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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yes, but you could add Bloodthirst (+20% speed after two kills for 20(?)sec), it stacks with the others. Maybe even Blood Thirst would be nice (0 recovery after a killing blow - doesn't matter how you kill the enemy) if you don't want to wear light armor. Frenzy and DAoM don't stack, that's right. edit: BloodLUST and BloodTHIRST - sorry for the confusion!
  2. Godansthunyr is great. You can even wield it with Shatterstar (1 sec interrups) for even better interrupts. There's also less enemies who are immune to stun than to prone. And it gives you +1 MIG, too. We Toki is better in terms of dps because of annihilation. And if you want to crit as much as possible anyways annihiltion is a good enchantment, too.
  3. Don't know if there's a command to simply rest a whole map, but you can span encounters with the console with encounterSpawn <id>: Edit: I can't remember if this requires IEmod. I didn't use those special commands in a while. I can't test atm either, sorry.
  4. Expose Vulnerabilities for the win. Awesome spell that - most underappreciated. Spark the souls is great when you have a lot of melee guys, Expose Vulnerabilities and a Stormcaller ranger. Hell, even Dancing Bolts is great then.
  5. Hm... but a few points of PER don't make a difference on higher levels (in the early game it does) when we speak about ACC and hit chances. However it makes a difference when you look at interrupts and the reflex defense. But if you don't care about interrupts and if you wear a shield with weapon & shield style I don't see why you should pump PER and dump CON. In my opinion fortitude defends you against the more nasty stuff and it's not bad at all to have good MIG and CON. However - I think in a solo run the right tactics (including item- and ability/talent choice) and good knowledge of the game (mechanics and also what will wait for you around the next corner) are way more important than stat point distribution.
  6. It should have fast cast speed from 3.0 on - but it only had average (you can compare it to puppet master which is way faster). This was a confirmed bug, according to Aarik in the tech support forum. Don't know if they already fixed this, hence my question.
  7. Argh - I meant Whisper of Treason, sorry! Mixed that up... Yes, it's aweseome. Should be fast (did anybody test if it's cast time is indeed fast now as the description says?), gives you a meat shield and also debuffs a lot. The only thing that's not so good about it is that you don't get focus when hitting enemies whose alliance got flipped.
  8. I would say Tenous Grasp is one of the best powers for a cipher. Once encounter starts you cast it on an enemy and he will be the best distraction you can have. Can spare you tons of figurine summons, later also Puppet Master (lasts longer). edit: I meant Whisper of Treason, dammit!
  9. Rogue and cipher can dish out good amount of damage without being excessively skilled for it. So I would build them very defensively if I wouldn't want to use figurines all the time. As KDubya said: AoE for rogues is possible with scrolls and spell binding items. THose which deal damage are very nice later on because they work with Deathblows (= double damage). The high ACC of rogues is great for spells and scrolls. But you shouldn't gimp your INT when you want to do that. Ciphers: for early game it's always nice to have two weapon setups: one with weapon & shield and one with a single weapon. Ciphers in the early game can have problems with their ACC and can't hit sh!t with their weapons. A single weapon solves that issue quite nicely because it will give you +12 ACC instantly without any talent and you can switch to that weapon for generating focus more quickly while you're not under pressure so much - then switch to shield once you are. It's also good to use weapons in the single weapon slot that have an inherent ACC bonus - like spears, daggers and clubs. I prefer spears because the have the highest base damage - which is good with soul whip for overcoming enemies' DR. So you will have +17 ACC at the start of the game which can chance things drastically. Later on you can switch to your desired weapon - after Act I I guess. But I think that two handed weapons are not the best choice for a solo game
  10. Good to know! What about Riposte? It's an ability and does a Full Attack - but it's triggered passively while you do other stuff like running around. I think there's no animation whatsoever (it would totally mess with the walking/attacking animation that's played at that moment) - so I guess none of the speed/recovery rules apply? It just does two attack rolls and damage numbers pop up - that's it, right? Like with disengagement attacks?
