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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. You said you were getting it Monday though.
  2. But it IS your fault! You don't even KNOW what I went through to get my copy on release date!
  3. I still don't think telling Pixie not to interact with anyone and sit in his appartment playing Fallout until his classes start is a good idea.
  4. Saving the trees in Bioshock.
  5. Did you have a fast red car? That got you hot chicks?
  6. As far as I know college Freshman aren't allowed to have a car during their first year, so parking would have nothing to do with, yet. Or at least that's how it is at my sister's college.
  7. Farewell Pixie, may your love for Pokemon lead you to many nerdy girls, to girls whom you shall bang.
  8. That game has really bad graphics. You should play Bioshock!
  9. http://kotaku.com/gaming/go,-big-daddy/lif....php?mail2=true the most badass thing that ever was, or ever will be.
  10. But the graphics are so good!

  11. Bioshock This game a little more creepy then I thought it would be.
  12. Oh, you're a hockey player? I am.
  13. That's how I got it. I like the Winter Cold or Freeze or whatever the ice one is. That and Incinerate! are always with me.
  14. hey kor did you get Bioshock?

  15. you know what? frig you.

  16. Another Big Daddy will come and get her out, just wait a bit.
  17. Medal of Honor demo was saaawweeet.
  18. Wait, you didn't like Ricky Bobby, but you liked Click?
  19. that depends...are you drunk? ;)

  20. Reeeeeeeelax.
  21. Pop takes everything so seriously, and tries to be all "look at me I know everything about everything!" Just like when he told me they weren't making Dead Rising 2, just because I said that if it had co-op I would crap my pants.
  22. That's so wierd that it won't work on your computer. It's been flawless on my 360.
  23. Bioshock! hooray!
  24. I'll be hyped for Fable 2 when I can have a kangaroo, or a penguin.
  25. I'll be getting my copy shortly...I hope. With any luck EBX will still have a copy of it. I hope.
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