Cool stuff Hurlshot. Just remember, your fingers are going to hurt a lot. That's not a sign you should stop playing though, the more you abuse them the tougher they'll get and then you'll find they suddenly no longer hurt.
That's what I've heard, although I heard electrical is not as hard on the fingers as acoustic. I also heard classical guitars (because of nylon strings or something?) are easier too, but my goal is electric so I figure no need to start on something different.
Ideally, it's probably best to start on an acoustic because generally speaking they're harder to learn on, making the transition to electric seem pretty easy, but there's nothing wrong with starting on an electric.
The best advice I can give you, as simple as it sounds, is not to give up. Every now and then (it happens more often when you're just starting out) you'll come across something that just seems impossible. For myself, I had a hard time learning barre chords. You'll find yourself saying "my fingers just won't move fast enough" or something along those lines, but the trick is to do everything very slowly, and very accurately. Anyone can build up enough dexterity to play the guitar, it may just take some longer than others.