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Everything posted by Xard

  1. I've only been skim-reading, but I don't see any reference to torture. If you see it, help me out. The 'hasty interrogation' you picked on seemed to revolve around showing a subject maps, and taking them up in a plane. I see they mention the unsettling effect of being in a plane for a groundslogging peasant, but beyond that... Seriously, I'm not trying to be a ****. I don't see it. There's also psychological torture you know "Whenever a suspect is apprehended during an operation, a hasty interrogation takes place to gain immediate information that could be of tactical value." In heat of crisis it is hard to evaluate how far to take it. Americans have long-ago gone under torture section in these kind of things during War on terrorism Pressure from the security forces has persuasive power. In case of El Salvador and such these security forces have used rather...harsh methods of persuasion without U.S officials batting eyelash. "This emergency legislation may include a form of martial law permitting government forces to search without warrant, to detain without bringing formal charges, and to execute other similar actions. " this "other similar actions isn't very specific category don't you think? And destroying area's infrastructure just to fight insurgents is plain terrorism, nothing else. Not very surprising the bit about Steele The document doesn't make DIRECT reference to torture, but as you can see things are quite vague at places. And paper made references to other documents. And judging by what we've seen happening in the world...
  2. Uhh, that's what I said. Bond's dealing with smaller stuff instead of saving the world again and again
  3. Well, U.S wants world to be community of "truly free and independent" nations. However what if these countries dont want to work towards "U.S interests" or go against them? It gets even more ironic in following chapters (which I don't feel like typing out) with all the talk about U.S. helping and inserting military in these "independent and free" countries
  4. This made me giggle "A basic premise of U.S. Foreign policy is that the security of United States and its fundamental values and insitutions will be preserved and enhanced as part of a community of truly free and independent nations. In this regard, the United States endeavors to encourage other countries to do their part in the preservation of this freedom and independence. The objective is to support U.S. interests by means of common effort." bwahahahaha
  5. What is the problem apart from advocating censorship, torturing, bribery, restricting labour and political parties, unethical acts of violence, traning paramilitary groups etc.? It violates human rights in every possible way.
  6. Click "Civilian Self-Defense Forces [Paramilitaries, or, especially in an El-Salvador or Colombian civil war context, right wing "death squads"] When a village accepts the CSDF program, the insurgents cannot choose to ignore it. To let the village go unpunished will encourage other villages to accept the government's CSDF program. The insurgents have no choice; they have to attack the CSDF village to provide a lesson to other villages considering CSDF. In a sense, the psychological effectiveness of the CSDF concept starts by reversing the insurgent strategy of making the government the repressor. It forces the insurgents to cross a critical threshold-that of attacking and killing the very class of people they are supposed to be liberating. To be successful, the CSDF program must have popular support from those directly involved or affected by it. The average peasant is not normally willing to fight to his death for his national government. His national government may have been a succession of corrupt dictators and inefficient bureaucrats. These governments are not the types of institutions that inspire fight-to-the-death emotions in the peasant. The village or town, however, is a different matter. The average peasant will fight much harder for his home and for his village than he ever would for his national government. The CSDF concept directly involves the peasant in the war and makes it a fight for the family and village instead of a fight for some faraway irrelevant government. " OR Security forces can induce individuals among the general populace to become informants. Security forces use various motives (civic-mindedness, patriotism, fear, punishment avoidance, gratitude, revenge or jealousy, financial rewards) as persuasive arguments. They use the assurance of protection from reprisal as a major inducement. Security forces must maintain the informant's anonymity and must conceal the transfer of information from the source to the security agent. The security agent and the informant may prearrange signals to coincide with everyday behavior. OR " Whenever a suspect is apprehended during an operation, a hasty interrogation takes place to gain immediate information that could be of tactical value." OR The insurgent's underground cells or infrastructure must be neutralized first because the infrastructure is his main source of tactical intelligence and political control. Eliminating the infrastructure within an area achieves two goals: it ensures the government's control of the area, and it cuts off the enemy's main source of intelligence. An intelligence and operations command center (IOCC) is needed at district or province level. This organization becomes the nerve center for operations against the insurgent infrastructure. Information on insurgent infrastructure