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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. That is sensible and and controlled eating. I call any diet that isn't based on any scientific principles a fad diet. You forgot exercise mkreku, that is half the equation. "the president buys crack"
  2. never bothered watching 24 despite hype, until yesterday. I like it, i like it a lot. Will watch seasons 1-4 later when i have a 64 hour viewing slot free. ^_^
  3. My crack is mine.
  4. do you ever combine the two?
  5. I think i have an inkling as to why Launch maybe ever so slightly reluctant to have a report on her... she may be annoyed that i mentioned it. Hee Hee. Edit: There is no life without crack.
  6. Smallville isn't top in its time slot by any means or the WB's top rated show. The move to thursday has benefited the ratings... but since thursday night is higly competitive its hard to say whther smallville will survive. Although i guess they would have said something already in cancellation were due. Storywise its difficult to see beyond the 6th season.
  7. This is probably smallville's last season.
  8. The weight you lost? most probably not fat, the weight you gained back? most probably fat. Fad diets are BS through and through.
  9. it would be funnier with other stuff but right now i think crack is pretty risque for this board.
  10. what they taste like? no the chocolate biscuit ones, the real ones. Fishy i expect. mr and mrs smith - mildly amusing flashy silly crap, got really silly at the end. Its like teh wooing of Bradgelina or something Corpse Bride - kinda soppy but well done. Good voice acting and puppets. Even reminds me of grim fandango in some places.
  11. march of the penguins - nothing great, the reason that them over the water like it is cos they have no David Attenborough.
  12. Thanks for clarifying, what is porn?
  13. Good call pixies, coincidentally you get a new feat too: Fists of Judgement.
  14. Frakette gives it no thumbs up.
  15. meh Star Wars will just make for simplistic childish game.
  16. 1000 points to Launch for improving the male/female ratio in this thread. :D
  17. creeppy stealthy game
  18. You cant really talk to anybody as a Nosferatu. Play it as a melee ninja.
  19. 1st April, 2005 OE is NOT making K3.
  20. Familiar: special pet that magic people use. Like witches and cats. Why are you in stealth mode GoA?
  21. It may be the thread content; it may be the wonderful relatively new employees Hey Joe. It could even be the noticeable absence of Kotor 2 bashing like what there was around a year ago. Remember when the feargus said he would close down the boards? anyway - on topic (kind of) Comparatively shorter game times may be a conscious effort to entice the wider games market. Those people that view gaming as more of a casual engagement than say someone like Hades.
  22. The combat needs a rehaul but real time isnt the way to go. I don't know enough about combat mechanics to suggest an improvement. All i can say is that i don't want it to be a chore with a foregone conclusion.
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