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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. If I was creating an original fantasy CRPG, I think I would start with the racial ability. How can I make this race play different to other races in terms of game mechanics? Having done that, I would extrapolate out appearance, behaviour, and culture.
  2. XCOM stands up pretty well compared to the original. It's only at the strategic level (base building and UFO interception) and in terms of overall story that it is inferior to the original game. Obviously it looks prettier. The games that came between the original and the reboot are all far worse. One thing I remember about the original game was that the savegames where huge, compared to the size of my hard drive at the time. I quickly filled my whole drive without realising, then wondered why the game stopped working.
  3. Threatening Presence is an awesome ability, that is worth sticking with a Barbarian to get.
  4. Well, I have accused the PoE world of being Generica before! I'm pretty sure the inclusion of "standard" elves and dwarves purely on the grounds that people like them, and in that regard I think it would be fair to accuse Obsidian of excessive caution. Even Dragon Age did more with elves and dwarves, and that is often cited as an example of lowest common denominator writing. Orlans are pretty much slightly hairier gnomes/halfings. It might be nice to have a short race that WASN'T treated as comic relief.
  5. I think the original suggestion was for meaningful scripted encounters that happened to be encountered at random whilst travelling. NOT random trash fights.
  6. Do we have any confirmation that Blast will be made multiclassed? I thought it was just speculation. I have experimented with a Dangerous Implements ranged monk build. It works, and there are a good selection of ranged monk talents, but I think it falls a little short of a Ranger for DPS. The best feature was with a moon godlike you get periodic burst healing from the back.
  7. ESO wasn't done by Bethesda, it was farmed out. Which isn't to say it was much good. I played it early on, when it had a bit more freedom in character creation than the average MMO (I expect that has all been lost now in the name of balance). Some of the game's early areas and quests where quite nice, before you get into the multiplayer stuff. Balance never bothered me in ESO games - why should it, when it was just me in the world? It is the lack of interesting characters and clear objectives (aside from self improvement) that caused me to rapidly loose interest.
  8. Maybe not make THIS game online, but have a game within the PoE universe online, with similar style and graphics and everything. Would LOOVE this to happen If you wanted to make a NWN style game with a toolset that duffers can use, you would have to loose the pretty area design, since they really on artistic skill and perspective trickery, and can't be tiled. You could do something in the manner of Wasteland 2 or Shadowrun Returns.
  9. Quite. I like the idea. Just ditch the multiplayer, tone down the shooter elements, let me play as an explorer rather than a soldier, let me choose my class and race, and I will happily fork out a wodge of cash for this.
  10. Carnage is centred on the target, and whilst a reach weapon doesn't increase the radius, it does often make it possible to position Carnage so as to hit a lot more targets, including back row casters if you have maxed Int.
  11. I'm reasonably confident Perception is the stat you need.
  12. I think if you get your reputation with the Doemenels negative enough the rate of assassins slows or stops - they are too frightened of you.
  13. The NWN editor was easier to use than Elder Scrolls, pretty much like building with lego. You could get things to look pretty decent (at least better than the OC) by playing with the lighting. You had to tailor your ideas to suit the available tiles though.
  14. I love how Bruce keeps posting links that actually disprove the points he's making. He can't read, he's impervious to facts and logic, and yet, despite taking a sound beating in every topic in which he participates, he's never afraid to remind everyone of how ignorant he is. Sounds like a typical politician to me. You know, the people who got us into this mess.
  15. When Germany was in that situation, in 1952, Greece wrote off their debt.
  16. It sounds like it will have a lot of multiplayer, as well as rip-off DLC. Probably one not to look forward to.
  17. If the politicians had listened to the economists Greece wouldn't have been in the Eurozone in the first place...
  18. There really is no escape from "it depends on your target and your weapon*". With a hunting bow, against most enemies in PoE, you are better off with the extra damage. Also, remember that + accuracy increases the chance of a critical hit, and hence boosts average damage. * and if your weapon has a "lash" or not.
  19. Possible consequence 1) Greece goes to Russia, Russia bales them out in exchange for a navel base in the Mediterranean, the Americans get very upset... Possible consequence 2) Greece collapses and currency speculators turn their attention to Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. All four crash out of the Euro. Britain, angered by the treatment of Greece, votes to leave the EU. Confidence in the EU is lost, rules are ignored, member states elect either extreme right or extreme left governments. Possible consequence 3) Greek terrorists attack German targets across Europe. Possible consequence 4) All of the above Inevitable consequence: European wide recession.
  20. I would just like to point out that the last time Europe decided to punish a country for it's misbehaviour was Versailles, June 1919. And that worked out really well for everyone...
  21. Wouldn't be much point unless you put in more resting restrictions, since you can rest before pretty much every significant fight anyway. Maybe "disable per encounter spells" as a difficulty setting tickbox would be the best solution?
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