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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. You don't have to be a snob about it.
  2. There was nearly no CGI in Underworld. Everything with the exception of some the few full-body Werewolf shots, a single vampire death effect and part of a head falling off was shot in real time. Even the scene where the Werewolf leaders runs faster than and unto the car was a non-CGI effects shot.
  3. They are also making a sequel to The Dark Crystal.
  4. Alright. Here goes. Garthantik - Basically, a huge ass upside down mouth with no eyes and an amazing sense of smell. It has four legs that start as two but seperate at the knees, the feet having suction cups or whatever similar to Geckos so they can walk on the ceilings(hence the upside down head, it's straight when they're hanging). It also has two arms with the elbows pointing up, spikes for extra grip sticking in the ceiling, and large claws used to grab it's prey from the ground. Beyond this, it's basically a ravenous sack of organs encased in bones, with a small tail that also works as waste disposal and sexual organ. Usually lives in caves. Well, that just turned out hella freaky.
  5. **** boi? Man my real name owns all of those. My real last name is pronounced as the weird.
  6. Danny Elfman - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Soundtrack - Mike Teevea's Theme This **** is trippy. And awesome.
  7. 183.5 cm and 61 kilos here. I think I've got you beat. I've got the metabolism of a ferret, and I'm also very fidgety. (research shows people who couldn't sit still if their live depended on it are probably skinny) Anyone got advice on gaining weight besides such sillyness as eating more? I eat four meals a day and basically snack all day long, plus eat loads of fruit. No, it's not a medical condition. 56kg and 170cm here, on a diet of potatoes, bread, pasta, and chicken. I'm a carb burning machine, baby. I laugh at you, so-called Neutral-True, and your silly Frrroo-its. Now go away or I shall-a taunt you a second time. :D Actually, I'd like to gain some weight too, but I'd like to gain it as muscle, and due to my horrendous diet, I'm constantly paranoid that if I exercise more than a little I'll start gaining all that weight as fat, and turn from a small scrawny geek into a big huge overweight one with no friends. You're shorter than me. I think we're generally about equel on the healthy scale. Whoa. Quote Tunnel. Let's not do this any further.
  8. I am seventeen. I haven't actually talked to someone about nutrition but I figure I eat healthy enough. I eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, as well as meat. The only thing I don't do is butter my bread, since I consider butter to be quite filthy. I also eat more than most people I know do. They are astounded at my utter inability to gain weight.
  9. Yeah, well, that doesn't help me much, but honestly I'm getting quite tired of seeing my ribs every time I look in the mirror without a shirt on. Actually sometimes WITH a shirt on.
  10. 183.5 cm and 61 kilos here. I think I've got you beat. I've got the metabolism of a ferret, and I'm also very fidgety. (research shows people who couldn't sit still if their live depended on it are probably skinny) Anyone got advice on gaining weight besides such sillyness as eating more? I eat four meals a day and basically snack all day long, plus eat loads of fruit. No, it's not a medical condition.
  11. Am I the only one who adores his early work such as Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles? That stuff was hilarious.
  12. I didn't even know they made an anime out of that, let alone a live action movie.
  13. Dude, David Hasslehoff, let me guess, you've never heard of him before. No, but come to think of it, I saw him in Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. last week. He should lose for that atrocity alone.
  14. MacGuyver since I have no ****ing idea who this Hoffmeister is.
  15. This thread rapes my mind with hatred.
  16. I find that disturbing. Even though you probably didn't mean to imply it, that sounded like terrorist attacks on military targets are somewhat more acceptable. They aren't. Soldiers and police are people too, and they don't join those organizations to get blown to pieces in cowardly attacks by raving madmen. It's not in their contract. Terrorist attacks are never acceptable, but a government or military of another country is more likely to cause you harm than it's ordinary citizens. Attacks on such targets could be explained away. When you attack ordinary citizens, it's just cruel. It has no plausible purpose. This is why many people perceive such an attack to be worse than one on an official target - they can't understand it.
  17. Number 1 and 2 may be correct, but number 3 is not an example of being more appealing. IT IS BEING MORE COWARDLY. Anyway, where's the 'none' option? I'd rather go to hell than always be reachable. People annoy me enough as it is. I don't even want to know what it'd be like if they could find me at any time.
  18. No Boy, No Cry - Stance Punks Japanese punk is hella weird.
  19. Any part where a tripod appears in a creepy or awesome way. From underground, out from the trees, and from underwater. The pictures were just so ominous. Yes, he is. You can CLEARLY recognize his face when he's killing Mellish. Knowing how he wasn't able to do it before and it cost Mellish his life is THE driving force that pushes Upham to shoot him afterall now. If you can't recognize him, you have an eye problem.
  20. It's not really Pantera anymore. After all, Dimebag croaked it. R.I.P. Darrel Abbot.
  21. I felt for him too, but I think you kindof missed the point of that scene. The German soldier didn't let him be because he wasn't a threat. Remember the scene where they take a German POW, and Upham convinces them that just killing him was wrong, and they let him go? Same German. He's returning the favour.
  22. Actually, the original The Matrix used less CGI as people like to think. Many of the scenes where, for example, people hang in the air, were simply filmed using filming tricks. The things that were CGI were quite obvious, such as the Sentinels. I think Spielberg is one of the few film-makers that realizes what true special effects are. Many film-makers throw in a CGI robot or creature or whatever with the knowledge that you'll be able to see it's CGI - so you'll go 'ooh, aah, look at that special effect'. Spielberg, however, knows that if someone can tell it's a special effect right away, you have failed as a film-maker. It takes the audience straight out of the movie and makes them concentrate on the special effects. That's not the effect you want. I'm glad to see ILM is back on top of their game after WETA Digital spent the last couple of years kicking their bloody asses.
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