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Everything posted by Atheosis

  1. Oh, this started WAY before the limerick. Check the Caedgun's Boob Plate controversy of 2012...which happened during the kickstarter Have a link? If someone objected to bikini armor for the ladies and Obsidian changed it, I'm glad. I hate that crap. It makes no sense whatsoever on top of the sexist concerns many have.
  2. No thanks. Pre-rendered 2D is just better in my eyes. I do think that POE2 will have better visuals and possibly a different engine, but I'm certain it will retain the 2D environments.
  3. Two wizards is going to be rough, especially early in the game. I wouldn't recommend that.
  4. Yeah we know..... coz they already did it once LOL and twice and thrice do you see where this is going What on earth are you on about? The limerick wasn't actual game content created by Obsidian. It was just junk allowed into the game for the sake of a backer.
  5. Obsidian isn't going to change actual game content over a twitter complaint. Chill out.
  6. It doesn't really bother me the way it is, but I do agree that you should be able to detect things without sneaking.
  7. Grieving Mother is the only one who truly intrigues me. Best character in the game to me.
  8. Not really no. I remember when bugs were permanent and there was no such thing as patches though.
  9. This is why you should read reviews before buying games...
  10. This thread reminds me why I like single player games...
  11. No, a fanbase fellating a company and not telling them when they have wronged them is what happened to Bioware and we lost them forever. Oh sweet jesus...
  12. Oh ffs. The violence and dark themes are part of Obsidian's vision for the game and the story it tells. The joke was not part of their vision and was deemed tasteless after someone complained about it. Assuming that they would change elements of the actual game under minimal pressure because they decided they didn't want a questionable joke from a backer in it is completely absurd.
  13. Can game designers change something about their game if they want as well? Or is that not covered? not if a backer paid $500 for it Even if they asked said backer and said backer said it was okay to change it?
  14. Can game designers change something about their game if they want as well? Or is that not covered?
  15. Well said. I imagine when their attention was brought to the limerick and they thought about how a transgender or homosexual might take it they thought it was something they'd rather not have in their game. The reactions of people on these forums is downright bizarre to me. They're acting like actual game content was changed or something.
  16. Except it isn't - You've purposely misread it to fit your need to find it offensive. Man gets drunk - gets into bed with "woman". It isn't "woman" - He panics and hops off an edge, which kills him. In what way does this degrade homosexuality or transgendered people? That's right - it doesn't. Not wanting to sleep with someone is not a crime against gender or sexual orientation. I have no need to find it offensive. I find very few things offensive personally, and the joke doesn't move me one way or the other really. That said, I have this novel ability to put myself in other peoples' shoes and get a sense for what they might be feeling. It's called empathy. Imagine being a member of a marginalized and abused group who has heard crap like this your whole life and has faced a lack of acceptance at every turn. Imagine sitting down to play a computer game that has within it a joke that basically suggests a guy killed himself because he had sex with someone like you. Given that you have dealt with this kind of crap all your life, how do you not get offended when seeing this? If the joke was that he accidentally slept with a black girl and then killed himself in shame would that be okay too? Just think about that for a second.
  17. The outrage over this is beyond ridiculous from my perspective. The joke is clearly offensive to homosexuals and transgenders. Would the people who are supporting it and saying it shouldn't have been changed have the same attitude if it was a racist joke?
  18. There is an ocean of hyperbole in this thread...
  19. Steam doesn't force you to patch the game. It didn't do anything to my save thankfully.
  20. Slashing DR is probably one of the most common types of DR so having a single damage weapon that is slashing is a pretty serious issue at times. Swords are still better overall than sabres but at least now sabres are a more viable choice.
  21. Sad but true . PoE is a solid game. That's it. Less BUGs then many other games ... but still to many! Can you imagin BMW or Toyota would release a new car where several parts aren't working as they should? Or a graphic card which has several BUGs? ALL of you would instantly bring it back to the shop where you bought it! I just can't understand, why users are so forgiving when it comes to software . It's a product like every other product! And creating software is in no way more complicate then crating a graphic card or car (hell, modern cars include billions of code lines too). But all I ever see is this damn STUPID: "just a game" bull****! Err...we really like the game and haven't run into any bugs that have ruined it for us. It's no mystery.
  22. That doesn't make it any less unlimited. The unlimited aspect isn't an issue in my eyes as long as that unlimited aspect is tied to actual storage in the stronghold.
  23. The way they handled the stash is not the greatest, and turning off access outside of towns/stronghold really doesn't fix things, as you can still put stuff in anywhere, and it still feels like it's not a physical storage container but rather some dimensional rift or something. Combined with the bottomless pockets of vendors, and their indiscriminate willingness to buy anything, it definitely makes the economic side of things too easy. A mod that makes both more "realistic", where you have to place things in a chest in your stronghold, would be welcome in my opinion. No more vacuuming up every last item up and turning them into coppers later...
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