I agree. Most of the Iraqi people don't give a rip about what the US is doing. And now that they have a "democracy", they'll just vote in somebody who hates infidels, because that is their religion. Democracy won't change them, if anything, it'll show their true colors, that is, what they all think. What is the worthwhile thing? Tell us, and maybe we'll join your cause.
The ten commandments are not the only thing that matters in Christianity or Judaism. I'm not really sure what you are getting at when you said this. The bible discusses intentions a lot. You say your statement in a manner condemning of the ten commandments. Are they bad? If people were to obey them perfectly, would there not be a great change for the good?
We aren't the deciders, but we are over there now (we won't have to blast our way in right now), so how can we help make things better?In your eyes, the best thing that the US can possibly do right now is take every military trooper out of Iraq?
Neither does anybody, you just made that up. Bush thought Hussein was a threat. It ends up that Bush wasn't justified to go into Iraq. Nobody is saying, "bombs are actually good intentions." You made that up to rag on something.
You obviously think the US should leave Iraq immediately because we can't help any bit by staying. That might be true, but it might not be true. Why can't help be given? Could the US troops be redirected to protecting food supplies that were not getting to where they needed to go? I don't know. I'm not the decider. And neither are you. You're just ranting and not helping as much as I am.