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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. They aren't allowed. LA pretty much cut off post release support.
  2. Whoah! 2004 called and said it wants its complaints back!
  3. Starting your own birthday thread should result in an instant ban... and probably a kick in the nuts too, if it was possible.
  4. Yesterday I watched Cowboy Bebop: Knocking at Heaven's Door (or something). One question... Is Edo a retard?
  5. So now its a slightly less mysterious conspiracy...
  6. I thinks its a conspiracy! They are trying to confuse us in an attempt to molest us while we are not looking...
  7. Huh? That person is not new... whats going on?
  8. On the subject of Paris and Parisians: 'Paris Syndrome' strikes Japanese A bit old... but still funny.
  9. While the "shred-off" was the high point of an otherwise abysmal song it was still pretty cheesy.
  10. If you succeed with your second (optional) resolution, you will definitely succeed with your first: smoking is
  11. Be more of a bully to people at work and meaner to people in general. I would like to be a male version of that Meryl Streep character in The Devil Wears Prada.
  12. It's only as accurate as your own ability allows you to, that's in terms of the wii atleast. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What games have you got/played?
  13. Children of Men = Dystopic future setting + heavy-handed artsy fartsy lefty social commentary + random and slighty ambiguous ending. bleh bleh bleh.
  14. So in your country you must be on TV just to date the easy women? Wow, thats tough... P.S. Drabs, millionaire was/is popular everywhere!
  15. The Toyota looks like cheap nasty plasticky crap.. although I do realise its a concept. What's the point of a hybrid car? Is it to be more environmentally friendly? If so, the 3.5L engine kinda negates any potential benefit.
  16. How many of you went to church?
  17. He actually mentions Eddie Murphy in that song. No doubt referring to this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kP35jI7Go
  18. Screw Christmas! Christmas killed James Brown!! :angry: Also my family and I aren't Christian so we sort of observe the festival with a detached amusement. Correct!! We don't want to know! )
  19. He had prostrate cancer too.
  20. I hope Hiro dies... painfully.
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