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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Phew - that's a lot of tuning just to get close to the chanter. He just needs good MIG and INT and lvl 9 - that's it. Hey, and he can still do auto attacks while he's mneltiung everything, too. Plus the chant has two different damage types - just incase you meed burn or slah immune enemies. Man it's so aweseome... I really have to curb my enthusiasm. Let me guess: You never experienced the pure awesomeness of a properly skilled Dragon Thrashed chanter yourself, have you?
  2. Yeah, it's really nice. Actually I had to decide whether I should post a Chillfog wizard (basically a pale elf with crossed patch ) or a Bilestomper wizard. I went for Bilestomper because you can stack defenses against poison better than against cold (it's important if you want to cast those spells on yourself without getting hurt). I reserved the ice theme for the Chillfog chanter build.
  3. I doesn't seem so. The AoE crush damage seems to be the same regardless of lashes, talents and so on. Only MIG seems to influence it. But I have to admit I didn't do a lot of testing on Torment's Reach's cone other than buffing it's AoE with high INT. And yes, he can kill very quickly even when he gets hit by a hundert ogre clubs. He can solo upscaled Nalrend easily without special tactics or consumables (except Potion of Major Regeneration and Spirit Sield) and resting bonuses - if you put on Shod-in-Faith. He will be at low health afterwards, but it works. It's because he kills them more quickly than they can kill him.
  4. Still, how can he outdps a cipher? Those detonates and screams come at the same rate as two ticks of dragon-trashed... Which gamebreaking cipher build are you using? Does he get focus from exhaling bad breath? At lvl 9 a cipher is hardly able to spam those powers. Be it because he has no access yet or because the costs are still too high. While he gets more lvls they might become spammable with the right equipment though. But at the same time chanter's Brisk Recitation shortens the length of The Dragon Trashed more and more while maintaining it's damage. At lvl 16 it only takes half the time (4 sec instead of , doubling dps. I can't see how a cipher can out-dps this in longer fights. Just think about the big AoE which likely covers ALL enemies, while Silent Scream and Detonate can't do this. By the way Detonate only does AoE damage when you kill an enemy with it and also hurts your freinds then - I don't think it's a very good power. The chanter only hits foes and at the same time builds up phrases for some nice invocations. And he can tank and support with regeneration at the same time... oh my I get carried away by the aweseomness... However - I think the cipher is a much better class for CC than a chanter most of the time. And so I would put my focus on CC and not dps with a cipher. Hit hard with your weapons and then control and debuff while the chanter burns everything. One of the best things a cipher can do is controlling minds - it's so powerful even at lvl 1 and stays powerful at lvl 16. By the way - this discussion is futile because I would keep both the chanter as well as the cipher in the party.
  5. Can a mod please edit my title to [CLASS BUILD] instead of just [CLASS] - I don't know what happenend there, I'm sorry.
  6. Added a passage concerning a bug when using Force of Anguish with Azureith's Stiletto + crit (triggers Jolting Touch) = three targets go prone instead of just one.
  7. I updated the build a bit. Still works great with 3.02 (even better because of some of the new spells). I will do a comlete overhaul once 3.03 comes out. That will include usage of camping bonuses, new items and so on.
