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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Halo 3, along with just about everyone else on my 360's friendslist. Single player campaign in short, but the multiplayer's gonna last for a good 5 years I bet. 4 player co-op is awesome.
  2. Krookie


    Well I'll be honest and say I'd never heard of the problem until this minute.
  3. I'm 16-5-1 on Superstar. You know, cause I'm awesome
  4. I'll get Halo 3 post release probably, mainly for 4player co-op.
  5. I hated Lost Planet.
  6. NHL 08. I'm finally figuring out scoring/deking. I want a rematch Hurlshot!
  7. Both of them suck.
  8. Who else has NHL and Live?
  9. Today is sweet so far. Hockey practice was canceled for the first time in who knows how long, giving me my first free-Sunday since mid-July. I've been playing NHL 08 most of the day, which is fun.
  10. NHL 08 with Hurlshot
  11. I'm looking forward to moving into our new town house sometime next week.
  12. I'm living at my grandpas for a few days and I've been mooching off the neighbors for like the past 3 days.
  13. Yes. Army of Two Brothers In Arms 3 Call of Duty 4 Mass Effect
  14. I'm getting it tomorrow, I hope. I like the new 1v1 moves
  15. halo 3?
  16. I bet he knows that. He's probably asking how buggy it is. And I don't remember it being to bad when I played it.
  17. Check the damn system requirements before you buy the game. It's that easy. If you check it, and it won't run on your PC, don't buy the game.
  18. It was apparent to me that Andrew Ryan's look is based on Orson Welles' character from Citizen Kane. Also of note here: Yahtzee's gone on record with his hate for Full Throttle (in his Psychonauts review) so, obviously, Josh Sawyer must now challenge him to a duel. to. the. death. It was apparent to me that he was based on Walt.
  19. Deraldin, you should get a Facebook. That's where my sister got all her books, she bought them used from other students on Facebook's marketplace.
  20. Well Feng, I'm on post moderation, so that's neat.
  21. Replaying Bioshock for the bad ending\
  22. oh, by the way...Andrew Ryan looks a hell of a lot like Walt Disney. Conspiracy!!! they both built fantasy worlds!
  23. You can walk in the 360 version.
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