem with 6, gameplay-wise TBH. It could be a technical or performance issue with 6 for weaker PCs. But then again.. there's no reason in hardcapping this. It's just like imposing 30FPS limit on PC games when there are PC configurations can max out 60FPS. Just dont efking limit it.
  10. It's not pointless. Devs are not always right on the decision they made. Sure they may not care, but if said majority of its fans are unhappy they'll reconsider their stance.
  11. I have a question.. anyone seen the 3D model of Eder on fig? Why it look so different from the image on top? I much prefer the high quality 3D models instead.
  12. Probably that's their initial plan. They tested the water with Tyranny and saw people's reaction.. and they up to 5 with this.
  13. there's no reason for them to hard cap people with 5. and they keep enforcing it's a game design. i'm just hoping that they dont bar the modding community from adding in the 6th slot in.
  14. graphics seems to be an improvement. but it seems awkward how eder looks like now. maybe he's missing his neck. what i'm more interested in this time around would be the character animations.
  15. Ya it would be great that we can actually reach out to the companions we want easier so that it won't really be a hassle i guess.
  16. Speaking about Star Citizen.. it kinda saddens me folks are willing to keep dumping money to it and not giving any chance to very potential franchises such as for example Pillars of Eternity.
  17. Imagine they put the romance as one of the stretch goals... would the Bioware fans jump in with abundance?
  18. I don't quite understand how the invest work. Minimum per share cost $1000. And correct me if i'm wrong.. to break even they need to sell at least 600K copies? So dividend only come later when it sells more copies? I'm not quite sure how it works.. but i'm only interested in pledging though.
  19. Meh, there's like almost one month till campaign's end. No need to worry. Yet I'll be pledging a bit later but i seriously hope they re-consider for 6 party characters . Still cant decide between premium digital or digital download. It's gonna cost me a lot of money as i'm not from US.
  20. anyone getting worried? not even 1.6 yet.. xoti seems far reach .. we need reinforcements from the original backers
  21. Why should they lean towards male? It would be great if we have more female characters this time around?
  22. NoooooooOOoo! Having enforced party members was the worst thing about NWN2. In PoE(1) development we were assured that we wouldn't have to take anyone (outside the initial starting area) and could make our parties as we wished. I really hope this stays true in PoE2 Don't think that's the case. They already said they'll stick with 5 characters and it's final. They refuse to elaborate more and avoiding the topic like a ninja. This could possibly because of new UI changes that could only best fit for 5 characters. They may be making the game to work on controllers and playable on "big TV" and plays well. Basically the lesser would be better. Most party based RPG that playable on controllers and big TV are mostly 4 characters. They simply have to reduce 1 seeing that the jump from 6 -> 4 will certainly offend even more fans. But that has nothing to do with enforced characters in your party (the topic of the posts you quoted). My problem isn't with 5 characters (though I'd prefer 6) - I have a big problem with being forced to take 'character-X' along in my party. Since that means I have to leave someone I want to take behind. I'm with you. I don't like enforced characters too. Since we are already limited with 5 characters. Enforcing 1 mandatory character takes up 1 space. Which leave yourself + another 3. This limitation will even be worst. So hopefully not.
  23. NoooooooOOoo! Having enforced party members was the worst thing about NWN2. In PoE(1) development we were assured that we wouldn't have to take anyone (outside the initial starting area) and could make our parties as we wished. I really hope this stays true in PoE2 Don't think that's the case. They already said they'll stick with 5 characters and it's final. They refuse to elaborate more and avoiding the topic like a ninja. This could possibly because of new UI changes that could only best fit for 5 characters. They may be making the game to work on controllers and playable on "big TV" and plays well. Basically the lesser would be better. Most party based RPG that playable on controllers and big TV are mostly 4 characters. They simply have to reduce 1 seeing that the jump from 6 -> 4 will certainly offend even more fans.
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