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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Might want to take a look at what happened to this thread in terms of replies and discussions. Its somewhat similar to the thread that you have created about sith lords.
  2. That's interesting...
  3. We can have Soldier class characters with slight variances in opinions.
  4. Would basically have to reload a previous game that was saved before entering cave to get different crystals.
  5. Thought that Revan could have a second name in K1 (not name which you give to him/her). Hearing Revan's name all the time was a bit tiresome.
  6. Perhaps you are referring to those kinds of garments/robes worn by Sith assassins that can stealth themselves? K2 items don't really include those. Only know of one which is Darth Revan's robes from K1 which is obtained if you play as a darkside PC.
  7. Would not simply go by doing only a few quests for the game. Usually helps to do more of some side quests if possible. However, if you have done all side quests and no cue from Atton occurs about meeting Visquis, it could be some fault in game.
  8. (Bows obediently to Exile) Bao-Dur: "Yes, General?" (Acknowledges Exile) Bao-Dur: 'Very well, General." (Responds to Exile) Bao-Dur: "And that's why I follow you General." (Compliments Exile) Bao-Dur: "Nice job, General." (Responds to Exile) Bao-Dur: "Hey, General?" (Exile faints)
  9. Twi' lek has a close pronunciation similarity with twilight.
  10. At least one could hear a room phone ringing in some way. Would not mind that than having to hear screams through the Force in terms of transmission of pain over distances spanning lengths of light-years. Silence perhaps.
  11. Wonder how Vader managed to slip and land on the floor facing upwards.
  12. Believe that it takes time to notice some things. Sion in some ways looks like a pirate warrior and also like a fighter that hardly yields to back down at all. Will of the force?
  13. Variability helps, I suppose even for gender.
  14. Exile: "I'm here because a pretentious schutta stole my ship."
  15. Well, usually I do this: 1) Speak to Sullustan about redeeming his droid from Kodin and buy it back from the vendor. 2) Speak with both Duros vendor and Rodian vendor and decide which one to side with. 3) Do quest for female Twi' lek in swoop racing area by rewiring droid to self-destruct. 4) Use Kreia's Stealth to eavesdrop on what aliens are saying in slums after speaking to Fassa to trigger option in getting juma juice. 5) Side with Vogga on hijacked freighters. 6) Get to cantina, obtain juman juice from wine vendor and volunteer to dance for Vogga. After that, fill water urn in Vogga's chamber with juma juice before unlocking his inner chamber to find some items. 7) If playing as LS, get to Refugee sector and after speaking to Hussa, intimidate Exchange boss Quarren and defeat him before heading back to EH for Red Eclipse fight. Usually, Visquis' hologram appears after exiting EH from Red Eclipse battle. Have not really tried Pazzak quest but it might also count in getting Exchange's attention.
  16. Somehow, Malachor in K2 was hardly a planet that was close to anything as to how K1 described it through Canderous' dialogue lines with Revan.
  17. Would usually use purple for DS Revan. Green usually for LS in K1.
  18. True, especially for DS Revan in K1. Bastila can heal party while Canderous deals melee damage with a PC.
  19. Have you tried exiting game, running it and reloading?
  20. Ok, turn on your PC, look at windows screen. Does it say Windows XP, Windows ME or Windows 2000? Or you could ask your dad what windows your PC uses.
  21. What is confusing? How so? You just have to find it inside your C drive, which you can find in an icon called My Computer. What windows version are you using?
  22. Fancy having a can of drink being shot out from a droid. Anyway, rubber hands let it slip through his grasp. Jimmy Fallon spoof video is comically impressive.
  23. Don't really use cheats much, close to not at all. However, you might find some here. If you did install K2 on PC using its default location, it would be found in C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2. Open up notepad file called swkotor 2. You will see several sections in this file. Under game options type EnableCheats=1. Follow rest of instructions from link provided for using codes.
  24. It's hard to tell. Although Luke clearly called for justice from Palpatine's white lightning attack in ROTJ, Anakin willed himself to toss Palpatine into Death Star ventilation chasm.
  25. And dialogue lines in those entries were often abrupt. Sounded a bit like rapid blabbering. Not even relatively long as conversations were for K1.
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