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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. ...They are. http://imdb.com/title/tt0770828/
  2. I actually had to look at a screenshot to tell it was a joke. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm dumb.
  3. Krookie


    Horah! I thought you were younger though.
  4. Diet Coke. But only because there wasn't any regular Coke.
  5. Bah! Skipping school cause you stayed up till 3am? Wuss. That was my daily bedtime (if not later) through 9/10ths of my high school career. I like my sleep.
  6. sounds good. what xbl games do you have?

  7. Yeah but the kid is gonna be in this one.
  8. SWEEET. my gamertag is

    Synchroncity, but my 360s in for repairs right now. I'll tell you when I get it back.

  9. You know there making a movie about this thing? http://www.thelegendofhogzillathemovie.com/
  10. I know it is.

    By the way, did you know that I can use up to 400 characters in this comment box? I think that's really amazing because 400 characters is a lot of space and when you are typing you can see the magical love of clams van buren rise into the falling sun when the Japanese guy rides his magical flying desktop computer into the night.

  11. I saw the preview for the new Harry Potter movie when I went to see Pirates 3. It actually looked pretty cool. But even if it didn't, I'd still probably go see it.
  12. How about a save system like the one in Dead Rising? You know, the one where you play for like 6 hours, and then you die once and you start over!
  13. last night I stayed up till like 3AM, so I ditched school today. I'm watching V for Vendetta right now. I love this movie.
  14. Horah!
  15. I saw that. Mew sounded a little gay.
  16. Who's Chris?
  17. hahahaha
  18. I never knew how much I loved my 360, and now that it's gone I feel depressed. And bored. Actually, just bored. edit: aaaaaaaaaaand this is in the wrong topic.
  19. Don't you mean to young?
  20. Went to a party last night, someone had The Hills Have Eyes so I caught a little of that. And the girl sitting next to me. hey-oh!
  21. Coke
  22. I've always thought that fake swearing, even the F*** stuff, defeats the purpose of using the word in the first place. If you wanna act like an internet badass, at least spell out the word.
  23. Krookie


    I didn't even know we had this one.
  24. My sister got a new laptop. I spent most of the day tinkering with it. I don't really like Vista from what I've seen so far.
  25. Krookie


    It's not that I don't like them. I just don't use them that often.
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