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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. hamburger cause hotdogs are like made of pig's eyes and stuff.
  2. I've been playing Gears of War online still. That game is probably the best co-op game out right now.
  3. Nah, despite being sold out there were about 10 extra seats in the theater.
  4. Well, I think that the guy might be innocent, and that the judge will probably feel like a jerkhead if the guy is executed and then proven innocent. There was a story on the news a few days ago about some guy who was charged with the murder+rape of some girl, and put in jail for like the rest of his life. 18 years later some peice of hair on the girls shirt proves him innocent.
  5. I saw the new Harry Potter movie last night. It was the fifth one in the series. It was sold out, so we had to buy tickets to that new disney movie, and then shuffle into the Potter theater. It was a decent book-to-movie transition, and I'm happy I went, but they did leave out a bunch of the stuff from the book.
  6. No, not innings. Innings only involve two teams. There are 3 major teams in the war of consoles.
  7. By then everyone will already have a 360, and M$ wins again! They lost the last round How so? The playstation 2 sold 120 million units worldwide. The Xbox sold 24 million units. The Gamecube sold over 21 million. Wouldn't that be the last match? Because each generation is like a match. And each match has rounds.
  8. By then everyone will already have a 360, and M$ wins again!
  9. What does it represent?
  10. I was watching something about this on the History Channel once. And their leader was speaking to the camera, explaining why they were so much better then every other race. And as the camera pans out, you see that he's sitting in a trailer park, beer cans on the floor, his jeans have 23 holes in them, and he's talking about them being successful. The house they lived in was no bigger then the shed in my backyard, with some crappy couch and some 1960s TV. It's sad, cause they showed one of the guy's kid, and he was probably around three or four, and they were teaching him things like "Who are the bad people?" and of course he'd answer with that word for black people. Then there was my favorite one..."Where does Adolf Hitler live?" and the kid goes "My heart".
  11. guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the new harry potter is out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i herd about it i was like
  12. So if I have a box, and I put a spoon in it, and I say "There is one spoon in this box", I'm wrong? I'm confused.
  13. Well Lair comes out August 13 or 14 or something, but I doubt a dragon game will be enough to sell the system to most people. Except Tale. I can see Tale buying a console just so he can ride dragons.
  14. Way to quick. First shoot them in the shins, then the knee caps, then the shins, then the knee caps, then take them to a hospital, tell them they are going to jail, then shoot them in the shins, then the knee caps then the shins...
  15. I still want to see that. Maybe this weekend.
  16. frick you jerkhead

  17. But you can get Gears of War and CHAINSAW people in HALF!
  18. My 360 had to be shipped out a few months ago for repairs. I had it back within two weeks of shipping it, brandy new.
  19. How does this bot have 68 posts?
  20. Hey, I started rock climbing last summer, and I noticed a huge improvement in my hockey game fairly quickly. My upper body strength skyrocketed, but I think my balance has improved as well. I've never had the self-discipline to lift weights consistently, so I definitely recommend climbing as an alternative. Unfortunately it's not available everywhere. There's actually an indoor rock climbing place about 20 minutes from my house. I'll look into that.
  21. I've never played BG either. Infact, the only RPGs I've ever played are KotOR 1 and KotOR 2.
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