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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Lego Pong.
  2. Captain Death approves.
  3. shell-like = ear, word in your ear. friendly aside
  4. Yeah the uniforms are individual, since we basically are a collection of heores that have teamed up to fight the bad guys of the net and then decided to remain together after our first perilous "save the universe from destruction" encounter.
  5. Btw we do actually have a female member, but she is currently far off in a distant galaxy fighting hordes of Liz'B'Ahns from the Planet Hipp-Au'Krit. Her name? none other than: ASTRONINJA LASS
  6. Actually lets have more than 2 extra members. We'll need all the help we can get, btw are you still The Atomic Kid?
  7. Meta was on hiatus, he is catching up. It wasn't him who necroposted. There is no such thing as necroresponding :p The scope of this thread has expanded vastly beyond the potential of the original remit.
  8. Oho, shame! guess i was wrong!
  9. It seems Mothie made a boo boo. May i remind all simulations of the following caveat? I'll start, -10 T.O.M.B.S. points to Mothman for overstepping his bounds
  10. I'm surprised at the number of people here who dont have cellys or havent integrated them with their respective souls. I love and hate the things.
  11. wait... does that special girl wear glasses and have red streaks in her hair?
  12. Lovesickpuppy. I dont mean to tease you, you are a good kid but i feel Lovesickpuppy sums you up nicely.
  13. Not proven. EDIT: drunk texting rocks!!
  14. This was suggested a while ago, due to Drunk Eldar mistyping his name. I tired to make it stick but failed. Howver i suggest a modification - Lovesickwolf. cool, right?
  15. Wow, you get around. I honestly don't mean any offense with my extremely irreverent sense of humour.
  16. Unconventional, but thats the theme. Blank gets extra points becuase i was thinking about this recently, i even spotted Ender lurking here a few days ago. My thoughts - the old mod guard is no longer in service (fio and GM notwithstanding) Nur ab Sal hasn't posted in months (last active on 20th Nov last year - coincidentally mine and pixies' birthday ) Is he on permanent moderation or even banned? Ender's reason for leaving is no longer applicable, the times have changed. His point has been made he could return with out losing (much) face. Unless he is waiting for some kind of apology.
  17. put some rohypnol in the melted chocolate and have some duct tape handy.
  18. That is uniquely disturbing yet arousing. Yeah that what i should have wrote in the "explain your name thread"
  19. 50 Cent is a good product he is also clever enough to realise his erratic yet largely mediocre talent won't fool people forever so he is raking in the money by slapping his name on every POS merchandise available.
  20. YEs i'm a lesbian, did i mention that i am a woman who likes women? This thread sucks, everything sucks it should be blown up, please top bugging me i need the attention, by the way i like women. Wait ^that is like fifty times longer than what i usually write.
  21. Hey guys! I'm a chick!
  22. He hasn't stalked her long enough to find out her foibles.
  23. I... I don't understand, did you know the answer all along? Were you testing us?
  24. I may have the answer, http://www.transfans.net/comics_guide_detail.php?id=638
  25. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4700414.stm HA! take that free speech!
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