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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Noob Saibot = Tobias Boon spelt backwards, a dev and the guy that would pop up and shout "TOASTY!!" in a high pitched voice if you didi loads of uppercuts or something. If games in general appear dumber today its because the gaming market is massive. In order to maximise sales i would assume a game would have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This is irrespectve of console or PC.
  2. So many things wrong - that South Park episode helps alleviate it somewhat. I hope that greek guy is just with her to try and gain a foothold in her dad's business. BABY, I'M SCARING MYSELF!!!
  3. really? i first read about him 5 years ago, he's still doing it - that is insane.
  4. Its not water its this stuff called synthol, that guy is a complete dick. Wtf is the point of artificially mutilating your arm?
  5. wh... bu... if i stop being gross i jsut stop being
  6. Do eeet!! Do eeet now!!! His veins are thicker than his willy.
  7. But look at the veins!!!
  8. I'm not saying its not a sport because of the steroids. Benned performance enhancing drugs are a problem in many sports. Bodybuilding isn't a sport because its wholly subjective. Its dependant upon the whim of the judges, there is little skill involved. However that does not mean to say the guys don't work hard, they train intensely and make themselves grotesque in the vain hope that their look will satisfy the judges.
  9. Powerlifting is a sport, olympic weightlifting is a sport, competitive bodybuilding is a trumped up beauty pageant.
  10. Does that say musclefag? Oh and bodybuilding isnt really a sport.
  11. the good thing about the internet is that potentially anyone can express their views. the bad thing about the internet is that potentially anyone can express their views
  12. No thats cos GL couldnt decide how lightsaber fights would go, first they weighed 50lbs, then they realised that that means boring fight. Also in PT Jedi were at height of powers so had many graceful flashy styles and Vader lost mobility once he became a cyborg... or something
  13. that would be odd since Arnie is Austrian "
  14. His thighs are probably bigger than you
  15. Well duh - soccer focuses on legs. The NFLers just get built so they can feel each other up on the field.
  16. Yes. Why? I also happen to speak British in a British accent.
  17. They'll do it with their Blu Rays too.
  18. given all a PSP can do its surprising it didnt come with a hard drive. That Datel one is stupid. Someone will probably release a flash based drive soon enough.
  19. Bloodlines, getting a little bored with it.
  20. This seems liek a spastic derailment - sorry. Sony put out a patch that removes the rootkit problem. The rootkit is of benefit to some people though as it allows hiding of cheat programs so WoW players can "hax" without the warden finding out
  21. Its a very blurry line which makes it very difficult to judge. I dont agree with fulll free speech.
  22. All hail the harsh cold consonants of germanic languages! Btw even I understood the Latin in Passion and i have never studied it. That is a testament to Latin's presence in scientific terms.
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