  8. No! Not Kana! After lvl 9 with "The Dragon Thrashed" he will be a beast and the number one mob killer of your party. There's also a very powerful trick that you can do with such a chanter,a priest and a cipher which is so great for dragon fights or endgame: Give Kana any item with preservation that suits you (Blaidh Golan hide armor, Ring of Thorns, He Carries Many Scars helm and so on) and combine it with the medium shield Ilfan Byrngar's Solace. This has preservation, too and it stacks with the other item. So, every time you suffer from prone or stun, your defenses will go up by +100 (minus the debuff from prone or stun). This makes your Kana pretty invulnerable when suffering from those afflictions, which is great by itself: just switch to that shield once you get CC'd and you won't die. But here comes the neat trick: - Kana sings "The Dragon Thrashed" while stomping in the front of the enemy (and blocking the way if possible) - Priest casts "Withdraw" onto Kana. This will NOT stop his chanting. Kana will still do damage with the chant. At the same time, Kana will get a "stunned" status by Withdraw which will buff all his defenses by +100 (so his deflection will be somewhere above 200 as well as his other defenses) - this is of no use for him because he can't get targeted anyways BUT: - Cipher casts "Defensive Mindweb". This will give all party members the absurdly high defense values of Kana. To be honest you can do this with any other tanky char than chanter as well, but the fact that Kana's Dragon Chant won't stop makes this combination so useful. He's doing damage while being the ultimate roadblock and providing +100 to all party defenses. It's late game but it's great.
  9. Nobody said that. It's not tested yet for >2.03. Spelltongue still works and so do all of the other mechanics of this build (it's not like the Backlash Beldam build which doesn't work anymore because they nerfed retaliation + focus gaining so hard). But it seems that Spelltongue's buff stealing was nerfed a bit against enemies who are not buffed - so maybe it's not as universally powerful as it used to be. On the other hand now we have camping bonuses like up to 60% healing received - or +15 ACC against certain groups - which could lead to an even better performance of this build. I will do a test as soon as I have the time and then update my older builds. I don't know if I can edit my older class builds. If not I will post a new one with an update tag and a link to the old posts.
  10. Well - if you would have decided differently and canceled Linux support, you would have missed my... *looks it up* ...2741 hours of PoE gaming (and still counting).
  11. It's just one folder. Everything is in it (talents, spells, items - all game objects). Just open the folder ../PillarsOfEternity_Data/assetbundles/prefabs/objectbundle (this is on Linux - can't say if an installation with Windows has the same structure) and do a search like "*spelltongue*.*" and you will find every item you want. Or start a search with "*sword*.*" to get all swords listed. There are a few exceptions where developers' typos are involved (like "foregemasters_gloves" instead of "forgemasters_gloves") or where the names might have changed during development ("px2_giants_skull" instead of "px2_maegfolc_skull") - but mostly it's easy to find stuff. Your attempt maybe didn't work because you have to add a number after naming the item so the console knows how many of it you want to have. For example: additem dagger_drawn_in_spring 1 in order to get one Drawn in Spring dagger. Or additem px1_rapier_spelltongue 2 to get two Spelltongues. All the console commands are case insensitive by the way. You may type "AddItem" or "additem" - doesn't matter (even on Linux. ) Two other good commands to test stuff are "unlockallmaps" and "addExperienceToLevel 16" (or 12 or 14 or whatever level you like).
  12. That's a good point. You can also combine that power with items which do bonus damage when enemies are flanked (Glanfathan Stalking Boots, Vengiatta Rugia, Crossed Patch) and (Apprentice's) Sneak Attack. Phantom Foes is a really nice "Sneak Attack enabler" with good duration and enourmous AoE. Also great for enabling Deathblows for rogues with AoE spells (scrolls, spellbind items) in combination with Painful Interdiction from the priest (or any other affliction based AoE spell). There's also no immunity to the flanked affliction - so this always works. As a bonus foes are frightened as well.
  13. You explained perfectly well the reasons why I developed that druid. It could use an 3.2-update, but it still works like a charm and is lots of fun. Besides that, you don't have all that shapeshifting fuzz. Also, you can use Sura's Supper Plate and any other retaliation item and also Potions of Flame Shield as well as Nature's Terror + Spark the Souls of the Righteous with that druid. Because Heart of the Storm + Avenging Storm + Retaliation works. That's 3 Avenging Storms through retaliation when you get hit while melting foes with your two shocking auras whichalso work with Heart of the Storm while shocking and siabling them with the two Storms (Returning and Relentless). Still one of my most favourite builds (for hirelings or Hiravias).
