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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Seems the uninstalling of the mods didn't work out.
  2. Yeah, but that explicitly says so. I thought we were searching for some "hidden" or obscure weapon enchantment that procs from other attacks that do not originate from that weapon. But actually I never managed to charm anybody with a (non-charming) spell while wearing that wand. Another weapon enchantment that works with spells is again Blightheart which gives your damaging wizard spells a 10% corrosive lash which is rather good since it's multiplicative with the PL scaling and all additive dmg bonuses (MIG bonus and crits etc.). But of course that's not a "proc" from a weapon enchantment but a permanent, passive dmg bonus for your spells (as long as you have the weapon equipped). Eternal Devotion and Shared Flames work with several non-weapon attacks as well (e.g. Driving Roar or Arcane Archer's Imbue-Spells like Fireball. But I don't know if they also work with normal caster spells.
  3. Correct. However: some soulbound items that require special actions to "level up" allow the player to do those special actions with spells. Example: Blightheart wants you do cause affliction x on y enemies. But you can use spells and not Blightheart itself.
  4. I wish more creative directors had the courage to give a **** what Twitter and forums are saying. Except when I say it.
  5. Aha... I may have to test that. I find it rather easy to drop will on enemies as a wizard since you can cast Miasma + stuff and use a club in the offhand.
  6. Oh... that seems to be unintended. It's the weapon with the highest base damage in the game and also targets Will instead of deflection and weakens on hit. Having no duration whatsoever makes it extremely powerful. Are you sure that you didn't just graze with it? Grazing doesn't remove it. What was the situation? I would like to try out myself but I'm on vacation.
  7. In the meantime I learned about several new small changes. Seems we got a silent patch.
  8. Did we get a silent patch or something? There are several new (small) changes that suddenly popped up. Does it have a duration or disappears after x hits - or how does it work now?
  9. This seems to be new. As you said: it wasn't enchantable before. Or do you use any mods that may have done this?
  10. If you do it right (high INT, hit as many enemies as possible with stuff like Phantom Foes, Eyestrike or Secret Horrors) you can alter between Deception spell and damaging spell (like Amplified Wave) without the need to attack with a weapon at all. Especially the high level passives that buff powers that target will, increase AoE based on held focus etc. are very nice for SC Beguilers.
  11. I just learned that Lethandria's Devotion does an instant healing tick as soon as you switch to it. Black Jacket/something for instant 0-recovery switching, healing you and Vela up in no time? Sounds nice...
  12. True. It is an ability which is rather independent from items. Also several of the Barbarian passives don't work with it (since no weapon attack and not melee). A SC Barbarian with some PL boost can reach good numbers with Monastic Unarmed Training, also with Carnage. So one could do a build which doesn't rely on (lots of) special items as a general idea. Some items that might also work well with Driving Roar: Sash of Judgement (belt) and Precognition (amulet). Besides Berserker Corpse Eater might have been nice for this (because Kith Meat Food can give you +2 PL) if only the cost of Driving Roar wouldn't be doubled.
  13. Stacking Power Level is good for this. Also Driving Roar counts as power level 1 ability. So the base damage you see gets multiplied by 8*5% = 1.4 right when you reach PL9. Only because of the PL bonus. It raises base dmg - so MIG bonus and other additional stuff will be based on this increased damage.
  14. I don't know if being a Paladin (which means being zealous about something) and being zealous about Berath (being a rational an stoic entity) does work at all. Like "I'm being zealously stoic" or something. On the other hand we have Goldpact Knights... So why not?
  15. Mosquito ----> SJW Ninja Communist Elephant with a tinfoil hat roaming the Outer Worlds. *törööö*
  16. While I like a Warlock nowadays I think Druid/Barb is even nicer. TryBerserker/Ancient. In my opinion that's even better. Berserker/Fury is nice, too. Although I like the DoTs more. Ancient/Helwalker is also very nice. +10 MIG/+10 INT with AoE DoTs is great. For a Debonaire/Wizard you just want to play it as a ranged caster. Since Debonaire can't engage (so no Persistent Distraction) he wants to stay at range anyways. Makes it also easier to keep party members around to prevent "Cowardice" from happening. Stuff like Kalakoth's Minor Blights with Toxic Strike is still very nice.
  17. Tricorn works, Ring doesn't. Driving Roar also causes prone - so maybe the White Void Helmet with its +10 ACC to affliction attacks might work as well. Obviously you want Bloodlust and Blood Thirst. Driving Roar targets fortitude, so you want to make sure to lower it with everything you can apply (staggered/dazed/sicken/weaken/Body Blows etc.).
  18. Debonaire/Wizard if you use your Cipher for mass charming. Debonaire gets 100% crit conversion on any charmed enemy. And Wizard has many friendly-fire spells. This can completely remove the PEN issues of most damaging wizard spells on PotD. Use items and abilities which increase crit damage.
  19. I don't think that damage needs a tune down. The original jump already suffers from a dmg malus and an additional one (from Driving Flight) would get another malus. The base dmg itself is already rather low.
  20. Not useless. That's a term that's used very often here but almost never is correct. Not useless, but also not particularly special or effective.
  21. Funny. That would also mean a Fury/Cipher can't generate focus while spiritshifted, right? Sounds wrong. I would pot for changing it to a weapon attack. Kalakoth Minor Blights etc. are also balls of fire/acid/ice/shock but still count as weapons and work with Driving Flight. I can't think of a single reason why Fury's auto-attacks should be treated differently.
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