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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. For your own sake Delaldin, I really hope you're talking about FairyTale over there. :]
  2. Are you saying you sacrifice your social life to play crappy handheld Nintendo games?
  3. hey pixie wtfs up with the ADS forum, I can't log in.
  4. Tale seems to get every game when he wants it. I think you're spoiled. By your parents. At their house. In their basement. Alone.

  6. What the **** did they do to our forum? I used to think "Wow, obsidian is pretty cool cause we don't have those gay ranks here" Now I see "arch mage" next to my name and i'm like wtf man we're gay?

  7. Well what if I said you were just being really, really, really lazy?
  8. Sand the Elite has like a 120 gigs of space, which is ridiculous. I have the 20 gig hard drive and I have 13 gigs left right now, but I've never dropped below 9.
  9. Krookie


    I'm young and innocent and lack facial hair. Or at least enough to go full out mustache.
  10. $50 bucks for 13 months. Comes out to like 3 cents a day or something, but you pay once and your set for the year. Then theres like 6 month and 3 month and 1 month plans too, but the 13 is the best option I think.
  11. Alrighty Pixie, I'll try. The Arcade package comes with, well, arcade games. And that memory card, which is fine if you don't plan on getting Xbox Live. The only reason I say this is because if you do plan on getting Xbox Live, you'll be downloading demos and TV shows and what not, which takes up a lot of space. My 360 didn't come with a hard drive (the Core package), so I got a memory card and did fine. Then I wanted Xbox Live, so a year after I had bought my 360 I got a hard drive and Live. It really comes down to weather or not you want Xbox Live, which is really the only reason I see you needing a hard drive. If you don't think you're getting Live anytime soon, grab the Arcade package and a sweet game and play that. Late on you can pick up a hard drive used, like I did, for $70.
  12. You just summed up every post ever made by Hades. Nice.
  13. That would have been a good one if your English wasn't so terrible. If you're going to call 360 gamers dumb, you might as well spell it right.
  14. Devils lost there new arena opener =[
  15. I saw Superbad with my friend and his grandpa. Talk about awkward.
  16. Doesn't that game get old after a while, or is it that good?
  17. Tale's just trying to be smart by just posting the link and all, and not actually explaining anything.
  18. this is true. Hahah Rangers still suck, even with Gomez and Drury on the the lineup. I think Straka broke his finger too.

  19. Ottawa is crazy. sharks are still holding strong in second place though!

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