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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Yet, by simply reading it, you could have seen that they were related. The paragraph is used to indicate many things, not just shift in topic. In this case, it was used for dramatic effect as to demonstrate with extra clarity that the following is, or is at least comparable to, a punchline.
  2. This was one of the first records I actually bought instead of downloaded. It's just that good.
  3. Just when I didn't think I could make it any more blatant, I added the sentence that comes after it. And you still don't see it. Fans of the english language would have recognized that sentence as hyperbole. (where have I heard that sentence before recently? hmm...) Pearl Jam - Indifference
  4. I don't know. Their entire sound just... irks me for some reason. It's so fake. EDIT: Dammit, I can't think of any reason to actually hate them, and it's driving me insane. Usually my musical opinions can at least be backed by gross exaggeration and pretentious name-dropping.
  5. Yes, give him a brake so he can stop. Actually, I quite hate Nightwish myself.
  6. Because I'm used to it, and as long as I don't see enough reason to quit, I'm going to keep doing it. The Shins - Mine's Not A High Horse
  7. Wow! Such wit! I love you in a completely carnal and homosexual manner.
  8. I'm not doing this to sound tough. It's just, I grew up around people who cursed, and that is how I talk, and how most people I know talk. I find it utterly weak that we're not allowed to talk that way. After all, every word, if given the right emotional charge, can mean the same thing. People who don't curse when you know they want to or they usually do? They have something to hide. They either know something, are trying to get something out of you, or are trying to bluntly **** you over. That's basically the gist of it. Not cursing makes you an ****. Those soccer moms who censor every bit of cursing and get indignant about it? They're all secretly devil worshippers. Skyclad - Land Of The Rising Slum
  9. No, I know Power Metal is not to be taken seriously. This is why I quite adore Manowar, Blind Guardian, Kamelot, etc. BUT HIS VOCALS JUST ANNOY THE [/i]SNOT[/i] OUT OF ME EDIT: WORDFILTER **** **** GODDAMMIT DIE YOU ****. Why can't you just let me talk the way I talk!? Political correctness is the hiding tool of a NAZI.
  10. Skyclad is particularely brilliant because, as opposed to most lyricists, he knows how to use more than simple end rhyme. Internal rhyme and alliteration found everywhere. Some lyrics are in special forms, like sonnets. They're also quite adapt at making fun of, well, everything. Hell, they have an album called Folk
  11. I've tried to listen to Hammerfall. I really have. But I just CAN'T stomach their vocals. Neutral Milk Hotel - The King Of Carrot Flowers, Part II & III
  12. If you want brilliant lyrics, look no further than SKYCLAD.
  13. Elitism is not necessarily a negative construct. :)" It certainly was when I used it. And elitist, in this case, isn't someone who is part of the elite, but rather someone who believes in 'the elite' and manages, for some obscure reason, to imagine that he or she is part of it.
  14. I always have a bad day. I'm like, the certified forum A-hole and elitist. EDIT: Dratted wordfilter.
  15. First, I'm not even a metalhead. Second, you're on my ignore list.
  16. You had a friend who likes jazz write that, didn't you? I don't see what jazz has to do with it. Ask Billy what kind of music he makes - he'll say, as he has said before, that he makes rock music. I don't have any 'friends' who like jazz, simply because every single 'person' I've ever met that plays jazz is an absolute terror to be around. Jazz is a gross misuse of musical skills that has absolutely no emotion whatsoever, and is pretty much to all music what bands like System of a Down and Tool are to metal. Pretentious twats who are so arrogant about their chord progressions that they forget to put any form of melody in it. Complete with an utter lack of stage presence and absolutely nothing to say, that makes jazz about as interesting as something halfway between static and Post-Rock. As for me, I'm currently listening to Claude Debussy. Take from that what you will, but I'm not wasting any more time on your disturbing assumptions before you make any more flaws of the human race completely apparent to me.
  17. **** you and the implication you make with that post. Not only do I love Billy Joel (Oh My God Pianoman!), but most metalheads I know know more about different types of music, music theory and music history than most hipsters and 'music buffs' can even dream of.
  18. God, you aren't one of those 'tr00 metal' elitists, right? The kind of people who like really loud metal because it pisses their parents off? And no, nobody needs to point out the irony in me calling someone else an elitist.
  19. Yeah, that was me too, but that still wasn't rock. It sounded more like the metal influenced grunge of Alice In Chains. And I only made it all the way through St. Anger (the album) ONCE. It has some good rhythm guitar, but that's it. The drums sound like pots and pans, there isn't a solo on the whole goddamn thing, the bass isn't even audible, there's almost no melody, the songs are long for the sake of having long songs and are incredibly repetetive, Hetfield's singing goes off-pitch half the time, and he randomly says words fast and slow for no reason or melody. Some Kind Of Monster is an okay song though, and for some reason, I have taken quite a liking to The Unnamed Feeling.
  20. Bull****. The best artists in my art classes listen to goddamn hardcore.
  21. Lucky for some ... >_ It can, however, show character flaws.
  22. Pearl Jam - Black Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town Pearl Jam - Better Man Pantera - Cemetary Gates Pantera - Hollow EElS - Susan's House EElS - I Like Birds EElS - Going To Your Funeral Pt 1 Broken Social Scene - Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl Mogwai - Like Herod The Shins - Caring Is Creepy The Shins - Weird Divide The Shins - Mine's Not A High Horse Iron Maiden - The Trooper Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills Iron Maiden - Paschendale Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark Guns N' Roses - Paradise City Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine Beck - Loser Beck - Devil's Haircut Metallica - Fade To Black Metallica - Disposable Heroes Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be The Fiery Furnaces - Mason City Alice In Chains - Rooster Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole Mad Season - I Don't Know Anything Orgy - Opticon Orgy - Eva R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts Radiohead - Airbag Radiohead - Creep Radiohead - No Surprises Deerhoof - Spirit Ditties Of No Tone Deerhoof - Siriustar Blind Guardian - Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill) Modest Mouse - Dramamine Modest Mouse - Long Distance Drunk Modest Mouse - Jesus Christ Was An Only Child Modest Mouse - I Came As A Rat Modest Mouse - Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun Deadsy - Sleepy Hollow Godsmack - Hollow Incubus - 11 A.M. Incubus - Warning Temple Of The Dog - Hunger Strike Temple Of The Dog - Times Of Trouble Foo Fighters - Friend Of A Friend Foo Fighters - Everlong Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song) Sonic Youth - Shadow Of A Doubt Aaaaand nobody probably read that.
  23. Finntroll? No no, excellent moshing music.
  24. Absolutely not. Music does not show one's intelligence.
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