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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. More like he's a Wizard noob and isn't an Arch mage yet!!!!!

  2. I lost it just in time for you all to start playing 360. Next time I'm at the mall I'll pick one up, there's a game store about 4 meters from my house but they don't seem to carry the mics. =[
  3. You don't need drugs when you have no friends to do them with.

  4. I've got Ageis Wing if anyone wants to play
  5. Console. Upgrade every 5 or 6 years. For $450 instead of buying a new graphics card every year.
  6. Psyche, I think you're neat Sand!
  7. Sand coming into threads to drop "I want to be funny" posts? AGAIN!?!?!?!?!
  8. I use both too. Well, sometimes. I just think it's annoying for Deadly_EmoKid over there to come in and start bashing the service for no reason.
  9. Nobody loves you.

  10. Anything published post-krookie's birthday.
  11. You mean on the PC where you don't have the benefits of the Dashboard, which lets you use quickchat with friends, download new demos, arcade games, and movies+tv shows? Right. You don't get those things on the PC.
  12. Eh, it's not hard when it's all you do Saturday nights from midnight till 3AM. There's about 8 guys from school/hockey that we get together for a few hours.
  13. bok is FOE69 I think. me and llyranor just played some halo3. That was fun. Sorry I don't have a mic. I lost it when I moved and I have to get a new one. Now that I'm playing with people I sorta want to talk to (I guess), I'll buy one.
  14. Grand Theft Auto had awesome 80s rap songs.
  15. That, or my daddy could buy me one of those nifty gift cards! I hope TMNT isn't rated Teen, I'm not allowed to play those games!
  16. tmnt will be the GRRRREATEST

  17. I'll get TMNT tonight, probably. I'd do it now but I'm in school.
  18. Hahah that gamertag is oldschool. It was Synchoncity anyway. My new one's kyyyyle.
  19. He's definitely getting 10+ this year. I hope.
  20. I know. Yeah so I checked my messages and didn't have a friend request from you. I sent you one.
  21. Next time I'm online, I swears.
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