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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Again i must say no - as she was a crap character. I would say a "spock at the end of wrath of khan" moment. Although nowhere near as poignant.
  2. Due to the different reboots and and stuff Brainiac is either human a kryptonian articificial intelligence or this other alien race (green skin yellow hair) I figure smallville are going with kryptonian. I predict that somewhere along the line Brainiac will merge with Lex - only because its been done in comic and cartoon.
  3. did you lose them?
  4. I thought of mentioning that exact same moment...
  5. Well they arent red shirts in teh context of the the whole series.
  6. They probably thought that this would be the last screen incarnation of firefly/serenity so killing off two memebers added drama.
  7. You are their leader hades!!!! Also - shame on Lovewolf and withteeh for not knowing The Truth
  8. I hate cheerios.
  9. One way to describe smallville is a mix of dawson's creek and x files, a lot of the time there is too much dawson's creek. The x files thing gets old... fast. What is good IMO are the action scenes; superman doing superman stuff; uncovering a version of the superman mythos; appearances of DC characters and hot babes. Even though spike is credited as playing brainiac and he's doing all that T1000 stuff, he did arrive in the same ship as the disciples of zod and the ship had the same "Z" kryptionian insignia taht was tattooed on the female disciple's back. It might be an amalgamated character. Btw who thought Carrie Fisher looked like the Joker last week?
  10. nah that was manipulating the thing in you ear canal that helps you determine balance.
  11. Danielle has a rifle - if by rifle you mean "long" gun.
  12. Thank you. You are a nice mod.
  13. no, you didnt bother reading the article did you?
  14. yes :D but they were chinese! and it wasnt called tae kwon do hustle you saying they all look the same or something?
  15. So? 1 goal is a lot, its not like american sports where teams score dozens of points. Damn that world cup must have been so fixed, how the fark did korea get to the semi final
  16. Shouldnt this all be in that other thread?
  17. As an example can somebody provide the name of a game for PC made by a small dev house that has gone on to be successful? Made in the last few years. I'm not being provocative it is just that two people so far have mentioned the scenario without giving a specific example.
  18. either way, ana's gun was fired.
  19. Pfft, turtles can be eaten, why can't they be blown up?
  20. Umm yeah, the gunshot is loud and distinct.
  21. I read something like that too. The thing is what would be the point? Ana killed shannon - sayid resents her and the tailies. Thats enough from which to build.
  22. They were talking about accents and so was i.
  23. what a waste of a bullet. Well we now know that the whispering is real or maybe they are suffering from some kind of gas induced mass hallucination. The shannon flashbacks were an attempt to make us care about her and give her death more impact - the attempt failed. I s walt dead? why is he wet when he appears?
  24. there are more than you realise, they are mostly straight to video, mostly because they aren't any good.
  25. At first i thought you were talking about your boyfriend's wife . A lot of the current crop of adult gamers grew up with games. Despite being kids many still play adult oriented which are paid for by parents.
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