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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Kill Bil Vol. 1 - pays homage to many geeky film genres, klingon proverb at beginning was funny, anime section very good the end bit was awesome in its OTT ness. Vol.2 - Uh oh, run out of ideas, time to revert to talking "cool bul sh*t" mode zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  2. so... what have you got downloading there?
  3. Yes, I intentionally neglected to mention him. Aside from "I pity da foo'" he was pretty pointless.
  4. So as to avoid copyright issues.... and sucky ideas.
  5. Nah, Rocky is the good one. Rocky II is the same thing with a different outcome. I'm not sure of the point of Rocky III - avenging the death of his trainer who died of old age? At least it has Hulk Hogan doing his best wrestling ever. The film also has plenty of not so subtle homo-eroticism. Rocky IV - ermm, he avenges the death of his friend against the USSR? Then he preaches unity. Rocky V - tries to go back to its roots or something Rocky Balboa... who knows?
  6. You can... if you want. But be sure to film it and sell the tape on teh internets.
  7. Is popeye's pipe a corn cob?
  8. we rotate around it though, right?
  9. I think of shymanamlaanlan as being a poor director who strings the audience a long with a boring story in order to get to the (now) cheap payoff. However i thikk i am just basing that on sixth sense since i cannot remmeber unbreakable and signs much as i was high when i watched them.
  10. what was teh twist in unbreakable? i cannot remember. I liked that the best. Signs was ok but sixth sense was overrated poop.
  11. I remember some documentary that suggested our solar system's position (relative to the centre of the milky way)coincided with or caused the ice ages.
  12. I never implied anything of the sort, I contended that you could not make an assumption based on a complete absence of relevant knowledge - I reserve the right to keep my religious and ethnic background private. I'll have to watch the video again to make sure but the impression i got was that she failed to make a distinction between extremist and non extremist muslims. Even if she did state the difference, its still pretty much a drop in the ocean since there are already muslims who criticise the way that extremists interpret Islam e.g. the women in Afghanistan that go to work (as mentioned by walsingham earlier).
  13. Well since you know nothing about me, thats a mighty big assumption but that is beside the point. I was puzzled by all the back slapping and praise heaped on her by posters in this thread. I did say that she raised valid and reasonable points but its just another atheist criticising a religion. Oh, I seemed to have answered my own question.
  14. yeah, i don't get the praise for her. She's just some woman criticising Islam from the outside as it were.
  15. Yeah, it should have been called: Batman Returns... or does he?
  16. I wouldn't mind another SW film in principle but it should blatantly fly in the face of the EU crap just to annoy people who whine about canon and stuff. Also instead of being in the SW universe it would be in the Firefly universe and the characters wouldn'y be teh SW chracters, they would be Malcolm Reynolds and company.
  17. What do you mean by that?
  18. She makes valid and reasonable points but since she isn't muslim and there is no indication as to whether she is even arab or in the middle east at the time of broadcast, it isn't anything special.
  19. Yes, but you must turn it off.
  20. It would be greatest movie of 1998 had it not been for the hilarious fishoutofwater/buddycop/letslaughatracialstereotypes/kung fu movie, Rush Hour.
  21. Saving private ryan was really boring after the beach landing but then picked up again toward the end. Shakespeare in love had boobs.
  22. Honey, I Brought About The Apocalypse.
  23. OMG, its an effect of the island!! The fake homeless clothes and beards and stuff - excellent swerve. I guessed it when Claire started having the flashbacks but i thought it was too insane to be true. I guess zeke wasn't lying when he said that it was their island.
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