targets should come from such sources as the national police and other established intelligence nets and agents and individuals (informants). OR Psychological Operations PSYOP can support the mission by discrediting the insurgent forces to neutral groups, creating dissension among the insurgents themselves, and supporting defector programs. Divisive programs create dissension, disorganization, low morale, subversion, and defection within the insurgent forces. Also important are national programs to win insurgents over to the government side with offers of amnesty and rewards. Motives for surrendering can range from personal rivalries and bitterness to disillusionment and discouragement. Pressure from the security forces has persuasive power. OR Legal Considerations. All restrictions, controls, and DA measures must be governed by the legality of these methods and their impact on the populace. In countries where government authorities do not have wide latitude in controlling the population, special or emergency legislation must be enacted. This emergency legislation may include a form of martial law permitting government forces to search without warrant, to detain without bringing formal charges, and to execute other similar actions. OR Restrictions. Rights on the legality of detention or imprisonment of personnel (for example, habeas corpus) may be temporarily suspended. This measure must be taken as a last resort, since it may provide the insurgents with an effective propaganda theme. PRC [Population & Resources Control] measures can also include curfews or blackouts, travel restrictions, and restricted residential areas such as protected villages or resettlement areas. Registration and pass systems and control of sensitive items (resources control) and critical supplies such as weapons, food, and fuel are other PRC measures. Checkpoints, searches, roadblocks; surveillance, censorship, and press control; and restriction of activity that applies to selected groups (labor unions, political groups and the like) are further PRC measures. OR PSYOP [Psychological Operations] are essential to the success of PRC [Population & Resources Control]. For maximum effectiveness, a strong psychological operations effort is directed toward the families of the insurgents and their popular support base. The PSYOP aspect of the PRC program tries to make the imposition of control more palatable to the people by relating the necessity of controls to their safety and well-being. PSYOP efforts also try to create a favorable national or local government image and counter the effects of the insurgent propaganda effort. List just goes on and on and on and on
  7. lol Welcome to land of kangaroos and...
  8. I bought humongous water melon and pretended I was boy in da hood
  9. To make it all more delicious fully functioning cracks are already floating around *shrug*
  10. ...just like in war back in 1809 I can hardly believe what I'm reading. I know it was very naive but... I never imagined U.S Goverment was ruthless enough to make ****ing handbook out of all this sort of stuff. Sure individual documents and all but... not some Encyclopedia Torturus
  11. edit: I'm reading it now. "Destruction notice: Destroy by any method that must prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document."
  12. Yuusha, you didn't answer SINGLE ONE OF MESHUGGER'S POINTS. In the beginning Aarabs were the cranky bastards, now it is the other way around I think you're pretty intelligent person but you have so ridiculously black/white worldview it drives me nuts "There are only 2 powers in the world. The sword of the oppressor & the spirit of the oppressed. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit." There are no two powers in the world. World emerges in a very chaos theory-like way. Human free will put on top of thousands of variables and powers (social, cultural and of course physical and biological) makes the world unpredictable and complex place. I mentioned free will because free decisions made by humans can sometimes if they're made by certain people at certain time bring on huge differences on how world moves on So stop seeing the world like there was some humongous jewish conspicary to oppress arabs
  13. though not even Jesus could levitate you, fatty

  14. Oh yeah, Gainaxing ftw!
  15. You can... LEVITATE ME

    To a hiiiigher PLAAAAAAAANEEEE

  16. lol pwned BG2 is great game though and apart from that very faithful. edit: though Infinity GUI... GRRRRRRR
  17. Nope, Daniel Craig's Bond is closest to book ones. Dalton's too plotwise e.g Bond's dealing with smaller stuff instead of saving the world again and again
  18. Click As codex news post put it... "A new video card, a re-installation of the OS and BAM. No Mass Effect for you! Remember the days when you could install a game as many times as you wanted?" So, who's going to be the dimwit defending this move by Bioware on this occasion? "Huuurr companies has rights to fight against teh evil priates and protct themselves >" All hail the reborn, draconian Bioware!
  19. y halo thar Australia HELO
  20. Jorian made the avatars. Fio, who happens to be a mod, has one as well so they aren't really "in style of Obsidian employees". Ahh, I didn't know that Sorry Jorian
  21. nigra, seen my melon!?

  22. guhh, Jorian, why your avatar is in style of OBSIDIAN EMPLOYEES
  23. swedes... Too bad I think our politicians are nowadays enough dimwits to do that too. Luckily the Big Bear in our neighbour means no one would seriously campaign for anything like that
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