  14. "Lash! A-ah Savior of the Universe Lash! A-ah He save everyone of us Lash! A-ah He's a miracle Lash! A-ah King of the impossible" - The Queen that was - <maybe I will insert backstory here... > =================================== Monksterlasher =================================== Difficulty: PotD v. 3.02 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Monk -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Fire Godlike -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The Living Lands - Colonist -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: MIG: 19 CON: 18 DEX: 04 PER: 12 INT: 17 (maybe lower when not taking Veteran's Recovery, put it into PER then) RES: 08 -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Stealth 0, Athl. 6, Lore 2, Mech. 0, Surv. 14 -------------------------------------------------------------- Talents (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) Spirit of Decay Scion of Flame Heart of the Storm Lightning Strikes Savage Attack Two Weapon Style Apprentice's Sneak Attack or Veteran's Recovery (when solo or without healer) Weapon Focus Ruffian Abilities Turning Wheel Swift Strikes Torment's Reach Long Stride Crucible of Suffering Duality of Mortal Presence Iron Wheel Enervating Blows (or Flagellant's Path when solo) Force of Anguish (see above) --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional echantments by me; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: Bittercut (!) (*durgan refined, *burning lash, *superb, *slaying(whatever non-kith)) + duplicated Bittercut (!) (*shocking lash, slaying(whatever else)) (you could also use Bittercut + any other sabre or Bittercut + Azureth's Stiletto or Bleak Fang if you don't want to duplicate Bittercut) Weapon Set 2: Azureith's Stiletto ® (=Jolting Touch on crit 1/enc) + Irfyn Brngar's Solace (r - switch to this when stun or prone occurs) Boots: Animancer's Boots ® (3*Jolting Touch/rest) or Shod-in-Faith (against hard hitting enemies) Head: nothing (Godlike) Armor: Blaidh Golan (r - after getting Iron Wheel) or heavy armor like He Carries Many Scars (great when health is low), even Vengiatta Rugia works ok, same with Wayfarer's Hide. Neck: Fulvano's Amulet ® Belt: Broad Belt of Power Rings: Ring of Protection, Iron Circle (r - lots on CON as well as increased DR when endurance is low) Hands: Blood Testament (!) Quick slots: Potions of Spirit Shield®, Potions of Major Regeneration, Potions of Flame Shield(!), Scrolls of Jolting Touch(!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! The Monksterlasher completely evolves around amassing and exploiting lashes using weapon attacks with Bittercut as well as burning retaliations like Flame shield and Battle Forged. I took a monk to do this because of several good reasons: 1. Monks can have very high endurance and health. If you want do use Battle Forged, you want to have those high. If you don't, you will have to rest a lot. 2. Monks can have three lashes besides weapon enchantments: Turning Wheel, Lightning Strikes and also a raw lash from Blood Testment Gloves (monk-only gloves). And of course, they can enchant their weapons with a lash, too. 3. Monk's Turning Wheel and also Blood Testment (not Lightning Strikes) work with retaliation! Not only the normal one, but also Battle Forged as well as Flame Shield. That means that with 10 wounds your Battle Forged retaliation will have additional +50% burn damage and + 20% raw damage lashes. Since Battle Forged starts pretty whimpy but gets very powerful at higher levels (scaling) this leads to very high damage via burning retaliaion. Flame Shields retaliation (+50%/+20%) adds to this if you drink a potion 4. Battle Forged + Turning Wheel profit from Scion of Flame. So you will get initial 120% burn damage. This is used to calculate the lash damage of Turning Wheel and Blood Testament. So they get increased, too. ON top of that Turning Wheels' lash damage also gets pimped by 20%. So alltogether you will get this: 120% burn damage + 60% (72%) burning lash + 20% (24%) raw lash (if you calculate the lashes with a base damage of 120% it's 72/24 instead of 60/20 - how you look at it). 5. Turning Wheel and Blood Testment work with Jolting Touch! It's amazing: you hit three enemies with high shock damage and do +50% burning +20% raw lash on top. It makes Jolting Touch so good. Also works with Scion of Flame so that Turning Wheel's damage is 60%. Add Heart of the Storm and not only your Lightning Strikes will do 30% lashes instead of 25%, but also Jolting Touch's damage will be boosted. This has the same effect as with Scion of Flame + Battle Forged + Turning Wheel. Only now it's Heart of the Storm + Jolting Touch + Scion of Flame + Turning Wheel That's the reason why I chose Azureith's Stiletto for my second weapon slot: It procs Jolting Touch on a crit. I also wanted to have 2 Lore of the scrolls. It's a good way to do some AoE damage without using wounds and stay at 10 wounds for maximum lash damage. 