  11. Barbaric Blow is also not bad if you have two weapons equipped (and it's the only Full Attack the barb can get atm - because Kockdown from the Girdle of the Driving Wave is still bugged). And as I said before: it's totally legit to switch to a second weapon slot just for HoF and Barbaric Blow (BB) instead of using the one handed setup which is for crits. It would be nice of course to stack the +15% and the +12 ACC with the increased hit chance of BB/HoF - but I think that a Full Attack is always better for those two abilities. You don't need Two Weapon Style for this since it's ony one attack. It's just more micromanagement than simply click the HoF/BB button. Like: We Toki for the one handed setup and Edge of Reason + Wodewys for the second one. It's very likely that a HoF in a crowd triggers Nature's Mark from Wodewys. And with Egde of Reason you will have a quick additional heal with those two abilities.
  12. If you really want to use two handed weapons all the time (survivability might be a problem in very hard encounters like bounties) you should also pick up the Forgemaster's Gloves. The summoned weapon "Firebrand" is a great sword that does burn damage only and has very high base damage. It's nice if you combine it with Scion of Flame, Flames of Devotion + Intense Flames and Sacred Immolation - because Scion of Flame works with it all. It's 120% weapon burn damage all the time with Firebrand and + 90% burnin lash for your FoDs. That will result in higher numbers compared to "normal" great swords - especially against targets with low deflection and weakness to fire. Tidefall is of course always nice. It heals you and has like an additional "raw" lash over time. Later in the game it's even better than Firebrand - once you can properly enchant it with a burning lash and ACC and dmg bonuses and most of all durgan steel. Another good option for a Bleak Walker is Bittercut, a sabre which you can get quite early if you want and which does corrode/slash damage. Besides the fact that two damage types are always nice and this is the only sabre with it, this one also works with Spirit of Decay, adding 20% damage to it's hits (funnily even the slash ones) like with Firebrand. You can add a corrosive lash (+30% instead of +25% because of Spirit of Decay), Remember Rakhan Field for your FoD (+30 instead of +25%), Intense Flames (+90% burn with FoD because of Scion of Flame). So your normal hits would do 120% corrode damage + 30% corrosive lash and your FoDs would do 120% +30% +30% corrode + 90% burn. Which is nice. You can even duplicate it and dual wield it which also gives you 4 Vile Thorns per rest but also a huge defense malus to poison attacks. Other than that, I like it with a shield like Outworn Bucker - also looks nice together. Drawn in Spring is maybe the best option, but it comes quite late.
  13. When he wants to sell you something then you can buy it via the stronghold UI (stronghold button right of the compass). There will be a stronghold notification first (top left of the screen, like with stronghold quests and any other events that might pop up) and then you can open the UI. There will be an entry with icon and description and buttons to buy or cancel. With right click on the icon you can examine the item's properties further and then decide if you want to buy the item or not. You don't have to travel to your stronghold in order to buy it! Azurro will not be there "in person" - so you will never find him there after his initial quest. Once you bought the item, it will be put into your treasure chest in the stronghold (right of the keep's main hall - like with the items you get from stronghold quests).
  14. No, sorry. I can only guess the there might be one or two diplomatic options in the quest lines of every official companion. I don't know for sure. But as I said: once you start WM I there will be enough. You shouldn't wait too long to begin with it. If you do all the main content first and then go to WM it will be way too easy. Optimal levels are 8 to 10 I'd say. WM II requires some more levels though. You can squeeze the expansions in between - you don't have to do them after the main questline. In fact: once the main questline ends you can't do anything else at all.
  15. Most of the time I also don't use the official companions and never have any problems to reach at least 3/3 in the needed reputations when I play a paladin or priest. Is the game option switched on which allows you to see the disposition after the dialogue options in brackets (e.g. "Bla bla bla" [honest])?
  16. Then you either should have skipped some of the honest options in favour for diplomatic and/or you skipped some content. However, there will be plenty of new dialoge options for you in WM I & II.
  17. Ah, ok, as I expected after your post. So you should choose which kind of "item retaliation" is best for you: pierce, sickened or stuck.
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