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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Ah, I stand erected.
  2. Mr Schu
  3. was lemmy ever pretty? with that thing on his face.
  4. Its actually: Don't make me kill you! no "have to" probably intended to foreshadow "don't make me destroy you" but the delivery is slightly off - and maybe annie should have said destroy. Fisher got ugly cos of the drugs and booze and smoking.
  5. Thats nothing, keep an eye out for her smallville cameo.
  6. Be ashamed, be very ashamed.
  7. ... carrie fisher now though -
  8. Most of those are from the effing books! urgh.
  9. when she finishes her dissertation - next year.
  10. There is an audience for everything.
  11. What are you implying??? (you may have a point <_<)
  12. Errr no... she's pregnant. Luke does stride in to Jabba's palace, casually force chokes the gammorean guards; brushes aside bib fortuna with his old jedi mind trick and struts right up to Jabba. All the while never breaking step.
  13. ^ Actually thats a more valid point. It is a rather weak card.
  14. AGP? well then it should be compatible with a mobo form a couple of years ago
  15. Oh yeah!!?? well the entry has to be a max of 500 words, not the entrant can be up to 500lbs.
  16. I did - i also used slo mo and zoom a lot during the jabba's palace and sail barge scenes "
  17. I'll have a go, but am i allowed to take part?
  18. * Fallout 2 (1998) * Planescape: Torment (1999) * Icewind Dale (2000) * Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter (2001) * Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Trials of the Luremaster (2001) * Icewind Dale II (2002)
  19. You've lost me.
  20. If i had emotions i would be upset, Eldar
  21. I must act as a counterbalance to your zeal.
  22. Symantec anti-virus, extremely light on resources and unlimited updates.
  23. British passport on offer. Comes with woman, slightly used.
  24. I am going to download the DVD of movie and seed it as much as possible.
  25. Yes it is funny, it has also been around for a while, observe: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ite=gangsta+rap
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