6. Torment's Reach adds a 50% crushing lash to the initial target. It's another lash and just awesome. Besides that it's AoE is superbig with high INT and adds a lot of AoE damage. 7. Monks can have unlimited Full Attacks as long as they have wounds. So a dual wielding setup doesn't suffer from low DEX and armor very much because... Full Attacks, you know. This allowed my to dump DEX altogether. I could then maximize MIG, CON and INT. MIG for myed self healing and damage, CON because it has a great effect on monks because of their heigh base end and health. I need a lot of endurance an health if I want to make Battle Forge worthwhile and not rest all the time. And INT to maximize the durations of self heling, buffs and Torment's Reach's AoE cone. 8. Monks can reach crazy high DR which can balance out the lower deflection I have with two sabres and somewhat low RES. But since I want to have a high wound counter and want to receive damage, Iron Wheel is pretty nice to add a lot of DR while getting hit so that only MIN damage comes through. Those are the reason why I combine the concept of lashes with a monk and not a... paladin or whatever. So why Bittercut? Because it has two damage types and because Bittercut's base damage gets buffed by Spirit of Decay. That's because it has the damage type corrode/slash (the order is important). In this case Spirit of Decay works as an +20% addition to base damage, EVEN if slash damage and not corrode damage is applied. I don't know why (I think the explanation lies somewhere in the structure of the code) but it's like that. So on top of things like high MIG, Savage Attack and whatever boosts your weapon damage, Spirit of Decay also adds +20% to that. Besides Stormcaller and the summoned weapons Firebrand, Cadebald's Blackbow and Klakoth's Minor Blights it's the only weapon that does this and is suitable for a dual wielding monk at the same time. Weapons like Durance's Staff don't work like this because they have crush/burn (like I said: the order matters). This makes Spirit of Decay a much better option than Savage Attacks by the way. So that's the reason I took Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay AND Heart of the Storm. It sounds like a waste of talent points, but after testing this build a lot I don't have the feeling it is. I will just quickly list those talents and what they can influence on this build: a) Scion of Flame: - Battle Forged: +20% burn damage (which also influences the damage of all attached lashes) - Flame Shield: +20% burn damage (see above) - Turning Wheel: +60% lash instead of +50% - Burning Lash (Bittercut, if chosen): +30% lash instead of +25% - Chanter's Burning Lash (if in party): +30% instead of +25% b) Heart of the Storm: - Jolting Touch: +20% shock damage (which also influences the damage of all attached lashes) - Lightning Strikes: +30% shock damage instead of +25% - Shocking Lash (Bittercut, if chosen): +30% lash damage instead of 25% c) Spirit of Decay: - Bittercut: +20% corrode/slash damage (which also... and so on) - Corrosive Lash (Bittercut, if chosen): 30% lash instead of 25% So - because of this it doesn't really matter which lash you put on Bittercut. Shocking, burning or corrosive work equally well. If you have a Stormcaller guy in the party you might want to choose shocking lashes maybe. If you like burning lashes more go for that. If you want to hurt every enemy no matter what immunities you probably go for one burning and one shocking lash (so you have corrosive/slash + burning lash + shocking lash damage with one weapon setup). Let's see what additional damage and lashes we have when we use Torment's Reach: Two times weapon attack (Full Attack)... + 20% from Spirit of Decay + 20% from Savage Attack + 33% from 21 MIG + 45% from the "Superb" enchantment + eventually +15% from Apprentice's Sneak Attack (Enervating Blows help) + eventually +50% from crit this combined damage gets used when calculated: + 60% burnig lash from Turning Wheel + 50% crushing lash from Torment's Reach + 30% shocking lash from Lightning Strikes + 30% (shocking/burning/corrosive) lash from enchantment you put on the weapon + 20% raw lash from Blood Testament + eventually +30% burning lash from chanter this results in +118% weapon damage +220% lash damage against 0 DR. You could also use Vulnerable Attack to lower enemies' DR - it