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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Personally, I'd go for a Testament day. And a lot of people would misconstrue.
  2. Hey, don't dingo with Manowar man. They fill my comedy needs more than a band like They Might Be Giants ever could. Currently have Symphony & Metallica on, on The Thing That Should Not Be, which I daresay is the track that benefitted the most from the Symphony. It sounds so much more otherwordly now. CTHULHU FHTAGN!
  3. Man, how anyone can stand Kerry King's solos is beyond me. He never bothered to learn that not staying within guitar scales makes your solos sound like dingo. They're just random notes!
  4. I do believe that position has been taken. SKYCLAD - Penny Dreadful
  5. The first record I ever bought was The Offspring - Americana. I did pretty well, I think. Hell, someone I know bought a Lou Bega CD as their first.
  6. I'm not sure if you're serious... No. I adore Eagles Of Death Metal. I am talking about The "Hotel California" Eagles. You know, the ones who have played some twenty reunion tours and even more farewell tours but not releasing any new material in over twenty years? Also, I'm not sure about this, but from what I've been told they've even gone so far as to charge $100 for a dingoing concert. Soundgarden - Superunknown Probably herecy or whatever, but I like their later work much more than their earlier work.
  7. My hatred for the Eagles is pretty much worse than my hatred for Coldplay, but that's only because I have only heard two Coldplay songs. In my defence, I can still hate them, because "Clocks" and "Speed Of Sound" sound exactly the same and are both horribly overplayed. (And when I say they sound exactly the same, I don't mean that of that they have the same feel and vibe, but I mean you could probably make a mash-up called "Speed Of Clocks" like some guy did with Nickelback ("How You Remind Me Of Someday")) The Eagles, however, are pretty much everything that is wrong with rock music today. Kamelot - Descent of the Archangel
  8. Why are people here referring to the resident evil movies are horror? They are not. There is nothing scary about them. Zombies does not make horror. They're cliche action movies. Now, them games, that's a different matter. They scared the dingo out of me. (EDIT: What, we're not allowed to say that either? I didn't even know that counted as profanity...)
  9. Yeah, it's goths playing emo. Also, they claim to play love metal. What else needs to be said? Skyclad - Skyclad
  10. I hated HIM before I even heard one song. Why? HEARTAGRAMS. Heartagrams are so not KRIEG. Nor metal, grim, frostbitten, tr00 or kvlt. Kamelot - Wings Of Despair (if all power metal was this good, the genre would not be a terrible self-parody)
  11. Thanks so dingoing much, you wonderful person! No, seriously, I knew what had to happen but I kept typing things like Now I got 38 out of 38.
  12. Weezer has got to be the most inconsistent band ever. On one side, you have such brilliant poprock gems like The Blue Album and Pinkerton, but on the other, there's boring repetitive tripe like The Green Album and Make Believe. Of course, I shouldn't complain about bands being inconsistent and still adore everything Pearl Jam has ever released. Skyclad - Inequality Street (Skyclad on the other hand is always awesome)
  13. Never have I seen a more fitting title for an artist to sing. Man, now I want to listen to Brent Spiner... But I won't! Metallica - One
  14. I don't know about him, but man, I would say that I would never use that term.
  15. When people start argueing on whether Slayer or Anthrax are better, I always argue that we're all better off listening to Testament anyway. Deerhoof - Siriustar
  16. Yeah, the 'selling out' thing was sarcasm. I don't see how they sold out either. Vs. is definately my favourite. I grew up as an accidental grunge child, but the only grunge that ever really came to Holland were the big four (only three of whom I like, Nirvana pretty much sucks). When I really got into music and wanted to look into more grunge it was too late. Mudhoney, Green River, Mother Love Bone. Their music is entirely impossible to find here. Finntroll - Trollhammaren (god, Finntroll is hilarous) EDIT: Also, Alter Bridge isn't that bad, in my opinion. It strikes me that Scott Stapp was most of the reason as to why Creed was so damned horrible. With Alter Bridge they're exploring a more 'metal' side, stopped downtuning their guitars, and actually made some slightly uplifting songs (One Day Remains doesn't strike me as particularely angsty).
  17. Got that in my playlist; Dirt was a great album. I consider Dirt to be the best album that came out of the Seattle Grunge scene. But hey, what do I know? I still like Pearl Jam and they OMGZ DINGOING SOLD OUT. Skyclad - Sins Of Emission
  18. I was going to say "I'm not" but I'm shocked at how many of those things apply to me.
  19. O the irony Yeah, I had an enormous hangover that day.
  20. Blarghagh


    I read fourty webcomics. Does that count for anything?
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