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Everything posted by Ichthyic

  1. ...I've discovered the specific issue. the texture doesn't load unless you are in a map where you can walk around with your companions; ie, not on the overland map or your ship. if you are on an overland/ocean map the texture does not load. weird.
  2. when I first got the sanguine great sword, the transparent blade texture (so it looks like red glass) loaded fine. (texture while examining the equipped sword on inventory screen). when I restarted the game the next day, now it just shows white where the transparent textures are supposed to be. spawning in a new version of the sword also had white texture.
  3. if you go back to ysemer and tell him you want to keep the blade a while longer, he's ok with that, oddly. you ARE the herald of Berath, after all.
  4. I actually wish Gallawain DIDN'T help me with that fight. It actually looked like it was going to be a challenge for once. oh well.
  5. man, it seems so obvious that it should be a thing but... why not set it up so you can pickpocket nemnoks amulet from him, and then he just turns into a normal imp in front of everyone, who then all walk out, disgusted. that would be both funnier and a better alternative ending, especially given how he describes the amulet as the thing that was making him big and smart. just make it a quest item you can pickpocket, and create that tiny change... wayyyy better. I did not like having to hack through all those brainwashed worshippers just to bring down an imp with literal delusions of godhood. Heck, even AFTER you have nemnok trailing you around as a pet... there is no response from the village. I'm like, "LOOK! HE'S RIGHT THERE!" and... nothin. this quest needs some polish.
  6. I so wish there was an option to just pickpocket nemnok's amulet while he is talking to his crew... and they can just watch him turn into a normal imp. kinda sad I had to kill all the worshippers besides.
  7. you can create completely customized companions with whatever class combos you wish right now. just use the Uconsole mod over on nexus mods. will NOT affect achievements, and you can create whatever custom class you want for anyone in the game, including yourself. want to be a marine druid like Tekehu? no problem. I've been playing the whole game with it and have run into zero problems. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2 I mostly used it to do things like tweak Serafen into being assassin/beguiler which I thought fit him much better. made aloth into a pure evoker, eder into you can also use it to modify your grimoire, so you don't have to carry a bunch of different ones around. you can just customize any grimoire to have the spells you want in it. tons and tons of other options. guy has done a great job with it.
  8. LOL yup. it's entirely unnecessary from a spell power standpoint. might use it for the accuracy and pen buff for spells that don't cause damage though... like adragan gaze, and just to refresh spell slots, though I rarely need to do that, the fights are so small. there ARE a couple of fights that send out waves, like the undead fight at the lost city under Neketaka, where I actually needed empower to refresh spell slots. but that was the only one I can think of. first time I ran through that fight, it pleasantly surprised me. at below level 8, that would be a challenge for most parties on PotD I think. a rare thing. you know, I've been playing rpgs like this since "So you want to be a hero" (when Sierra Games was just getting rolling, back in 1988). I think overall what is happening, is that more and more players have already played and enjoyed not just one, but many games like this now, and so what seemed so difficult in games like Baldurs gate, seems much less so now because you kinda know what to expect, and you tend to plan ahead. But I think devs are stuck in this realm of trying to attract new players to the genre that might never have played any rpg like this before. so you get this ever increasing gap of proficiency between the old guard, like myself, and new players, and it is just nearly impossible to balance the game to please everyone. i think this is why on release, most of these games seem so easy. once they get some new players into the game, then they start adding new difficulty. IIRC, they have already started doing that in the very first patch. so, I figure in about 6 months or so, after a dlc or 2 has come out, they will have balanced it reasonably well, and it will definitely be worth doing another run through. well, that, or modders will have sufficiently ramped up the difficulty for hardcore gamers.
  9. to be a bit more specific than Achilles... both still retain "clear out", but that only affects the enemies in front of you. the upgrade "clear the path" will also affect enemies in a line moving away from you in the front. so it's like a cross in front of you. clean sweep affects enemies directly surrounding you, in 360 degrees. clear the path will be most useful if you tend to funnel enemies into chokepoints in front of you. clean sweep will be more useful if you tend to put yourself in the middle of groups, usually by using charge a lot. so which is better depends on your playstyle. for me, I tend to charge my fighter right into the middle of the biggest group, set his stance to mob rule, and use clean sweep when at least one enemy is near death.
