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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Nasal quality.
  2. Don't be so sure Laozi, after all we didn't get a statement from the goat.
  3. http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4748292.stm Laugh and then possibly discuss, please don't ban me! :ph34r:
  4. The saturation is just really low, there is colour but only just. The site has a section speculating on who the potential baddies are due to all the fan gossip.
  5. Anybody read The Third Policeman? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4746918.stm
  6. You speculated wrong: http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/
  7. How long did that take?
  8. Raimi may be messing with us. Would the real black costume just look like a giant baby-gro? Maybe his costume starts of like it does in the pic and then the symbiote takes over and changes it.
  9. Spider-Man been caught in an oil slick!!
  10. Short answer - Yes.
  11. Has to be Roger...
  12. Look, its a moderator spamming.
  13. I think what pixies means to say is that everyone on this board is potentially eligible for membership. It doesn't mean they'll actually get in for sure. Oh and we are not a gang.
  14. Oh yeah thats what i meant, (flight of phoenix???) Yes that episode looked good. The blindfold sparring was ok too...
  15. The name rings a bell but i can't remmber what bit that was.
  16. The song: Too similar to Batman. I suggest to keep it batman influenced but like make it more different.... if thats any help. EDIT: Awesome work LL umm i better go edit some stuff... oh i guess i already did :D
  17. There were several Animatrix shorts. Flight of the Phoenix looked nice. The origin stories were good... the rest? Arty farty crap with a sprinkle of the philosopho-babble that infested the sequels.
  18. You still don't know.
  19. What the hell? Oh right, phew.
  20. It could be a "single bound" but it looked pretty controlled. That and before it aired Tom Welling was saying Clark finally flies. He has the ability to fly for sure - levitating while sleeping, flying while he was evil kal-el in search of the stones at the start of the "stupid season". Now he can control it, ay least i think so.
  21. Well its implied he can fly. He flew in the death ep.
  22. jibe.
  23. That Blu-Ray issue has been resolved, so its one less obstacle for PS3's launch.
  24. She has a kid wth Pete Ross i think, and she knows, but there was recent revamp so i don't know if that is still "canon" Smallville could kill lana if the writers had any balls but they have to cater for their The WB audience, which is teen girls and Hades.
  25. Hmmm, more like T-800 at the end of T2. No wait, Like Spock at the end of Wrath of Khan. Actually I guess its kinda like Obi Wan in A New Hope. I suppose it bears a passing resemblance to Aslan in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Oh wait! Tsk, Tsk, silly me for forgetting . You know what Jim's situation reminds me of? The bearded guy at the end of that film with all the whipping.
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