Oh man!! OK then.. the kid swears a lot while trying to play Unreal tournament or something. I think it takes him a while to get on a server and then he gets killed.
EDIT: I don't like that wink Silver, it implies that I have first hand experience of that kind of thing.
I'd assume laughing at Aquaman in general.
Oh and i'd take lana over lois, I'd still hit it with lois but her stroke face and silicone sandbags let her down.
Also R&D, fixed capital and initial marketing campaign are one off costs. After they are recovered the price should go down (depending on how the costs are amortised)
$800 is the supposed manufacturing cost per unit. Even if that amount was 100% confirmed as being accurate it shouldnt be confused with the actual retail price. Xbox and 360 are loss leaders. No reason for thinking that Sony wouldn't follow suit and release the PS3 at a competitive price... and so as a result I predict the games will be pretty expensive, especially when factoring in the cost of Blu Ray discs.
Munich is a far better "message" film in that it doesnt try to force a particular view on the audience. The oil barons and the patsy in Syriana were ridiculous.
There have been two peaceful demonstrations in London on the saturdays since that first stupid one.
As for the idiots in the first demo, at least one was sent back to jail since he was on probation for drug dealing. The others are under investigation.
Yeah, where did $800 come from? or is that a "joke"?
Anyway, the original BBC article:
Another article which suggests Blu Ray issues could be holding PS3 back.