Speaking of the developments with the undead, did anyone else notice how much Blizzard is ripping themselves off with that?
You've got the "good warrior girl", (Kerrigan, Sylvanas) and they get turned into a screwed up version of themselves by a faction which consists out of mindless monsters (Zerg, Undead) who are basically controlled by one all-knowing creature (The Overmind, The Lich King). But then their controller hits a snag, and suddenly they have free thought again, and decide to take a part of the faction for their own (Kerrigan's broods, The Forsaken). Also, both of them are very treacherous. I'm pretty sure both of them betrayed everyone they came into contact with. (Mengsk, Raynor, Fenix, Zeratul - Garithos, Arthas, The Dreadlords)