I think it'd be cool if ranged characters could take cover behind a crate, or peer around corners. It could add like +4 to defense or something. It'd also make for some pretty looking fire fights.
Not really mine either. The only reason I like Brothers in Arms (other then the fact that I'm a WWII junkie) is the control you have over some of the guys. Personally, I don't really like CoD2's single player because of the run and gun action. The multiplayer is fun though.
I see your point, but they have released a lot of good games.
Splinter Cell(s)
Brothers in Arms (I know not many peopel on the forum like them, but I do)
Rainbow 6
Ghost Recon
And that's just some I can think of at the moment.
I coach hockey, I've got 8 of them, every Sunday morning from 8AM till 12, aged between 4 and 6, they're not bad. But by 12 I'm ready to give 'em back.