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Everything posted by Blank

  1. You have a fallacy there, since you are assuming that something can't exist outside of time. Says who? Prove your definition of the beginning of everything. How do you know there was a beginning to everything? What if there was something outside of the time-realm, that didn't need a beginning, since it has always existed? Something can exist outside of time. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!! :BLANK'S JESUS-PLUG EMOTICON:
  2. Isn't WOW an MMORPG? Doesn't that mean that the large, online multiplayer aspect differentiates it from being a normal RPG? So if you are anti-social, and solo all your quests, then where is the MMO in the MMORPG? Just wondering.
  3. This game had so many good aspects that were ditched in the sequel. Most of the scenery stopped being destructable, which is what drew me to the game. I wouldn't have minded if the graphics suffered in order to allow more destructability.
  4. [aussie accent] Quietly now... closer, closer.... alright, see, here we have spam in its advertisement form. This may be the most annoying spam to an average poster. Let's see if we can catch it by surprise... *grabs spam* HAHA! GOTCHA U LITTLE BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!! SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I thought the anti-religious messages were quite explicit. For example, politically powerful yet corrupt Catholic clergymen. Also, the news reporter repeatedly saying that those opposed to his corrupted nation were guilty of "godlessness". Moreover, although implicit, is the fact that faith in the movie is never seen in a good light, therefore presenting it in a biased manner as foolish and bad. Though it is true that faith in the wrong things can create terribly misguided miscreants, not all faith is bad like that. Faith is especially dangerous in manifestations such as portrayed in V for Vendetta's representation of neo-Britian. The country's motivational poster, which is clearly reminiscent of 1984's, says, "Strength through Unity, Unity through Faith," which is clearly inviting of flaws and corruption, as it leaves undefined what the faith is put in. In this instance, the faith can be fluidly changed to fit one thing or another, as per the governments bidding, very similar to the government's manipulation of people 1984 (Big Brother's own propaganda that "ignorance is strength" becomes true, in that it applies only to Big Brother's hold on the people). Considering that my beliefs in Jesus are faith-based, this could have been offensive to me. However, I enjoyed the story, because I know that people have to be dumb to think of all faith solely in the biased way it seems to be presented in V for Vendetta. Though numerous representations of faith like this can taint the minds of unreasonable people in general, such ignorance goes against the point of stories like these, which are admonishers of unreason. Also, I agree with what Moore said in this from wikipedia:
  6. Interestingly, I enjoy this activity. I wouldn't say it is a hobby, but talking to people on the other side of the planet is rather fun at times. And when their english skills aren't that good, it is still fun. And then what Calax said ^
  7. The sequel was very dissappointing. You could blow up 60% less stuff as I remember
  8. Well, that game was fun. It was fun for one reason: you could make tunnels in the walls with guns. The idea was great, and the devs held to their word: if you didn't have a key to the door, you could blast your way around it, over, under, and to the sides. I remember my buddy and I just digging tunnels, disregarding the fact that the game was a fps. We would dig tunnels from two ends of a map, and try to connect them, and guess where they would meet. Eventually, the game stops letting you dig, since too much memory is being taken up, but it was so fun while it lasted. I wish there were more games like that.
  9. Honey doesnt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love honey. For food, it is probably #1, next to ice-cream. And no, honey on ice-cream does not taste good, as much as I wished.
  10. Well, since we are officially resuscitating this thing... There should totally be a campaign where this happens. Maybe we could set up 3 towns/cities where everything goes according to Allignment Rules. Crazy ass evil town, Super diddly do Good town and Neutral town. Players interact with them, maybe starting/solving conflicts etc. A nod to Allignment craziness that ****s with your mind. NWN2 toolkit anyone? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I really like this idea. There are a lot of possibilities. The players would be the only "sane" ones, who recognize that there is more than just 9 arbitrary limits to why a person does something. They could go through the town and encounter crazies and try to convince the crazies but never be successful. And there would be one sane person in the town who went crazy being alone and killed themself and you find their journal and read about how they were sane.
  11. There is also a difference between pitying someone and seeing how they can be helped. Showering gifts probably doesn't help, but that girl will need help to get through life, and to ignore that is stupid... er, faulty.
  12. I own a buisness and I am in it to make money off the services I bring.
  13. Right, you have one alt and it is Mothman.
  14. I don't think you or I can verify it for sure, but we can certainly see the effects of it. ("it" being the self-awareness of the he or she that is not yourself) For yourself, you might say, "I think, therefore I am." From that article, "Jaakko Hintikka offered a non-syllogistic interpretation. 'I exist' is immune to Descartes' method of doubt because it is impossible to be mistaken about one's own existence. If we don't exist then we can't be mistaken, so we might as well believe we do." Where the heck is Meta when you need him?
  15. For one to understand that he or she exists.
  16. I quoted scripture not to persuade you, but to show my beliefs' source. As for the awareness thing, I was talking about something happening to a kid at the age of 1, such as, almost drowning every day for a year, and then when the kid is older, he has a fear of water. His "soul" is changed based on a time when his soul wasn't activated?
  17. I almost agree with that too. The difference is that you believe the soul starts at that sentient state, while I believe it starts at inception. (I forget a lot of my childhood, does that mean I wasn't sentient until now?) Certain stimuli to 1 year-olds can change the child's reaction to certain things later in their life. Were they not aware of those things while they still weren't "sentient"? I believe the way I do because this kind of thing looks God-ordained in the bible. For example: Psalm 139:13 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. God also formed that disheveled girl in the other thread. He has a plan for her life. I'm just saying what I believe. 1 Cor. 1: 27-29 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before God.
  18. I voted episode 3. Good CG scenes and there was actual emotion and plot. It impressed me that Lucas & Co. came back and make this decent, good-looking movie after the atrocious episode 1 and 2, and after the successful, but exclusive trilogy from 20 years ago.
  19. You almost convinced me with that. But then I think about what a "soul" is (since I'm religious and all). And since I don't have an exact definition, I think about how people would react if I went around killing 1 year-olds saying "Don't worry, they aren't sentient life yet." And I realize maybe there is something more to it than sentience.
  20. Good review, Mothy. TOMBS is still choking and crawling along thanks to you. I will also take this moment to clear my reputation with regards to Gray Jedi Knight. It is funny to joke about it and classify him in a group with me, but his methods of presenting Jesus were not biblical.
  21. T3 wonders what drugs Handmaiden has been using.
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