doesn't slow you down that much because of the Full Attacks (I did it first but later retrained - so it's not in the build now). Plus you hit a lot of enemies with Torment's Reach AoE. But you also lower your wound counter - so every hit will be weaker than the first if you don't get wounds while attacking. Luckily, whe have tons of endurance and health because of the Iron Cirlce and our base CON. So we can affort to get hit a bit. With Flame Shield we can do the following additional damage while getting hit: + 20% from Scion of Flame + 33% from MIG + 20% from Savage Attack + 15% from Apprentice Sneak Attack (eventually) + 50% from crit (eventually) this combine gets used when calculated: + 60% burnimg lash from Turning Wheel + 20% raw lash from Blood Testment + 30% burning lash from chanter's chant (eventually) Once we hit 50% endurance, Battle Forged kicks in which does the same as Flame Shield (they don't suppress each other) but with much higher base damage at higher levels. This is extremely powerful once you get pommeled so often that you might have to fear that you're getting knocked out. Suddenly you retaliate with more than 100 burn/raw damage with normal ret. hits and a lot more with crits. On top of that comes Flame Shield which is basically half that much damage. This melts foes who insist to hit you - while you use Torment's Reach or Jolting Touch to kill them even more quickly. As a side effect, your DR gets raised by 4, adds to the Iron Wheel (+10) and also to your armor. Your armor value might also be strengthened by Iron Circle. So, that's +14 to your armor, not bad. Enervating Blows also work with all of this - so a lot of foes will be weakened either by your weapon attacks or the retaliations which makes it easier for Apprentice's Sneak Attack to kick in and also makes it easier to send foes prone with Force of Anguish. I do this when I have the feeling that I get beaten too much. All this results in pretty insane damage while you can tank a lot of enemies because of high endurance, DR and great healing mods. I use Fulvano's Amulet with +25% and a +60% healing bonus from camping. This is great when you have any char in your party who heals. Down below I say something about self heals when you want to solo (or don't have healers). But a potion of Major Regeneration always works wonders with this healing mods. If you want to lob Fireballs or other elemental AoE spells onto your Monksterlasher you can do that, too: he has additional +4 DR against burn, shock and corrode damage because of the elemental talents. So it would be +14 or even +18 DR against such spells. Interrupts can be a problem if you send this guy first. So either you have a priest with you or you use potions of Spirit Shield. As i said: For healing I use my party members or potions. In a party that's totally cool. This build is also suitable for soloing. But you might want to get Veteran's Recovery instead of Apprentice's Sneak Attack and Flagellant's Path instead of Envenomed Strike or Force of Anguish (great for escaping when you're surrounded completely and your endurance drops too fast). Also, use an item which raises Concentration and also consider to use Shod-in-Faith. This way you will be near unkillable as long as your self heals work and you have health left. After that Battle Forged can help to clear up the rest of the mob. Also, more Lore is useful when you're solo. Skip Athletics and put more points into Lore when you're solo. He Carries Many Scars's regeneration has no time limit by the way and also adds a lot of DR when your health is low - ao maybe this is a good armor when you're solo. Another thing I discovered lately and which made me choose Force of Anguish: when you use Azureith's Stiletto and use it for Force of Anguish and it crits while doing that... all three enemies who get hit by Jolting Touch also go prone! Hilarious! I have no idea why and it's certainly a bug - but a nice one. OK, have fun. I liked this build a lot. It's tanky and does great dps at the same time, even when disabled (switch to shield setup then!). tl;dr: So the essence of this build is that Battle Forged, Flame Shield and Jolting Touch and of course Torment's Reach work with Turning Wheel and Blood Testament gloves, which makes it worthwhile to take three of the four elemental booster talents if you also use Bittercut as main weapon(s) Edit (24.06.2016): Corrected a thing about Vulnerable Attack - it was still in the text despite the fact that I retrained and skipped it. Thanks to sibakroum for pointing this out. Edit (18.09.2016): I wrote Envenomed Strike instead of Enervating Blows a few times - sorry for that, I corrected it.
