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Everything posted by Xard

  1. haha I wish . Nah we just get the honour of being able to play through the content way before you guys Mind you, the big difference there is that you all will get a (hopefully) bug-free playthrough all the time, whereas we have to play to find bugs, not to enjoy the new content. I'm happy with the compromise though So, has all been restored already?
  2. From teh codex: We'd like to do this for SoZ (though it will definitely NOT retroactively affect MotB and the OC). Can't make any promises yet, but we'd like to. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN oh, and unquestionable WINRAR decision that's already been made:
  3. hahaha, no I think J.E nailed this down perfectly ages ago (someone else shall go to find the quotes though) Apart from PS:T (well, MotB's Safiya romance was actually good too, don't know about Gann as I haven't done it) the very best romances I've seen in RPG's were in KotOR 2. They were handled with grace and subtetly Zoma spoke earlier. All Bio romances (+ NWN2 OC) are like from some horribly scripted Hollywood flick KotOR 2 and MotB are european or asian films
  5. Could someone help me with Tomoachan? I've downloaded and istalled it numerous times with many different versions over the months but none of them work. When I enter the unpacking module screen nothing happens and eventually game freezes and crashes
  6. NWN2 starts to rock after Act II
  7. TB combat would be sweet but its not going to happen Oh well, I'm fine with RtwP most of the time
  8. 57 % too I blame not owning gun But I'd survive simply because I'm so determined to survive 26 kiddos
  9. I thought OE was a bit cranky on that aspect of ME so I'm quite sure there's no pause ability most of the time (which is just good thing) Or then I really don't remember anything about old Game INformer scans
  10. Please do not raise level cap to 40 Please do not restore cut races (minus ghostwise halfings) Please do not restore cut classes
  11. hmm... *fapfapfap*

    C'mon get to the action

  12. Oh right, that thing. I was just confused because AFAIK there's no ME style constant pausing capability from what I've gathered. Of course I could be wrong too... This has nothing to do with screenshots but please get GOOD voice actor for Thorton. ME's Male Shephard is quite...meh
  13. also the source for shades of awesomeness Lennon now wears ;)

  14. same thing from where the "kick reason to the curb and surpass the impossible" came from :3

  15. spoiler: they all suck
  16. moar liek Federalistic Union of Business and Capitalism of Europe Suffice to say I'm not happy with giving more power to something that works on basis of business and businessmen and other elite. They already have too much power, no need to constitutionalize it
  17. I've never liked Velouria for some reason Pixies - Motorway to Roswell With Monkey Gone To Heaven, Debaser, Gouge Away, Hey, No 13 Baby, Caribou and Where Is My Mind? my favourite Pixies song eeeehh...that was long list of favourites
  18. I thought you talked about the shorelines and such. Yeah, nation borders etc. is just as ****ed up as in Africa
  19. Noceur, it's law of the internet. If you mention Codex it'll dominate at least some of the following conversation. I'm really hopeful as far as GUI go. Revised KotOR 2 GUI was great and A LOT better than K1's (which wasn't bad either) and in my opinion NWN2's UI is very good (apart from occasional camera problems). As far as old skool GUI's go Fallouts one is winner. It is simple, it doesn' cover too much screen and it is dead easy to use. You can access everything with one click of a mouse - even skills can be just chosen with 1,3,5 etc. Only thing that keeps it from perfect is not so good inventory. So I have no doubts GUI will be great
  20. I did, I just forgot to put it in "natural" as a qualifier to geography. As in, the weird placement of deserts, forests, swamps, mountains, etc. Tale was referring to the political landscape more than the natural landscape. That was for Gorgon
  21. Yeah, there was a lot stuff I could identify with too.
  22. I doubt Krezack ment that. I think it was quite clear quotes were from Actiontrip (since when codexians have cared about graphics anyway? )
  23. ...it's intentional Similarly, if you remove Europe from Asia it doesn't make that much sense either
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