I'd say it was average... bordering on yawnfest.
1. Yes, the film's premise is derivative of 1984. (heh, John Hurt plays the leader.)
2. I guess Hugo Weaving as V was good since he had to act through the mask. Portman was decent although her accent was terrible.
3. Pretentious and grandiose dialogue posing as witty and complex... like the Matrix sequels! ) (screenplay by wachowskis)
4. Bald portman looks like a post Ceaucescu Romananian orphan boy.
5. Two action sequences... bullet time... again but blowing things up to 1812 overture was amusing.
6. Principal characters were somewhat fleshed out - the "bad" guys were 2D. Still, I didn't care enough for any of the chracters to desire a particular outcome.
7. Story... mediocre.