  15. Ohh - great find! Cool thing. Thinking about a new Blaster Build.
  16. I meant for pala since the link for paladin build showed fire godlike. Ach sorry, I meant paladin and was somehow thinking about the MC cipher when writing that. But it's even more useless on a cipher, right? But it can be very useful on a tanky high CON monk (works with Turning Wheel and Blood Testament - as do Flame Shield and Retaliation) which leads to >100 dmg hits against 10 to 15 burn DR with Scion of Flame (and even higher crits) at higher levels. And Monks want to get hit a bit anyways. Also good with a high CON human barbarian who uses it with Blooded and One Stands Alone together with Barbaric Retaliation and maybe Ryona's Buckle. Those have enough endurance and health so that 50% of it is still more than 100% of most other classes. Paladin tanks don't want to get hit altogether and also don't have enough health to benefit a lot from Battle Forged. Many rests while doing meh damage with it OR no occurance of Battle Forged at all will be the result.
  17. Fire Godlike is not crap per se. But it's quite useless on a cipher. With your party composition you should have tons of AoE damage already. Also CC should be fine. Just start encounters with buffs/debuffs first before you waste offensive spells. edit: sorry, I meant "useless on a paladin". But it's also useless on a cipher.
  18. Ooooh - it would be so cool if this was intentional. Riposte rogue tank here I come. 50% grazes to misses would be supernice to outbalance the low health of the rogue. And it's also ok with Riposte - although you would actually do less Ripostes (but skip the damage altogeher). Might be especially good together with a durganized Old Gerun's Wall (25% hits converted to grazes) and Cape of the Cheat (10% graze to miss) for a total 60% graze to miss and 25% hit to graze - and maybe 15% crit to hit from durganizes armor. Of course a setup with Badgradr's Barricade woul be better for Riposte damage - or even dual wielding. But then you would have to rely heavily on potions or foreign buffs and that's not cool for a tank.
  19. It's also better against targets that are resistent or immune to slash. By the way: did you take into account that Bittercut + Corrosive Lash + Spirit of Decay rises the base damage by 20% and therefore also raises the damage of the lash which again gets raised by 20%? It's not plain 20% base damage + 5% lash damage I guess. But sure: a sabre is a lot slower than a dagger and has less ACC - and the 25% wounding is strong. Also nice that Drawn in Speing comes superb. It's just annoying if you meet slash resistant foes. And don't forget the Vile Thorns. And to me: Don't forget the poison/disease debuff either. If the dps difference isn't so big (I can't exactly say, but it feels like it's not that big) I would still stick with Bittercut - but only if I wanted to take Spirit of Decay anyways. Just because you don't have to watch out for immunities/resistances that much. Without Spirit of Decay Bittercut is only half the fun obviously.
  20. They will suppress each other. It doesn't matter if the same caster did it or two different ones. Also, in that regard there's no difference between the native spell and spellbind item (Ring of Searing Flames). Different casters: Same caster: Tested 5 minutes ago with 3.02.
  21. Right. Also forgot that although I used it several times.
  22. That sounds plausible. I just wanted to object the statement that PER is always the most important stat per se.
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