  10. I'm thinking of making a modded build using Tekehu's druid form (can do that via mod console), but having played with tekehu in this go round, I am wondering... I've found items that boost spell cast slots for wizards and priests, but nothing so far that boosts druids or chanters. can anyone recall any items they ran across that boosted spell slots for druids?
  11. going through the game on PotD with scaling AND a difficulty x2 mod... cast an empowered wilting with Aloth (after drinking stat boost red potion and a potion of perfect aim) and did 398 damage to one of the creatures in the AOE, and averaged 375 across all (level 13-16 undead). I was impressed. of course, everything was dead. then, first time i tried it, cast an empowered minolettas missile salvo on the kraken (Gallawain/underwater ruin). I think that thing is level 17? it's big, anyway. uh.... after scrolling though 3 pages of damage listings.... grand total damage done to kraken? 2719 O.o yikes. that's 15 missile hits, each of which has about a 2m hit radius, average damage around 180 each. basically, this makes the game easy mode, no matter what mods you are using. I'm not sure there is an easy solution to this. people will complain mightily if creatures become "bullet sponges", and also will complain if their tremendously op wizards now do about half the damage they previously did (but that's the damage they really SHOULD be doing). I'm sure there are threads discussing this already, and many ideas as to what to do about it, but it was just such a shock to see just how powerful some of the high level wizard spells are, especially compared to physical attacks from guns/melee, which are themselves more than powerful enough. carry on.
  12. ...or that is just scale properly with both attributes for once. I think someone modded it in PoE so it actually DID work correctly (might buffs each tick, and int just makes more ticks). but I don't think anyone has done that for this game yet. It would be nice if the devs would have fixed it for both PoE and this game, but these kinds of things aren't the kind of detail they ever pay much attention to unfortunately.
  13. yup, it works like a potion, but applies to the whole party at once. and of course, in nearly every area where there is a hex generating device, somewhere nearby there is a stone to nullify it. I kinda wish they made it a bit more random, instead of an automatically solvable "puzzle" of sorts. mix up the stones you find, make some available randomly for purchase at various goods sellers. etc.
  14. wow. I think I actually disagree with 100% of this. 1. there are so many unique armors and weapons in the game, many crafting items actually end up in short supply just enchanting even half of them. 2. food in this game is very powerful. the high level foods provide HUGE bonuses, and they really do last until you rest again. if they had it so you could get BOTH tavern rest bonuses (some of which by themselves are quite potent) AND food bonuses at the same time... yeah, that would be way op. they clearly did it this way so you couldn't stack rest bonuses, but had to choose. 3. completely useless? I just... uh.. you haven't gotten very far in this game, I have to assume. 4. I'm playing PotD, full scaling, WITH a 2x difficulty modifier.. and still thinking I could solo this game without too much difficulty. you don't need more than 5 people in your party. you don't need FIVE people in your party even. 5. how many quickslots do you need? The potions and bombs and scrolls can be hugely powerful even just using one of them. there's a skill you can pick up to give you an extra slot, and some equipment enables the "hidden pockets" ability as well if you need to use all six slots. I have to say though, I don't think I have ever used more than 3 items per character in any combat, and I'm right at the end of the game. not that slots actually have anything to do with food, or drink! so.. there's that. moving on to what someone said about alcohol upthread... alcohol IS a drug, and I can see a good argument for making it usable LIKE a drug, except for crew on ship, where it becomes just another drink item to water your crew. but I seriously doubt they will change it. I think the only thing it can influence directly is the unique dagger pukestabber, so again, very little impetus for them to reconsider how it is used in game. *shrug*
  15. yes, they were, and the director even apologizes for it if you wiped the slavers, then go talk to him. Sigh. sigh all you want. if you go through the Valian trial, you will see they have ZERO issues with making money off the LOCAL slave trade, their only concern was that he was involved in trading slaves to allay fears he wasn't making enough money grinding Adra pillars. now the Principi, OTOH, they actually DO have rules about dealing with slavers... which in my game is why Furante is hanging by his neck from the tower right now. clear?
