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Everything posted by Melusina

  1. Hey, I'm looking for new game to play. I want games with female protagonist, or custom protagonist option. I want game where you got party members, but it's singleplayer game and I would like it to be first person or at least 3D game. I would also like it to be fantasy or medieval and to be recent title games that I liked that are similar to this Divinity Original Sin series Baldur's Gate 3a and previous games Atelier series (Atelier Lulua, Atelier Ryza) Trine series Pathfinder Kingmaker series Trials of Mana - I really enjoyed this Bard's Tale IV - it was good enough Greedfall Thea 2 The Shattering Pillars of Eternity series Neverwinter Nights series and others more older titles what did I miss that released recently?
  2. you download the games which is lamest for me. I had gift code for subscription and I hated that I had to download 100+ gigs game on my sistem in order to play it for just a week
  3. I don't see problems with pronouns. I just use she/her and romance hottest chick in game.
  4. Me not liking the game is all on me, because I skipped all the story, so I cared little after that. Combat was fine, but I don't remember much.
  5. @bugarupI understand the sentiment, but chainmail bikini doesn't look as bikini to me. Based on pictures that were common 10 years go or more, it looked simply like more 'lighter' or revealing chainmail with slips at the right place. Basides, bikini isn't only thing to make character attractive. Look at this Pretty, attractive, but not meat type of attractive.
  6. As a woman, I want to play as attractive woman. That's why I play Genshin Impact. In fact, I always liked female companions and female protagonist more. I 'objectifying' complaints come from few years back when feminist were criticizing Assassins Creed, GTA, and other male-focused games and then some incels made a mod where they created a character based on one of woman and then do sx attack on that character by playable character.
  7. I'm still around. I was not overly fan of first name, but I will still keep an eye on it. Maybe I get it when it got discounted.
  8. there's 490 replies here, is it time for new thread?
  9. I personally bought second copy of BG3 just because of free deluxe edition just few days ago. I wanted copy on steam. I understand there isn't some huge benefit, but it would bother me if I am to buy second copy on steam and having to pay extra for edition I got on galaxy cheaper.
  10. I recently quit GOG Galaxy just because of that. And I wanted to use GOG Galaxy.
  11. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous/posts/3789445?ref=ksr_email_backer_project_update_registered_users They produced items in Russia.
  12. That's nothing new. New World did it, Lost Ark did it, Hogwarts legacy did it. Do you think letting people in stages for no additional money will be met with understanding or do you think people will mald? No to mention, do you expect devs to randomly select people to get early access for free? On what criteria (which will be asked 100%).
  13. Atelier Sophie 2 Afterparty Crusader's Kings 3 Friends and Foes Pathfinder Wrath: Commander Pack Dead Cells Queen and the Sea
  14. I played Witcher 3 and BG3, but my experience with many RPG is limited, cause I always dip my toes and don't play single game for too long What cinematic Bioware-style RPG is and how would that be different from game where you got cinematic or voice acting. Because Genshin Impact has high quality voice acting and cutscenes. It's just animated. They improved their game 1 year ago, too.
  15. my screenshot on other thread seems to broken the forum. ups.
  16. I never finished POE1, but finished POE2 once. I don't think that's indication POE sucked for me, because there are other games I never finished and still love them and would recommend them, like DOS2. Problem with POE1 for me that it was too annoying. Hard to love something if you need copious amount of time for every fight. I loved POE2, but couldn't complete it twice. I used to hate isomeric point of view, but my thoughts have changed with DOS1 and Baldur's Gate 2 enhanced. I was diehard Neverwinter Nights 1&2 fan before that, with very little gaming experince before that. I also think isometric point of view couldn't be the issue because P:K, DOS2 and BG3 are all isometric, but it can make game more niche. I usually only play two or three classes in these game in all my playthrough, but I feel I like class choices and love option for multiclassing and I feel POE was too restrictive when it comes to that. Also, some people do want to play as underdog classes that has lore, while in POE everything was too balanced, but also annoying (like mini fights). I also think BG2 has more fights than POE did, but in BG2 trash fight required trash tactics, just autoattack them with crossbow and swords, and it was mistake to listen edgelords, nobody actually wants extra tactics all the time. I used to listen all this talk how people would love real tactics and real difficulties on other NWN forums, but obviously that's just edgelord talk that didn't age well. Interestingly enough, do you people think POE2 lost people who love turn based combat over real time? On P:K forums, turn based mod was all rage. I personally never understand why people don't just autoattack trash mobs for 2 seconds, and yes, fights in P:K did last 2 seconds, while I got feeling POE1 was trying it hard to mimick turn based while being real time with time it takes to do the fight.
  17. It also has zero ads plastered in front of playing screen, it has decency to be subtle and add non intrusive notice panel that doesn't bother anyone.
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