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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hey guys, Just to give you some clarification on the two spells. Returning Storm does more damage but strikes less frequently. Relentless Storms does less damage but it strikes more frequently and also adds accuracy to hitting the enemies saves, resulting in a higher chance of hitting and stunning. Thanks for your support.
  2. Hell Singerl, Try speaking with Hylea. Talking to her in Teir Ervon will complete the quest. If that is not the case then please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox and post the link here. If possible please include a save file before you kill the dragon and after. Thanks!
  3. Hello thelee, I checked your save file and your stag AI was working correctly. Try toggling your AI button again and making sure that all the settings are set to aggressive and get back to me. Thanks.
  4. There isn't one that I am aware of, but until we get the issue fixed, I suggest that you leave Ittumak behind while you move the rest of the party and then bring Ittumak up to the party before you start combat. It'll just require more mirco management.
  5. Hello again, I loaded up your file and I had not problems with the capes. Could you send a dxdiag file please so I can take a look at your system specs? Make sure that your graphics card has the latest drivers install as well. That could fix your issue. Thanks a bunch!
  6. It can definitely help. But don't delete your old save. Just move them to a different folder onto your desktop or somewhere you can fine them conveniently. You may want to go back on your old saves at one point.
  7. Hello everyone, Its quite alright. I checked out database and we a bug already entered into the system. The problem is that the icon is labeled incorrectly when it should actually say Recall. Thank you all for your support and keep up the good work.
  8. Heh, not a problem Edrin. It can happen every now and then.
  9. Hello everyone, Have either of you tried verifying the game cache? Go into your steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local File > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. See if that works and get back to me. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Hello AnjyBelle, I have checked your file and I have confirmed the bug with the weapon enchants. I have written up the bug and entered it into the database. In regards of Hope Eternal, it is a passive that only affects the caster, but you are correct that the bonus is applied after the first hit. I have also entered that bug into the database. Thank you for your support and keep up the good work!
  11. Hello again Carlos, I took a look at your saves and I was able to get the counters to go up. In order to get the kill count up, that character has to get the killing blow with that weapon. If anyone else in your party gets the kill, it will not count. Also if you use spells, that will not count as a kill as well. Thank you for your support!
  12. Hello again, Do you happen to have a save where this issue doesnt happen? Before the bug happens? (For the mercenaries bug)
  13. Hello BossBattleE, Try verifying your game cache in steam. Go to your Steam Library and right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity Game Cache. That should fix your issue. If not please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look. Thanks a bunch!
  14. Thank you servantrider, I have added your files to our already existing bug. Cheers!
  15. Fantastic! That is great to hear! Enjoy the game Nobear!
  16. Hello fraussantin, We are aware of the issue and has already been reported on the forums. In the future, please search on both forums before making a post to make sure there isn't one already. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81374-damaged-enemies-have-absurd-stats/?hl=deflection&do=findComment&comment=1723729 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81371-enemies-deflection-bug/?hl=deflection Thank you for your support!
  17. Hello Nague, Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look at it? To find the files I require, please click on the link below located in my signature. Thanks a bunch!
  18. Hello Wompoo, Could someone please upload a save file and an output/player log via dropbox so I can take a look at it? It may be related to AnjyBelle's bug as well. Thanks a bunch!
  19. Hello everyone, Could someone please upload a save file and an output/player log via dropbox so I can take a look at it? Thanks a bunch!
  20. Hello Koschei, We are aware of the issue and it is currently under investigation. Thank you for your support!
  21. Hello Hembino, If you are playing through steam, please verify your game cache and see if that resolves your issue. In your steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. If the issue still occurs, please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox so I can take a look. Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hello thelee, Could you please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox so I can take a look at it? Thanks a bunch!
  23. Hello thelee, Could you please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox so I can take a look at it? Thanks a bunch!
  24. Hello again, I do see that your file is still uploading. I shall check on it tomorrow to see if it is completed. Thanks for taking the time to upload the files servantrider!
  25. Try that and see if it works
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