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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Yuusha, amounts of soldiers don't matter when you can go to the MOON! Obviously you have not heard about America's new space elevator. Or our ray-guns. You need to take a second and think about the massive damage a ray-gun can do.
  2. Copy and pasting speeches written by some dude in a crappy rock band! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM HIM?
  3. Well if he isn't from the country, he shouldn't be complaining cause we can nuke his ass back to the Stone Age? Just like we did to those Japanese guys in WWII! Man it'll be so sweet! That's like the biggest firework EVER.
  4. Wait, Yuusha, why don't you just leave the country?
  5. what!? I GREW UP WITH QUAILMAN! I still remember the theme song:

    doo da doo da doo da doo doo doo da da doo do do doo doo do do doo do doo do do do da da da doo da doo doo do doo do do do do da (bark bark)

  7. Okay, so why do they hate us? Cause our president choked on a pretzel? Do these guys worship the almighty pretzel?
  8. There's one out for the Simpsons too.
  9. Yeah, I think "Pro" is just a name that stores like EB and Gamestop throw around. As far as I know Microsoft lists these 3 types of packages, Core, Premium, and Elite.
  10. Xbox 360 is not some rare Egyptian artifact. Just buy it and don't throw it off a roof or anything, and you should be fine.
  11. I have mine tucked away inbetween a TV and a DVD player, and I still haven't had any problems. I've left mine on overnight too and nothings happend.
  12. remember when i had that mario avatar? and you flipped out and made me change it?

    I remember that. Frig you Darque. Frig you.

  13. frig you dirtbag

    remember when Darque got mad cause I had that mario icon? what a woman.

  14. You forgot about the "TRUELY EPIC LULZ".
  15. Yeah but sometimes, they have flames. Which makes you run faster.
  16. You left out the best part of the quote, idiot!
  17. you said the same thing when I figured out your name!

  18. I own like, 3 dress shirts. All the other ones are those neat shirts with dragon designs on them!
  19. stop being mass **** and tempting me with your phone number in your away message.

  20. Relaaaaaaaaax

  21. Finished Deathly Hallows. Fight scene was cool Molly Weasly vs. Bellatrix (or whatever) was kinda corny, but still cool. I liked how JK handled Snape. Probably my favorite Potter book. Oh, and maybe it was one of those wounds that didn't have blood going everywhere, it was just mangled. Where as Ron could have sliced himself or something.
  22. stop viewing my profile stalker

  23. Is it just me, or do you just replay the same three games?
  24. Last I ran was a 6:18 in June.
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