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Everything posted by Humanoid

  1. Haven't visited their store yet, but I like Epic more now.
  2. It's best to do it during a double XP event though so you can ignore the generic sidequests (which are identical for all characters) and just do the story stuff.
  3. Given that we (Spurs) been in relegation form for the past few months, it would be an understatement to say my flabber has been gasted. If you offered me this outcome at the start of the season - or hell, during any point of it - I'd have swallowed you whole. Being CL finallists is something I genuinely thought I'd never see in my lifetime. And while I'm obviously happy with the situation, I'd hope the team have higher ambitions than I do. Oh well, we'll see in a few weeks, and I'm genuinely considering a huge hedge bet to take the edge off. As for the PL, shame about not taking the 3rd place spot that was all but shoved in our faces on the last day, but as all four CL spots (or indeed five it it ends up that way) go straight into the group stage, it makes no difference other than "only" a few million quid in prizemoney. But if this summer window goes the same way as the last one, I'd expect another wave of London riots.
  4. Image retention is often conflated with burn-in. One is temporary, the other is permanent. To be sure, both can still happen on both (later) plasmas and OLEDs, but it takes some serious abuse to make it permanent. Using the brightest possible "torch" settings intended for shop displays can exacerbate the issue.
  5. I want another counter next to the reputation and post counter, showing how many times in total the user has edited any post.
  6. @Phenomenum @LadyCrimson @Gfted1 Yeah, on other Invision boards, the cover photo is directly to the right of the Edit Profile button - the one in the light-coloured area. So it looks like it's not enabled for us plebs. (The Cover Photo is the beige image behind the button, so only something people see if they look at your profile) If enabled it should looks something like this:
  7. A tricky subject I guess since technically people explicitly paid for them so hiding them needs to be an optional feature rather than a global change. That said, it's one of the easier things to address since you can just block them with an adblocker.
  8. Cookies seem to last for like, 2 hours.
  9. You can copy a quote block that's inside the editor box by using the right-click menu of the quote block header, that is, the bit that says "X minutes ago, Y said:" If the quote is the only thing in the textbox, good ol' Ctrl-A Ctrl-C works too. EDIT:
  10. Hit Shift-return instead.
  11. The announcements section seems to be pulling some very old ones instead of what we used to get in the sidebar (not that those weren't also old).
  12. Figures that happens after I buy and play the original version for all of half-an-hour. Didn't have time to form an opinion on it, but it's been several months since - indeed it's been several months since I powered on the PS4P at all. Given that I've used the console for maybe a collective dozen hours over the course of ten months, not one of my smarter purchases so far.
  13. Back to For The King again for the first time this year - in co-op of course. Looks like there have been some nerfs to the difficulty which sits just fine with me. Previously it felt like even the easiest difficulty was balanced around earning unlocks by failing campaigns until you get some decent locations and special gear unlocked. There's also a House Rules setting which allows you to set a custom difficulty, essentially, from easier than the easiest setting, to literally impossible. The other good thing of course is that additional content continues to be added for free. The "new" sea campaign was released last year, but, well, it's new to me. Not convinced by sea combat mechanics just yet though there've been limited realistic opportunities to try. P.S. The swamp terrain continues to suck the joy out of playing that particular section of the game though. I get that severe movement penalties over swamps is a staple of strategy games, but it really needs to bugger off for good for the sake of fun gameplay. P.P.S. Very close to stopping my WoW sub once again. I'm very on-and-off with it anyway these days but I think I've pretty much seen all I can for now. Good thing with tokens though is that it's trivial to stop and then start again when new stuff is added. I haven't paid a cent for the game via any channel since the upfront purchase price for Legion which was what, three years ago?
  14. Finished the "Pebberley Island" DLC for Two Point Hospital. The first level was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. The second one was very interesting, being the first outdoor hospital. The third level was a godawful abomination. Like, a completely standard hospital except the patients come in waves. As an overall product, Two Point Hospital I liked well enough. But I don't think I can justify buying the DLC anymore, at least not without deep discounts or in an eventual bundle. I'd rather them just move on and make Two Point Park or Two Point Tower or Two Point Zoo, etc.
