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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Leave the newbies alone for once, Surr. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I do leave newbies alone! - 10 points for implying that I am a bully. +50 points to pixies for making a good judgement call.
  2. If it is, i'll be annoyed because i disagreed with that theory and dismissed it as insane geek hype.
  3. [QUOTE]Things other people say[/QUOTE]
  4. -10 points to Chupacabra. Why? Start as you mean to go on. ^_^
  5. Jarhead - me likey, many things to note many questions raised but can't be bothered. EDIT: wedding crashers is out on DVD.
  6. you forgot the hentai
  7. I don't think the (insane) fans would be happy with any new incarnation of Fallout as i suspect any dev would eschew the the traditional view and interface in favour of one more modern.
  8. it won't be morrowind, it will be Oblivion with guns and apost apoc setting.
  9. I thought it might be some kind of texan colloquialism, sorry. What kind of fish do they put in the tacos?
  10. Crapcakes?
  11. Surely you realise by now, they are in the possesion of the magical crystal ball of futuristic doom.
  12. closest thing to black hitler in real life would be louis farrakhan
  13. Tooth brush moustache, brown suit and tie, severe haircut...
  14. Good review kirottu, hahahaha!
  15. I was just naming a favourite game
  16. It sounds like you want some kind of RTS element in the game. I think weiser cain has the best idea so far.
  17. Isn't that a Bond film?
  18. At first i thought guns, then maybe horses? I finally surmise it must be some kind of sports team. Care to elaborate?
  19. what if your enemies are godlike? is it still stupid?
  20. Goldeneye 64
  21. Even though i hated Discworld for its horrible and insane puzzles, i still enjoyed it due to the story.
  22. Oh right, in that case. Story and character interaction. Of course the other options are still very important.
  23. Forgive my density but what is defined as an adventure game? Some example would be appreciated, thanks.
  24. So who is working on Kotor 3 and when will that be released?
  25. If the blood is green then imagine all the Trekkies lining up to be vulcan!!
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