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Everything posted by Blank

  1. "I would like both groups to be going through rebuilding phases where they both have academies set up but you get the choice of joining the Jedi Academy (Coruscant) or the Sith Academy (Korriban)..." It looks like the option I chose was the popular one I liked that option because there is a prospect that one can go to the sith academy and end up as a good guy. Sabotage, deceit, moral dilemmas (you are told to kill an innocent man, and not doing so might blow your cover), possibly a romance option which would present another dilemma (trying to persuade the other person to be good). There are good plot makers there. However, the option should be limited to choose the sith academy, for cinematic purposes (the game would take too long to make if there are so many options).
  2. Wouldn't you do the same? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No.
  3. True, although, I'd be sober, so it wouldn't even be comparable to Baley's... masterpieces.
  4. You have to have faith that it'll get better after the first few chapters, since it does. However, from what I have seen, Baley, faith, and Christianity don't mix well.
  5. So Blank walks around at a normal speed with an old guy in his underpants? That is really hard to do. You need to talk about how stong Blank's leg muscles are now in the next part of the story.
  6. *Looks at Rokor's sig and sees it to be #1* uhm, so I take it he wanted our opinion just to show that he could care less about what we think?
  7. Well, I couldn't find the book thread, so I'll tell of what I recently read in this thread (the book thread was a failure in my eyes anyway, since too few books were read and listed, certainly not enough to keep the thread in the more recent pages of WoT) Black, by Ted Dekker. This book is first and foremost recommended to the other two members of the Christian axis of evil, since it has underlying Christian themes that some of you oppose. Christian themes aside, I can easily say that this book would appeal to a non-Christian, like some of you who appreciated Narnia, although that analogy is probably detrimental to my cause. And my cause is to say that this is a good book. The book is like a fantasy, and then it is also like a sci-fi, so it is one of those books where you realise why the library conventionally combines those sections. More of a fantasy though I guess.... but like... Anyway, if you have nothing to read, if you trust my recommendations to be valid, and you don't mind mild Christian themes (they aren't poison as some of you would like to think), then you should pick up this book. And Eldar and Mothman should definitely pick up this book.
  8. +25 Hades Points. I thought we went over this: people who are new to this forum wouldn't benefit by necroposting the same 20 threads over and over (each would be 500 pages long or something). For guys like Hierogrammate (see post above this one), these topics are new, interesting, and enjoyable. You've seen these same threads a billion times, but nobody is forcing you to enter them. Step out of the way and let the new guys have some fun. On Topic: K2 was cooler. K1 was the better game.
  9. So what you are saying is that Visc is a ghost we've been talking to, and the actual man has been dead for a few millenia?
  10. Yeah, I don't much touch my 360 nowadays. Oblivion was good while it lasted, but there isn't a great selection of other games, and if there was, I wouldn't want to be shelling out $120 just for getting two games that looked nice. I believe that the key for people on the edge of deciding is to wait. Darque, Volo, Deraldin... there aren't any good games out yet for the systems, er, the 360, since Wii and PS3 aren't even out yet. Time will tell what the best choice is, and in the meantime, know that you probably wouldn't be enjoying a 360 very much right now. Also, I forgot to mention here, Jade Empire is lackluster. Kotor was much better, even K2 was better, and that isn't even a complete game
  11. You beat me to it. I thought that was blanks alter ego... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nah, he's too tolerant of others to be me. I already have my hands full being Chupacabra.
  12. Oh, I finally played Jade Empire. The first noticeable thing was the combat. In one word: atrocious, especially considering that combat makes up 70-80% of the game. Moreover, they slap you upside the head with it to start with, and I was immediately tempted to put the game down and not pick it up again... I put up with it though... Characters are varied and relatively interesting. Romance was on the higher end for video games (which is not saying much). The main storyline was more compelling than Morrowind (which is not saying much again). It was also enough to allow me to push through the horrible combat system. Graphics were good for the platform and time it came out (xbox, 2002), but after Oblivion I am jaded. Overall, this game was given better scores than I believe it deserves. I'd give it a 4/5 at most, and a 3/5 at least.
  13. Your campaign seems like it could be made without too much difficulty. With NWN2 one can change the hue and colors of the environment... like the ground and sky. I can imagine having that inn in the middle of the desert-like place... Why aren't we still playing that? Edit: also, good luck on your writing project. It sounds interesting, and I am eager to hear more about it.
  14. Hmm, that doesn't seem cute and furry...
  15. Oh, you mean kind of like what you did to me, swine? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm, it also sounds like a PnP game Eldar captivated some of us with and then plenoasmed out of. <_<
  16. Since Visas starts as a force-user, it would've been cool to upgrade her to a prestige class around the time the Exile gets upgraded.
  17. "Consoles suck!" "Yeah my brand new Xbox 360 just broke on me, red lights flashing and everything, what a peice of crap." That is a hasty generalisation.
  18. (A) makes more sense, since a guy has to have food before doing other stuff, especially if you guys are going to make him get down to business
  19. Thanks Eldar. I think you are biased though.
  20. Blank

    X3... Xmen

    Interesting, because if you saw the latest cartoon series of x-men, that was kind of the premise. Also, I saw on a commercial, the guy who had spikes come out of his body, which is the same as a guy in the cartoon series... The movie is influenced by that short series, I am sure.
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