  15. Disclaimer: have yet to buy a new fancy OLED TV or anything like that, but from what I've seen in the stores it's still, in my eyeballs anyway, an issue. Maybe not as bad, but still there. OLED is an emissive technology, which is to say, each pixel produces its own light. When the pixel is black - i.e. off - it produces no light whatsoever, hence true black. If you have an OLED TV turned on but showing nothing, in a completely dark room, you won't see a thing. LCDs, no matter if they're TN, VA or IPS and whether they're marketed with fancy terms like LED or QLED, operate using a backlight, and while on expensive models the backlight can be turned down, it's never truly off and therefore you will always see a grey rectangle in the dark room test. QLED probably exists mostly because Samsung has too much pride to licence OLED technology from local rivals LG, whereas the Japanese companies in Sony and Panasonic have relented and now purchase their panels from LG. All that said, a side effect of OLED not having a backlight is that its peak brightness is somewhat lower than older technologies, but this shouldn't be an issue unless you're regularly watching TV in a room constantly flooded with huge amounts of bright natural light.
  16. Saw a Twitter-sized version of the photo above, and if I hadn't heard the news previously I wouldn't even have noticed anything amiss. So, that's a good thing I guess?
  17. I look forward to The Sims 5 in Frostbite.
  18. Bought the Pebberley Beach DLC for Two Point Hospital. At $10 or so for 3 maps, it's objectively pretty poor value, but the game scratches an a persistent itch in the way nothing else around does at the moment, so I paid it. Also let my Humble Monthly sub go through solely for Mutant Year Zero, though I don't plan to play it just yet. Almost certainly going to pause it this month though since AC Origins is a nothing game for me.
  19. If it was just DA3 but with co-op enabled I'd totally be into it. But just like Bethesda, they don't understand that we just want a small-scale 2-4 player experience with friends, not the entire world. Only Larian seems to get that.
  20. Eyyy. Feels like 5 years since I last read the WOT board too.
  21. Presumably they were referring to modern Bob Dylan, plagued by plagiarism controversies and winning retrospective awards only for stuff done decades ago.
  22. Borderlands is a series I think I might be able to enjoy if it had no loot or any sort of inventory system at all, really. Fun art style, interesting classes, presumably solid shooting mechanics and physics, and all optimised for co-op which is my bag. I just hate inventory management.
  23. Yeah, going from a TN panel to another TN panel isn't going to yield meaningful improvements in colour accuracy. That's not to say that the panels will perform identically, but you're still going to be limited by the inherent weaknesses of the technology. It's also possible that the AOC comes with better out-of-the-box settings than your old Asus, but I wouldn't bet on it at this price range. I'd also consider investing in a colorimeter, something like this Colormunki or SpyderX Pro would be decent mid-range options. That said, the value of one goes up the more monitors you have, as colour matching is rather more important if you're using more than one display at the same time since it's nearly impossible to get them to match up just by eyeballing the settings. P.S. When choosing between VA or IPS, you will generally find that IPS has better colours but VA has deeper blacks. This is why VA is generally preferred in TVs.
  24. Haven't followed this whole kerfuffle too closely, but it's no surprise. I find myself thinking about what the best BioWare game of the past decade is and - oh god, it's SWTOR isn't it? I find that somewhat telling. Wind back to the decade previous and it's a lot more open. BG2 and ME1 are the jewels in the crown. I guess KoTOR has a shout I suppose but I'm not as hot on it personally. That said, I'm very lukewarm about NWN and DA1 so I won't pretend it was a hit factory even then.
  25. Somehow I missed the initial hints that this might be happening so it's a complete bolt from the blue for me. Which makes it all the more pleasurable. And yes, they should do this for their entire back-catalogue of games. Get Microsoft to fund it by telling them it'll make it easier to port to Windows Phone. I assume the motivation behind this is that Josh can now age in turn-based time.
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