  16. I found a funny bug with this. When you activate it by speaking the oath... it appears in your stash inventory as a unique estoc, which you can equip. but... I'll be damn3d if it will go in your backpack. I even tried swapping it for another weapon in my backpack... and it showed it there, until I opened my backpack again and it was back in the stash. also? it has null money value. not "0" value... null. it has a few bugs. but, I had the satisfaction of killing Rivan with it. Now to see if Yser wants it back. edit: yes, they scripted returning the sword to yser as well. nice touch. even your companions have comments on it. Eder (favors returning the sword): "Best not to owe Berath any favors" Serafen(favors keeping it): "You know, you could always... NOT be doing that, cap'n." nice touch.
  17. high level ogres, ettons, and dragons. that's pretty much the only enemies I have found pure raw damage to be of use for, and even then a couple of wizard/druid/cipher spells and armor/deflection is no longer an issue so... I ended up modding the weapon in game to do 50% more damage (25% bonus raw, +50% extra crit), made it even faster on recovery (another 15%), and gave it soul cutter (+accuracy and damage against spirits) and arcing blows (10% graze to hit). yes, I actually had to do THAT much modding to bring it in line with other late game sabers. btw... anyone notice just how MANY unique sabers there are in this game? I guess it's because of the pirate theme.
  18. yes, they were, and the director even apologizes for it if you wiped the slavers, then go talk to him.
  19. Steam auto installs it though? Your character has to always pick the most dull / I'm so sensible options as well as acting like that. Mine has resorted to drink because he finds himself so dull xD nope. you can tell steam to only install updates on demand.
  20. So, I chose to fight the magma dragon, Jadaferlas. interesting thing... right after I chose the option to fight in dialogue, I get a message about the dead serving the living from Gallawain (even his green head pops into the dialogue), and "Take this reprieve from the hunt, but do not let your teeth blunt". It is noted as a reaction that occurred because I chose to support Gallawain in PoE1. but AFAICT... it does nothing? cool that they were tracking my devotion to Gallawain all this time, but... is that it? kinda fizzle, or at best wrongly timed. anyone else get this?
  21. fwiw, given how the patch cycle went with PoE 1, IMO nobody should install ANY patch until it gets to the 4th major patch. with PoE, that took about 5 months after release. play the game through with 1.02, then wait.
  22. I think you mean that troll you find in fire, not Nemnok. right, I meant Grog. anyone play regularly with Grog?
  23. I would support the vailians as opposed to the deadfire except... the Valians were working with Furrante to keep the slaver operations going, and they inevitably have people working for them (like Bezo) who always think of the most dark and evil thing you could possibly consider to do, without any moral compunctions about doing it, even if they are in the minority. Remember Luca and the Valians basically tricking the Huana into selling the entire tribal land to the company? now, think about what happened to the Tikawara. It wasn't the valians who were destroying their tribe, it was slavers. but out of all the groups vying for control, which one was supporting the slavers? the valians. If the Tikawara were really to survive as a traditional tribe, the only way to do that would be to remove the temptation for others to manipulate them. that means destroying both the Adra Pillar AND the slavers. that the game would not let you have this ending is just an oversight IMO.
  24. ahh, the journal screen! I kept looking under character reps. doh. just checked. yeah, that flag was still set at 0 and had not changed since he first joined, even though I encouraged him in the earliest conversation where I ask him if he had ever considered there might be something between us. my guess is that's where it went wrong, and never triggered the followup conversation after I finished his quest. hopefully that will work. edit: nope. setting that flag to 2 might tag the romance as active in some way, but there are no additional options when you talk to him, nor does he react at all when transitioning areas, camping, or anything else. any other ideas? his main conversation dialogue and quest dialogue are at stage 6. could be those already bypass any romance options? meh, I've wasted enough of your time on something that is obviously just broken. maybe if I ever do another playthrough. but in this playthrough now that in essence I have rejected every romance option because I was waiting for Aloth to do... something, I guess I'm free to just dump everyone and go solo. edit 2: well, I left it at "2", and while there haven't been any significant dialogue changes, at least now I occasionally get the very subtle notifications we're a "couple", so it DID seem to set that flag correctly. just never got the triggering conversation. meh. good enough.
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