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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Oh gosh, I must've not explained. I went into the cellar and there were some scurrying rodents. They weren't hostile. I walked around some more and looked at stuff. Nothing was worth seeing down there, which is realistic, as a real cellar probably has nothing worth seeing in it. So on my way out I decide that the rats are a good touch to the cellar. I check to see if they can be targeted by the mouse. They could be. So then I attacked one. It died. Totally unrelated to any missions. Some other rats came after me. I smacked each one on the head and they died instantly. NOT a mission or quest. PURELY FOR FUN. The only bad part was that 1 foot long bones flew out of them. So far, the module is as much or more compelling as the OC is.
  2. I killed those cellar rats for no reason and got some massive criticals that made foot-long bones and 5 pints of blood come out of the small little guys...
  3. As Obsidian's first game, I think they did pretty well with it. And it seems like they knew quite a bit of the SW universe, as did Bioware, but I mean how Obsidian had a miraluka as a party member. I didn't know what a miraluka was before K2.
  4. Yeah, like, you should know Pixies was joking, so to reply to him as if he had actually exploded is surprising. Hence, wow, that is, you really are clueless. I'm just decoding it though, and I might be wrong.
  5. Whoa, take it easy. He meant it in a casual way. He didn't mean to imply that all the modders were guys (which is untrue). No need to blow your lid because he wasn't PC about a casual comment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How can you be Playable Character about any kind of comment?
  6. Alright, I finished the Shadowguard premium mod today. It was okay. I'm going to be more leniant about NWN and not compare it to something like Oblivion every moment I play it. Considering that NWN is already installed for me, I'll give this mod a try. I'll make a character named Horace, and he'll be a hobbit, and he will kill anyone named Dhothlar.
  7. Try the new saying! The new saying!
  8. ^ This is good news to me. It sounds like Kotor 2 was realeased without that extra buffer period of a few months, and people were mangstxious after seeing the unfinishedness. And yes, I know those words were maded-upped.
  9. I think Neutral was saying that if the tree falls then it moves, so it makes noise, whether someone hears it or not. Of course, as you pointed out, the question has to do with relativity, as in, who hears it, and how does one know it made a noise if nobody heard it. I'll try to modernize the saying though: I stand in one spot for ten minutes, then I move to another spot for 1 minute (during that one minute, nothing changes from when I was in the first spot), then I go back to the original spot. For all practical purposes imaginable, did I ever move? No, because it was as if I was still in the original spot. Nobody was there to record it. In fact, what I tell you of my supposed movement could be a lie. So, did I move or not?
  10. You guys are assuming that her personality is compatible with teh Pixies'. See, she might turn out to be one of those clich
  11. Here's an article about it. I think it is funny how Chelsea makes excuses about being out of shape. What the heck? They are payed to be in shape. They should always be good, especially since "Chelsea has spent big since Roman Abramovich took over four seasons ago, shelling out about $750 million to build a roster of international stars," and they are aiming to be champs in the Premiere League this year. America doesn't totally suck at soccer, people just need to admit it. Sure, we suck at it, but not always, and not that bad.
  12. That is a worldview in itself. I however believe that everyone can know things in the same manner, recognized through a built-in conscience. That is, I believe there is an absolute truth that everyone can interact with and nobody is excepted from interacting with it in a manner that all can understand. The reason I believe this is because I believe there is a God who created everything and is fair. In His fairness I believe He gives everyone a chance to know Him and to know salvation from evil (all that is separate from Him), which we are born into and cannot be saved from without Him. And we want to be saved from evil because everything that is separate from Him is punished, as it is deserving; evil is not good. Yes, I actually have thought about these things, at great length too. As a follower of Christ, I find it difficult to obey God sometimes, and I must constantly examine my motivations in order to not give up. Eternity is like, forever, which is not measurable by time if I recall correctly. I enjoy talking with you too. These things actually matter to me.
  13. The Monkey Chow Diaries gave me a few laughs at least. Go ahead and sample the first, it was rather compelling for me, enough to watch all 7. He certainly sounds like he is from Minnesoooota.
  14. I do that too, except, without the online translator, or the Jamahiriya, or the copy and pasting. Actually, I won't lie, I don't do that.
  15. It means you are truly wise when you "realize" (comprehend completely or correctly) a partly undefinable contradiction. In essence, that means you cannot be truly wise. But what I am hung up on is how he knows what truly wise is and we didn't. In fact, I reject his claim as to what true wisdom is unless he can prove to me that he is truly wise himself. I think it is fair that I'll only accept the definition of "truly wise" from one who is "truly wise".
  16. Or is it paroxysms? Am I right fellas, I mean, am I right?
  17. Actually guys, we think English is his second language. At least he tries to contribute, better than I can say for myself sometimes.
  18. Dangit. Well, I guess this is my excuse to go to sleep. Night guys.
  19. OH oh, tell me tell me! I haven't had a Jesus thread for a few months now.
  20. NoOoOo, because nothing is the absence of something.
  21. What are you trying to do, help me turn this into a Jesus-thread? I certainly don't mind
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